Spanish Sentences using pedido  

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Me ha pedido que me case con él, pero... ¡no me ha regalado ningún anillo de compromiso!
He asked me to marry him, but... He hasn't given me an engagement ring!
¿Le preparo el pedido para tomar aquí o para llevar?
Do I prepare your order to eat it here or to take away?
Mi prima le ha pedido a su novio que le dé fecha para la boda.
My cousin has asked her boyfriend to give her a date for their wedding.
Juan no ha pedido nada todavía, pero creo que él pedirá el pescado.
Juan hasn't ordered anything yet, but I think he will order fish.
En el mercado Juan compró más sueteres de los que yo había pedido.
In the market John bought more sweaters than I had requested.
¿Añado algo más al pedido?
Shall I add anything more to the order?
Os he pedido que me ayudarais.
I have asked you all to help me.
Descontento, usted ha pedido el libro de reclamaciones.
Discontent, you have asked for the complaint book.
Claro que le habría dado mi número de teléfono y dirección de email si me los hubiera pedido.
Of course I would have given him my phone number and email address if he had asked for them.
Para recibir el dinero ahorita, sería suficiente que hubieras pedido el préstamo con anticipación.
In order to get the money now, it would be enough that you had asked for the loan in advance.
He pedido un vaso de agua.
I have asked for a glass of water.
Tus amigos han pedido tarta de chocolate para tí.
Your friends have ordered chocolate cake for you.
¿Has pedido mi refresco light?
Have you ordered my diet soda?
Esto no es lo que he pedido.
This is not what I ordered.
Les han pedido muchos requisitos a los aspirantes del puesto.
They've asked the position's applicants for many requirements.
Me han pedido grabar comerciales para muchas marcas.
I've been asked to film commercials by many brands.
Yo no he pedido más tiempo.
I did not ask for more time.
Habíamos pedido una investigación.
We had called for an investigation.
Las hemos pedido a la Comisión.
This is what we asked the Commission for.
No se ha pedido ningún rescate.
No ransom has been demanded.
Esto es lo que he pedido.
This is what I have asked for.
Lo hemos pedido muchas veces.
We asked for that many times.
Hemos pedido esto muchas veces.
We have asked for this many times.
Es lo que le he pedido.
That is what I asked you.
Hemos pedido que se intervenga.
We have asked for intervention.
La Sra. Schierhuber ha pedido la palabra.
Mrs Schierhuber has asked to speak.
Usted ha pedido una política económica coherente.
You have asked for a coherent economic policy.
He pedido el texto para leérselo textualmente.
I requested the text in order to read it out to you.
Por otra parte, ha pedido la palabra.
Besides, I saw for myself that the Commissioner asked to speak.
Señor Esteve, usted había pedido la palabra.
Mr Esteve, you asked for the floor.
Sé que ha pedido una pregunta.
I know that he asked to put a question.
El ponente ha pedido la palabra.
The rapporteur has asked for the floor.
El Parlamento había pedido un presupuesto austero.
The Parliament had sought an austerity budget.
El Sr. Hughes ha pedido un calendario.
Mr Hughes asked for a timetable.
El señor Belet me ha pedido que sueñe.
Mr Belet asked me to dream.
   Ningún otro diputado ha pedido la palabra.
   No other Members have asked to speak.
Los ciudadanos nos han pedido una pausa.
The people have requested some respite.
Algunos de ellos me lo han pedido.
Some of them have asked to do so.
Esto lo ha pedido esta Cámara repetidamente.
This is something for which this House has repeatedly asked.
Por ello he pedido una votación por separado.
Hence my request for a split vote.
No obstante, algunos diputados han pedido la palabra.
Some of my fellow Members have nevertheless asked to speak.
El señor Bonde ha pedido la palabra.
Mr Bonde has asked for the floor.
Hasta hoy, no se han pedido excusas.
To this date, no apology has been made.
Habíamos pedido que fuese un mes.
We had requested one month.
Usted nos ha pedido un mandato.
You have asked us for a mandate.
Me han pedido que prepare este informe.
I have been asked to prepare this report.
La Comisión, entretanto, ha pedido más tiempo.
The Commission, meanwhile, has asked for more time.
En el Parlamento ya hemos pedido propuestas.
We in Parliament have already called for proposals.
Por eso he pedido una nueva ambición social.
That is why I have called for a new social ambition.
(FR) Señor Presidente, he pedido pronunciarme sobre Estocolmo.
(FR) Mr President, I had asked to talk about Stockholm.
Muchos han pedido una Europa fuerte.
Many have called for a strong Europe.
Han pedido que no se reviva el pasado.
They asked for the past not to be revived.
Muchos de ustedes han pedido más Europa.
Many of you have called for more Europe.
El señor Salatto ha pedido la palabra.
Mr Salatto has asked for the floor.
Me han pedido que adopte a Dmitry Bandarenka.
I have been asked to adopt Dmitry Bandarenka.
El Sr. Pasty ha pedido la palabra.
Mr Pasty has asked for the floor.
El Sr. Blak ha pedido la palabra.
Mr Blak has asked for the floor.
El Sr. Henderson me ha pedido la palabra.
Mr Henderson has requested to speak.
El ponente ha pedido la palabra.
The rapporteur has asked for the floor.
Ustedes nos han pedido que hagamos algo.
You have called on us to do something about this.
El Sr. Hatzidakis ha pedido que la retiren, usted ha pedido que la suspendan.
Mr Hatzidakis has said that it should be withdrawn and you have said that we should defer.
He pedido sólo la palabra porque otros la han pedido y me he sentido obligado también a hacerlo.
I rose only because others have now risen and I then feel obliged to do so as well.
Malta y Chipre han pedido su ingreso en la Comunidad.
Malta and Cyprus have asked to join the Community.
Se ha pedido, en vano, que se envíen cartas.
Requests have been made to send letters, but to no avail.
Sí, he pedido al Sr. Sylla que hable más despacio.
Yes, I asked Mr Sylla to slow down.
Señora Presidenta, he pedido intervenir para plantear la misma cuestión.
Madam President, I asked for the floor to raise the same point.

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