Spanish Sentences using tanto  

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Le gustó tanto la película que fue a verla cinco veces.
He loved the movie so much that he went to see it five times.
Nosotros queremos solucionar el problema tanto como usted.
We want to solve the problem as much as you do.
Cuanto más se tiene, tanto más se quiere.
the more one has, the more one wants
Comió tanto que engordó tres kilos.
He ate so much that he gained three kilos.
He insistido tanto que acabó por acompañarme.
I went on at him so much that he ended up coming with me.
No tengo dinero y, por lo tanto, no puedo ir de vacaciones.
I don't have money and, for that reason, I can't go on vacation.
Yo he viajado por muchos países y no es culpa mía que yo sepa tanto sobre estos.
I have traveled to many countries and it is not my fault that I know so much about them.
Yo odiaba tanto la coliflor que me negaba a comerla.
I used to hate cauliflower so much that I refused to eat it.
Con tanto examen pienso si tendré una úlcera.
With so many tests I wonder if I have an ulcer.
¡No saltes tanto, muchacho!
Don’t jump so much, boy!
Tanto el ministro como el consejero se mostraron desorientados.
Both the Secretary and the Councillor looked confused.
Mi perro ladra tanto como tu perrito.
My dog barks as much as your puppy.
Diría casi mitad y mitad. Lo siento tanto en el día como en la noche.
I would say half and half. I feel it as much during the day as at night.
Los argentinos están preocupados, si no Maradona no estaría hablando tanto.
The Argentinians are concerned, if not, Maradona would not be talking so much.
Prefiero ir a esa tienda porque en ésta no tienen tanto surtido.
I prefer to go to that store because in this one they don't have much variety.
Pedro se aburrió tanto durante la película que se durmió.
Pedro got so bored during the movie that he fell asleep.
No bebas tanto champán que luego se te sube a la cabeza.
Don't drink so much champagne, it will affect your mind.
Ella ha cambiado tanto que no la reconocí.
She has changed so much that I didn't recognize her.
Buenos días, quisiera hacer una reserva: la entrada sería el día 6 de marzo y la salida el día 9, por tanto serían 3 noches
Hello, I would like to make a reservation: the first day would be March, 6th and the last one the 9th, so it would be three nights.
Ten cuidado, ¡no te acerques tanto a la jaula de los monos!
Be careful, don't get so close to the monkey cage!
Puedes tomar un vuelo nocturno que no cuesta tanto.
You can take a night flight that doesn't cost so much.
Con tanto examen me pregunto si puede ser que tenga una úlcera.
With so many medical tests, I am wondering if I could have an ulcer.
¡Nunca habíamos estudiado tanto!
We had never studied so much!
Tiene tanto dinero como puede desear.
He has as much money as he can desire.
Nunca nos habíamos divertido tanto como ahora.
We've never had as much fun as we're having now.
Me congelé tanto que quemaba.
I got so cold that it burned (my skin).
Estas corbatas son muy bonitas, pero yo no quiero gastar tanto.
These ties are very pretty, but I don't want to spend so much.
Si no gastara tanto dinero en cigarrillos pudiera comprar más libros.
If he didn't spend that much money in cigarettes, he could buy more books.
En cambio, como mi pelo es muy lacio, puedo cortarme tanto como quiera.
However, since my hair is very smooth, I can cut it as much as I like.
Me ha hablado tanto de usted.
He's told me so much about you
Tanto Yolanda como yo tomamos el café sin azúcar.
Both Yolanda and I drink our coffee without sugar.
De todos los países europeos, Rusia es el mayor tanto en superficie como en población.
Of all the European countries, Russia is the largest in area as well as population.
Dentro de un año va a ganar tanto dinero para poder comprarse una casa.
In a year, he will make so much many to be able to buy a house.
Tanto Juan como María aprobaron el examen.
Both María and Juan passed the test.
No me gusta nada que haya adelgazado tanto. Debería ir a ver a un doctor.
I don't like at all that he got so thin. He should see a doctor.
Tanto me da que me maten como morirme de pena.
It makes no difference to me if they kill me or if I die because of sadness.
¿Cómo te ves dentro de diez años, tanto a nivel personal como profesional?
How do you see yourself in 10 years, personally and professionally?
He oído hablar tanto de usted.
I've heard so much about you.
¿Por qué les gustará tanto hablar de fútbol?
Why do they like to talk about soccer so much?
No deberías fumar tanto.
You shouldn't smoke so much.
Cristina trabaja tanto como Jorge.
Cristina works as much as Jorge.
No hace tanto como yo.
He doesn't do as much as I do.
Unas dos horas, ya que el camino es bastante llano y por tanto permite caminar a buen ritmo.
About two hours, since the path is rather flat and, therefore, it allows walking at a good pace.
El autocar tarda tanto como el tren.
The bus takes as long as the train.
Marilú habla tanto como su papá.
Marilú talks as much as her father.
Mis hermanos se enamoran tanto como tú.
My brothers fall in love as much as you do.
Por lo tanto, la persona que hará los informes no es responsable.
Therefore, the person that makes the reports is not responsible.
Cuanto más ganaba más gastaba.
The more he earns the more he spends.
Juan tiene tanto dinero como María.
Juan has as much money as María.
Las naranjas cuestan tanto como las manzanas.
Oranges cost as much as apples.
Nosotros queremos solucionar el problema tanto como usted.
We want to fix the problem just as much as you do.
tanto como sea posible
as much as possible
No, la tos es muy seca, por eso me duele tanto el pecho cuando toso.
No, it is a very dry cough, that is why my chest hurts whenever I cough.
La televisión puede ejercer influencias tanto positivas como negativas en los niños.
Television may have a positive as well as negative influence on children.
Nos duelen los pies de tanto caminar.
Our feet hurt because of so much walking.
Mientras tanto, la enfermera empuja la silla de ruedas.
In the meantime, the nurse pushes the wheel chair.
¿Qué tanto le molestan los ojos?
How much do your eyes bother you?
La profesora Vélez estudió tanto el turismo como la inmigración en la España moderna.
Professor Vélez studied both tourism and immigration in modern Spain.
Después de trabajar tanto tiempo hay que tomar unas vacacciones.
After working so long you have to take a break.
Nos aburrimos tanto en la fiesta que nos fuimos temprano.
We got so bored during the party that we left early.
No te acérques tanto a ese perro, por favor.
Don't get so close to that dog, please.
Tú siempre te preocupas tanto.
You always worry so much.
Estos conceptos se usan, tanto médica como industrialmente, para controlar a la gente.
These concepts are used, both medically and industrially, for controlling people.
¿Como ahorró tanto dinero? Lo ahorró por no comprar su almuerzo.
How did he save so much money? He saved it by not buying his lunch.
¿Tanto está afectando el desempleo a la economía del país?
How much is unemployment affecting the economy of the country?
Si no me gustara tanto el café, no tendría este problema en la noche.
If I didn't like coffee so much, I wouldn't have this problem at night.
No comprendo cómo puedes dormir tanto.
I don't understand how you can sleep so long.
No debería costarte tanto tiempo prepararla.
It shouldn't take you so long to prepare it.
No debería Ud. preocuparse tanto por lo que ya pasó.
You shouldn't worry so much about what has already happened.
Nos mentimos tanto el uno al otro.
We lied to one another.
No debes flexionar tanto las rodillas.
You shouldn't bend your knees so much.
¡Tanto mejor!
So much the better!
No dejes al bebé tanto tiempo en la cuna llorando.
Don't leave the baby crying in the crib for long.
Esta camisa es muy cara. Yo no quiero gastar tanto dinero.
This shirt is very expensive. I don't want to spend so much money.
Qué tanto por ciento de interés nos produciría la cuenta de ahorros?
How much interest would we get from the savings account?
Cuanto más gana, (tanto) más gasta.
The more he earns, the more he spends.
No te quejes tanto.
Don't complain so much.
¡Tanto peor!
So much the worse!
Tenme al tanto de lo que pasa.
Keep me posted about what's going on.
Ella está enferma de tanto estrés.
She is sick from all the stress
Pienso mandarles una tarjeta de Navidad tanto a ti como a tus padres.
I plan to send both you and your parents a Christmas card.
A mi madre no le ha tomado tanto tiempo, ella ha tenido suerte.
It hasn't taken my mother that much time, she's been lucky.
No sigas haciendo tanto ruido.
Don't keep making so much noise.
¿Por qué estás haciendo tanto ruido?
Why are you making so much noise?
No te acerques tanto a la ventana.
Don't get so close to the window.
No hagas tanto ruido.
Don't make so much noise.
¿Por qué sabes tanto acerca del tema?
Why do you know so much on the subject?
Me gustaría estar al tanto de las novedades.
I like to stay on top of the news.
No te quejes tanto.
Don't complain so much.
¿Por qué te costará tanto decidirte?
Why is it so hard for you to decide?
Deberíamos de inventar un modo de transporte que no haga tanto daño al medio ambiente.
We ought to invent a mode of transportation that doesn't do so much damage to the environment.
Algunas de las pinturas son muy bonitas y hay otras que no me gustan tanto.
Some of the paintings are very pretty and there are others that I don't like so much.
¿Qué es lo que te hace estornudar tanto?
What is making you sneeze?
No lo mimes tanto que lo vas a malcriar.
Don't indulge him so much or you'll spoil him.
Basta ya de molestar con tanto jaleo.
Stop bothering me with so much racket
Deben, por tanto, existir.
They must therefore be provided.
Me parece un tanto peligroso.
I consider that far too dangerous.
"No tanto" contesta el italiano.
'Not so good,' says the Italian.
Por tanto, ¡enhorabuena!
So, once again, my best congratulations!
Por tanto, hemos progresado.
We have therefore made progress.
Probablemente no necesitaré tanto tiempo.
Perhaps I shall not need all this time.
Debemos, por tanto, introducirlo.
Let us therefore introduce it.
¿Qué ocurrirá mientras tanto?
What will happen in the meantime?
¿Por qué tanto jaleo?
What is all the fuss about?!'
Por tanto, he votado a favor.
I have therefore voted in favour.
Por tanto, he votado a favor.
I therefore voted in favour.
Por tanto, he votado a favor.
I am therefore voting in favour.
Por tanto, votaré a favor.
I shall therefore vote in favour.
Por tanto, votaré a favor.
I shall therefore vote in favour.
Por tanto he votado a favor.
I therefore voted in favour.
Por tanto, he votado a favor.
I therefore voted in favour.
Por tanto, votamos a favor.
Hence our vote in favour.
Por tanto he votado a favor.
I therefore voted in favour.
Por tanto he votado a favor.
I therefore voted in favour.
Por tanto, he votado a favor.
I therefore voted in favour.
No tenemos tanto tiempo.
We do not have that much time.
Por tanto he votado a favor.
I therefore voted in favour.
Por tanto, desmotivación interior.
It is therefore demoralising on the inside.
Por tanto, vamos a hacerlo.
That, therefore, is what we are going to do.
Por tanto, trabajamos conjuntamente.
We work in tandem, therefore.
Por tanto, no puedo apoyarlo.
I therefore could not support it.
Por tanto, necesitamos flexibilidad.
We therefore need to be flexible.
Por tanto, puedo aceptarla.
I am therefore able to accept it.
Por tanto, no puedo aceptarlas.
I am therefore unable to accept them.
Por tanto, no podemos apoyarlos.
Hence we cannot support them.
Por tanto, no puedo apoyarla.
Therefore, I cannot support it.
Por tanto, no es baladí.
This is an important matter.
Por tanto, he votado a favor.
I therefore voted in favour.
Ayudemos por tanto a Moldova.
Let us therefore help Moldova.
Por tanto, seamos coherentes.
Therefore, let us be consistent.
Por tanto, apoyamos esta...
We therefore support this ...
Por tanto, he votado a favor.
I therefore voted in favour.
Por tanto voté a favor.
I therefore voted in favour.
Por tanto, no hay prisa.
So there is no hurry.
Por tanto, la repetiré.
Therefore, I will repeat it.
Por tanto he votado a favor.
I therefore voted in favour.
Por tanto, he votado a favor.
Therefore, I voted in favour.
Por tanto, no está claro.
So it is not at all clear.
Por tanto, he votado a favor.
I therefore voted for it.
Por tanto, la OTAN no.
Therefore, it is not NATO.
Por tanto, he votado a favor.
Therefore, I voted in favour.
Por tanto, he votado a favor.
Therefore, I voted in favour.
Por tanto, no hay problema.
There is not therefore any problem.
Por lo tanto, me voy.
Consequently, I am leaving the Chamber.
¿Qué haremos entre tanto?
How is that to be achieved in the time?

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