Spanish Sentences using vamos  

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Vamos a ver a nuestras amigas.
We are going to see our friends. (feminine)
Nos vamos a casar.
We're going to get married.
Vamos a tener que sacar el diente.
We are going to have to pull the tooth.
Vamos a la sección juvenil.
We are going to the junior's section.
Vamos a tener que hacer una cirugía dental.
We will have to perform dental surgery.
Vamos a ponerle tratamiento.
We are going to put you on a treatment.
Vamos a la playa.
We are going to the beach.
Vamos al lago.
Let's go to the lake.
Vamos a la piscina.
Let's go to the pool.
Vamos a tomar el sol.
We're going to sunbathe.
Vamos a tener que hacer un tratamiento de canales.
We are going to have to do a root canal.
Le vamos a dar medicina para bajarle la presión.
We are going to give you medicine to lower your blood pressure.
En agosto nos vamos de vacaciones.
In August we will go on holiday.
Casi siempre vamos a visitar a la familia.
We almost always go visit the family.
Vamos a la playa.
Let's go to the beach.
Vamos a tomar unas radiografías.
We are going to take some X-rays.
Nosotros vamos a tomar un taxi.
We are going to take a taxi.
Vamos a ver a Juan.
We are going to see Juan.
Nosotros vamos a ver al caballo. Nosotros vamos a verlo.
We are going to see the horse. We are going to see it.
Señor García, nosotros vamos a ayudarle.
Mr. García, we are going to help you.
Nosotros vamos a estudiar.
We are going to study.
Vamos al cine el próximo domingo.
We are going to the movies next Sunday.
¡Vamos a bailar (nosotros)!
Let's dance!
Nosotros vamos a investigar el robo.
We will investigate the burglary.
Lo vamos a llevar al Hospital.
We will take you to the Hospital.
El bus llega. Vamos a subir.
The bus is arriving. Let's get on.
Lo vamos a poner en una camilla.
We will put you on a stretcher.
¿Qué vamos a cenar?
What are we having for dinner?
¿A dónde vamos?
Where are we going?
Vamos a París cuando quieras.
We go to Paris when you want.
Lo vamos a llevar al Hospital.
We will take you to the Hospital.
Lo vamos a poner en una camilla.
We will put you on a stretcher.
Vamos a beber café.
Let’s drink coffee
Vamos a beber café.
We are going to drink coffee.
Vamos a comprar sellos.
We are going to buy stamps.
No vamos a beber café.
We are not going to drink coffee.
Vamos a sacarle una radiografía del pecho.
We are going to take a chest X-ray.
La vamos a llevar al hospital.
We will take you to the hospital.
Vamos a reunirnos a eso de las ocho.
We are going to meet around eight.
Dulzura, ¿qué vamos a cenar?
Honey, what's for dinner?
Lo (la) vamos a ingresar.
We are going to admit you.
Nosotros también vamos al colegio.
We also go to school.
Nosotros vamos para la escuela.
We go to the school.
Le vamos a dar medicina por vía intravenosa.
We are going to give you an intravenous medicine.
Nosotros vamos a poder ayudar a los muchachos.
We are going to be able to help the boys.
Vamos a esperar a Susana aquí.
We are going to wait for Susana here.
¿Crees que nosotros vamos a poder ayudar a los muchachos?
Do you think we will be able to help the boys?
La vamos a poner en una camilla.
We are going to put you in a stretcher.
Señor García, nosotros le vamos a ayudar.
Mr. García, we are going to help you.
Nosotros vamos a preguntar al profesor.
We are going to ask the teacher.
Los domingos vamos a la iglesia.
We go to church on Sundays.
Nosotras vamos a la montaña.
We go to the mountain.
Nosotros vamos a la playa.
We go to the beach.
Nos vamos de vacaciones en julio.
We are going on vacation in July.
¿Cuándo vamos a comer? Yo tengo mucha hambre.
When are we going to eat? I am very hungry.
Vamos a comprar zapatos.
We are going to buy some shoes.
Vamos a la biblioteca.
We're going to the library.
Estoy bien. Vamos de compras.
I'm well. Let's go shopping.
Me siento muy bien. Vamos a dar un paseo.
I feel great. Let's go for a walk.
Nosotros vamos a necesitar el dinero mañana.
We are going to need the money tomorrow.
Nosotros vamos a la fiesta.
We are going to the party.
Nosotros vamos a salir del hotel a la una.
We are going to leave the hotel are one o'clock.
nosotros vamos
we go, we're going
Nosotros vamos a ver al avestruz. Nosotros vamos a verlo .
We are going to see the ostrich. We are going to see it.
Nosotros vamos a cargar las maletas. Nosotros vamos a cargarlas.
We are going to carry the suitcases. We are going to carry them.
Nosotros vamos a poner los libros en la mesa.
We are going to put the books on the table.
Vamos a hacer sus lentes hoy.
We will make your eyeglasses today.
¿Vamos al zoológico o al museo?
We go to the zoo or to the museum?
¿Podría usted decirme a qué hora vamos a despegar?
Could you tell me what time are we going to take off?
Vamos a internarlo en el hospital.
We are going to admit you to the hospital.
Nosotros nos vamos a poner el abrigo.
We are going to put on our coats.
En otoño vamos a España.
We are going to Spain in the fall.
Nosotros nos vamos a poner enfermos.
We are going to get sick.
Nosotros vamos a ayudar a los muchachos a limpiar la casa.
We are going to help the boys clean the house.
Nosotros vamos a poder ayudar a los muchachos a limpiar la casa.
We are going to be able to help the boys clean the house..
Señora García, nosotros le vamos a ayudar a limpiar la casa.
Mrs. García, we are going to help you clean the house.
Nosotros le vamos a dar el dinero mañana.
We are going to give him the money tomorrow.
Nosotros se lo vamos a dar mañana.
We are going to give it to him tomorrow.
Nosotros vamos a decir la verdad.
We are going to tell the truth.
¿Podría usted decirme a que hora vamos a despegar?
Could you tell me when we are going to take off?
Nosotros vamos a estudiar los capítulos.
We are going to study the chapters.
Creo que vamos a visitar la ciudad de Toledo.
I believe that we are going to visit the city of Toledo.
Nosotros les vamos a dar el dinero.
We are going to give the money to them.
Nosotros se los vamos a dar.
We are going to give it to them.
El guía dice que vamos a viajar a Sevilla.
The guide says that we are going to travel to Sevilla.
Nosotros vamos a ayudar a Juan.
We are going to help John.
Nosotros lo vamos a ayudar.
We are going to help him.
Nosotros vamos a ayudar a las muchachas a lavar la ropa.
We are going to help the girls wash the clothes.
Nosotros vamos a poder ayudar a las muchachas a lavar la ropa.
We are going to be able to help the girls wash the clothes.
Señora García, nosotros le vamos a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mrs. García, we are going to help you wash the clothes.
Nosotros nos vamos a levantar a las siete.
We are going to get ourselves up at seven o'clock.
Nosotros les vamos a dar el regalo a los muchachos.
We are going to give the gift to the boys.
Nosotros vamos a estudiar en la biblioteca esta tarde.
We are going to study in the library this afternoon.
Nosotros vamos a estudiar en la biblioteca.
We are going to study in the library.
Vamos al aeropuerto por la tarde.
We are going to the airport during the afternoon.
¡No vamos a bailar (nosotros)!
We are not going to dance!
Vamos a divertirnos en la fiesta.
We are going to have fun at the party.
Nosotros vamos a tener que estudiar mucho.
We are going to have to study a lot.
Vamos a salir de vacaciones el próximo viernes.
We're going on vacation this Friday.
No importa. Vamos a llegar al centro en quince minutos.
It's doesn't matter. We are going to get (arrive) downtown in fifteen minutes.
Vamos a deliberar, vamos a decidir.
We will deliberate and take a decision.
¿Vamos a apoyarle?
Are we going to support him?
¿Vamos a excluirlas?
Are we going to exclude them?
Vamos a discutirlo.
We shall be discussing these.
¿Vamos a imitarles?
Are we going to follow in their footsteps?
¿Vamos a liberalizar?
Are we going to deregulate?
Vamos a presentarla.
We are going to present it.
No vamos a pisarles.
We are not going to step on your toes.
Vamos a separarlos.
We are going to decouple this.
No vamos a apoyarlo.
We will not stand for it.
Vamos a comprobar.
We shall have it checked.
Vamos a intentarlo.
We are going to try to do so.
Vamos a comprobarlo.
We will check the situation.
Vamos a hacerlo.
We are going to do so.
Vamos a verlo.
It remains to be seen!
Vamos Europa, vamos Comisión, hagámoslo realidad.
Come on Europe, come on Commission; let's walk the talk.
Vamos a ser valientes y vamos a tomarlas.
Let us be brave and take these measures.
¿Cómo lo vamos a hacer?
How can we do this?
¿Adónde vamos así?
Where is this taking us?
¿Vamos por buen camino?
What should we make of it?
Evidentemente, vamos a rectificarlo.
This will obviously be corrected.
Vamos a cumplir dichas exigencias.
We shall comply with these demands.
Vamos a pasar a las votaciones.
Let us proceed to the vote.
Ahora vamos a votar.
We shall now proceed to the vote.
Vamos a ponernos de acuerdo.
Let us be clear about this.
¿Qué vamos a hacer ahora?
So what are we going to do now?
¿Qué vamos a hacer?
What are we going to do?
Obviamente, vamos a votar a favor.
We shall obviously be voting in favour.
Vamos por ese camino.
We are on the right road.
Vamos por buen camino.
We are on the right track.
¿Sobre qué vamos a hablar?
What do we want to talk about?
Vamos a conseguir resultados concretos.
We shall bring about practical results.
¿Cómo vamos a legislar?
Where does legislation come in?
Vamos a pasar a la votación.
We shall now proceed to the vote.
¿Cómo vamos a hacerlos realidad?
How will we achieve these goals?
Ahora vamos a otorgarles efectividad.
We should now proceed to give it teeth.
Vamos a prestar atención a esto.
We shall pay attention to that.
¿Cómo vamos a hacerlo?
How will we tackle this?
¿Qué vamos a hacer ahora?
What are our next steps?
Pero lo vamos a corregir.
But we will make the necessary corrections.
Vamos a convertirlo en realidad.
We are going to make this a reality.
No vamos a modificar esta postura.
We shall not be moved on this.
¿Vamos a seguir trabajando?
Are we going to continue working?
¿Por qué vamos a hacerlo?
Why are we doing this?
Vamos a reanudar la votación.
We will now continue with the vote.
¿Vamos a imponérselos a nuestros ciudadanos?
Are we going to impose them on our citizens?
- ¿Hasta dónde vamos a llegar?
- How far will we go?
Vamos a votar a favor.
We will vote in favour of it.
Qué le vamos a hacer.
It is just too bad.
¿Qué vamos a hacer ahora?
What are we doing now?

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