Online Spanish / English Dictionary  

Translation type:

Word to be translated:
Some Spanish -> English Translations
  el quitasol - sunshade, parasol
  especia - spice
  anisete - anisette
  químico - chemist
  higienico - hygienic
  enjaulado - caged
  subrayado - underlining
  menta - mint
  signo menos - minus sign
  pánico - panic
  disposicion - arrangement, ordinance, regulation
  el marfil - ivory
  soberanía - sovereignty
  transfiguración - transfiguration
  piel - skin
  cuantoantes - as soon as possible
  mutilación - maim, mutilation
  parco - scantily, scanty
  incompatibilidad - incompatibility
  sartén - frying, frying pan
  media - stocking
  sin huesos - boneless
  anglicanismo - anglicanism
  inaplicable - inapplicable
  puerro - leek
  mantel - tablecloth, table-cloth
  con patas - legged
  desamparo - bereavement
  el lucimiento - brilliance (usually in a figurative...
  vudú - voodoo
  almirante - admiral
  febrilmente - feverishly
  adaptacion - adaptation, adaption, adjustment
  perdón - pardon, forgiveness
  mero - merely, sheerly
  adornos - trimming
  la contraventana - window shutter, storm window
  gallardo - perky
  lanudo - fleecy, shaggy
  apogeo - acme, apogee
Some English -> Spanish Translations
  Spanish Word for cash (n)
  Spanish Word for blanket
  Spanish Word for crash
  Spanish Word for dream (v)
  Spanish Word for bakery
  Spanish Word for button
  Spanish Word for as (if)
  Spanish Word for downtown
  Spanish Word for cute
  Spanish Word for delay
  Spanish Word for athlete (f)
  Spanish Word for central heating
  Spanish Word for empire
  Spanish Word for aloud
  Spanish Word for bib
  Spanish Word for bag
  Spanish Word for emergency exit
  Spanish Word for adult
  Spanish Word for coat
  Spanish Word for apprentice
  Spanish Word for deck
  Spanish Word for duty (be on ~)
  Spanish Word for broom
  Spanish Word for cloudy
  Spanish Word for by bicycle
  Spanish Word for beans (kidney)
  Spanish Word for chest
  Spanish Word for doctor
  Spanish Word for beans (French)
  Spanish Word for develop

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