Spanish Sentences using regalar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The He asked me to marry him, but... He hasn't given me an engagement ring!
In Spain fruit shops often give free parsley or bay leaves when you buy in their shops.
If he won the first prize in the lottery, Dad would give each of us a car.
Pedro wants to buy a backpack for Juan. Pedro wants to buy it for him.
Pedro wants to give a backpack to Juan. Pedro wants to give it to him.
Last year my grandma gave me underwear as always.
Pedro wants to give a backpack to Juan. Pedro wants to give it to him.
Me regalaron orquídeas para mi cumpleaños.
They gave me orchids for my birthday.
¿Me regalas uno de estos discos?
Will you give me one of these records?
Le regaló tres rosas rojas.
He gave her three red roses.
Para su cumpleaños le regalaré una corbata.
For your birthday I will give you a necktie.
Los cigarros que me regalaste me gustan mucho.
I like the cigarettes (that) you gave me very much.
Tú muestras la ropa nueva que te regalaron.
You show the new clothes that you were given.
No tenemos dinero para regalar.
We do not have money to give away.
Les voy a regalar un Reglamento glosado por mí mismo para que lo recuerden.
I am going to give you a version of the Rules of Procedure as explained by me so that you remember.
Hoy en día, no solamente consiste en regalar flores a las mujeres que conocemos.
Nowadays, it is not only a matter of giving flowers to women we know.
Estas respuestas no tratan de regalar los oídos a la opinión pública, sino de ser responsables y razonables.
These answers are not about courting popular opinion, but about being responsible and sensible.
Señor Comisario, usted es libre de vender a su abuela, pero no de regalar nuestra agricultura europea.
Feel free to sell your grandmother, Commissioner, but do not give away our European agriculture.
Esto equivaldría a invertir fondos públicos como capital de riesgo y regalar luego a la economía privada una importante participación en los beneficios.
This would boil down to funds raised by taxation being invested as venture capital and to substantial shares in the profits then being handed over to private enterprise.
No obstante, justo cuando estamos a punto de ratificar el Tratado de Lisboa, ¡lo primero que hacemos es regalar de nuevo esos derechos!
Yet just as we are on the verge of the Treaty of Lisbon being ratified, the first thing we do is to give these rights away again!
En Europa, al mismo tiempo, debemos fortalecer nuestro propio mercado de carbono y dejar de regalar los derechos de emisión a cambio de nada.
Within Europe, we must, at the same time, continue to strengthen our own carbon market and stop giving away trading rights for free.
Si realmente queremos enfrentarnos a este problema, no deberíamos regalar miles de millones procedentes del dinero de los contribuyentes a gobiernos corruptos o incompetentes.
If we really want to tackle this problem, we should not be handing billions in taxpayers' money to corrupt or incompetent governments.
En realidad, estamos votando para regalar a nuestros Gobiernos un titular de prensa: »El Parlamento Europeo dice sí al Tratado de Amsterdam», u «Otra importante etapa en la construcción europea».
In fact, we are voting to give our governments a headline: "European Parliament says yes to Treaty of Amsterdam' , or "Important new stage in construction of Europe' .
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Popular Phrase: querer in subjunctive | Conjugated Verb: efectuar - to effect, carry out, bring about [ click for full conjugation ]