Spanish Sentences using hubo  

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Donde hubo fuego hay cenizas.
Where there is smoke, there is fire.
Ayer hubo un partido de fútbol en el estadio.
Yesterday, there was a football game in the stadium.
Hubo más gente de la que invité.
There were more people than I invited.
Hubo más de 50.000 espectadores.
There were more than 50,000 spectators.
Hubo una plaga de cucarachas en el pueblo.
There was a plague of cockroaches in the village.
¿Hubo daños?
Were there any damages?
¿Hubo alguna complicación durante el parto?
Were there any complications during the delivery?
Ella hubo llamado al presidente de los Estados Unidos.
She had called the President of the United States.
No hubo modo de hablarle.
There wasn't a way to talk to you.
Hubo una boda muy elegante en la catedral el lunes.
There was a very fancy wedding at the cathedral last Monday.
Hubo muchos invitados en el banquete.
There were a lot of guests at the banquet.
No, hubo un vuelo que salió a las diez esta mañana, pero lo perdimos.
No, there was a flight that left at ten this morning but we missed it.
Hubo una explosión.
There was an explosion.
Hubo un accidente.
There was an accident.
Él habría gobernado por más tiempo pero hubo una rebelión.
He would have governed longer, but there was a coup.
¿Hubo una disputa?
Was there an argument?
Fue fácil, él hizo todo, y dado que era mayor que yo no hubo problema.
It was easy, he did everything, and since he was older than me there was no problem.
¿Cuántos heridos hubo en el encierro de ayer?
How many injures were there in the bullrun yesterday?
Hubo una tormenta de nieve anoche.
There was a snowstorm last night.
No hubo daños materiales.
There were no material damages.
¿Hubo gente que se coló en tu boda?
Did anyone crash your wedding?
Hubo muchos heridos durante la manifestación.
There were many injured during the protest.
Hubo una granizada muy fuerte anoche.
There was a strong hailstorm last night.
No hubo condena.
A conviction was not made.
No hubo condena.
A conviction was not made.
No hubo condena.
A conviction was not made.
Hubo héroes y hubo traidores.
There were heroes and there were traitors.
No hubo voto de resolución.
There was no vote for a resolution.
Y hubo algunos problemas.
And there were a few problems.
No hubo juicio ni sentencia.
There was no trial, no sentence.
Pero hubo una excepción.
There was one exception to this.
No hubo votos en contra.
There were no votes against the opinion.
Ayer hubo un malentendido.
There was a misunderstanding yesterday.
¿Hubo una distribución justa?
Was it fair in distribution?
Hubo silencio, un tabú.
There was a silence, a taboo.
No hubo resentimiento hipócrita.
There was no hypocritical umbrage.
Definitivamente hubo advertencias.
These warnings were definitely made.
No hubo tiempo para ello.
There was not enough time.
No hubo fraude o violencia.
There was no fraud or violence.
Hubo resoluciones y debates.
There were resolutions and discussions.
No hubo, afortunadamente, víctimas mortales.
Fortunately, there were no fatalities.
Afortunadamente no hubo víctimas.
Mercifully, no one was hurt.
No hubo tal condena.
There was no such condemnation.
No hubo consulta social o si la hubo fue muy escasa.
There was no, or very little, social consultation.
Pero hubo un reconocimiento común.
There was one common understanding, however.
Hubo incluso una clara reducción.
There was even a visible decrease.
Pero no hubo ninguna iniciativa inmediata.
But there was no immediate initiative.
Por eso hubo que silenciarlos.
That is why they had to be silenced.
Por eso hubo que encarcelarlos.
That is why they have been imprisoned.
No hubo ninguna avalancha de trabajadores.
There was no avalanche of workers.
Ayer hubo otras declaraciones importantes.
Yesterday there were other important statements.
Todo lo más hubo malentendidos.
At most, there were misunderstandings.
La respuesta es no, no la hubo.
The answer is, no, it was not.
Así pues, no hubo que votar.
We therefore did not have to vote.
Hubo una participación relativamente significativa.
There was a relatively strong turn-out.
Sé que hubo muchas víctimas.
I know that there were many victims.
Pese a ello, no hubo modificación alguna.
Nevertheless there was no adjustment.
Hubo, por supuesto, algunos escollos.
Obviously there were a few sticking points as well.
En este tema hubo matices.
There were certain undertones to this issue.
Sin embargo, prácticamente no hubo apoyo.
However, there was virtually no support.
Hubo un resultado financiero muy sólido, hubo una implicación muy clara del Gobierno de Haití y hubo muchos participantes.
There was a very strong financial outcome, there was very clear ownership of Haiti's Government and there were many stakeholders.
Sencillamente, no hubo diálogo apropiado entre las instituciones.
There was simply no proper dialogue between the institutions.
Ciertamente, en Laeken hubo momentos francamente desalentadores.
Of course, there were frankly discouraging moments at Laeken.
Hubo fuertes discrepancias entre los Estados miembros.
There were many disagreements between the Member States.
Ya hubo paz una vez en Chechenia.
There has already been peace in Chechnya once.
Hasta la imprenta no hubo realmente propiedad intelectual.
Until printing there was no real intellectual property.
En aquel momento hubo un acercamiento.
At the time there was a .
Apenas hubo países que salieron ilesos.
Hardly any country emerged unscathed.
¿De veras no hubo conflicto de intereses?
Was there really no conflict of interests?
Hubo pánico, pero consiguieron pagar sus deudas.
They panicked, but managed to pay their debts.
En las tres reuniones hubo discrepancias.
The three meetings showed discrepancies.
Todos sabemos que hubo mucho sufrimiento.
We all know what terrible suffering there was.
El verano pasado hubo una guerra imprevista.
Last summer there was an unscheduled war.

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