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Spanish Word: gente

English Translation: people

Translated sentences containing 'gente'
¿Hay mucha gente en el restaurante?
Are there many people at the restaurant?
La gente de mi preparatoria puso demasiado énfasis en los deportes.
People from my high school put too much emphasis on sports.
Hubo más gente de la que invité.
There were more people than I invited.
Había mucha gente en la carretera porque alguien decía haber visto un oso en el río.
There were many people on the road because someone said that they had seen a bear in the river.
Al enterarse cuanta gente estará presente se puso nervioso.
When he learned the many people that will be present, he got nervous.
Gente seria.
People who know what they're talking about.
La gente no lo entiende, la gente no lo quiere, la gente no lo comprende, la gente no lo acepta.
People do not understand this, neither do they want or accept this.
¿Qué dice la gente?
What do the people say?
Mucha gente está protestando.
So many people are protesting.
Eso ahuyentará a la gente.
That will scare people off.
La gente habla, la gente se comunica, pero no hay avances.
People talk, people communicate and no progress is made.
Hay gente a favor suyo y gente en contra.
There are people for him and people against him.
La gente continúa desapareciendo misteriosamente.
People continue to mysteriously disappear.
La gente está algo desconcertada.
The people are getting rather desperate.
Tenemos buena y mala gente.
We have good people and bad people.
Es preciso ayudar a esta gente.
We need to help these people.
¿Qué quiere la gente mayor?
What do old people want?
La gente tiene realmente miedo.
People are in actual fact afraid.
Pronto la gente empezará a hablar.
People will start to talk soon.
Es preciso ayudar a esta gente.
We need to help the people.
Estamos acercando Europa a la gente.
We are bringing Europe to the people.
Por eso, este tema aburre a mucha gente.
That is why the theme is tiresome to so many.
La gente implora agua, comida y medicinas.
People crave water, food and medicine.
Me pregunto cómo piensan informar a esta gente.
So my question is: How do you intend to provide information in these countries?
¿Se escucha la voz de la gente?
Is the voice of the people being listened to?
Demos algo de trabajo a esta gente.
Let us give these people something to work on.
La gente ya no quiere esta Europa.
People no longer want this kind of Europe.
Siempre habrá gente dispuesta a cometer disparates.
There will always be those who are ready to carry out absurd acts.
¿Qué animó pues a la gente a ir a votar?
So what did encourage people to go out and vote?
¿De que nos mire la gente?
Of people actually watching us?
Los daneses somos ciertamente gente modesta.
Danes are, after all, a humble people.
La gente todavía no se siente convenientemente protegida.
People still do not feel adequately protected.
Sigue muriendo gente inocente por ambas partes.
On both sides, innocent people are still dying.
La gente sentía ira y desesperación.
People felt a sense of anger and despair.
¿Quién enseñará a la gente a trabajar la tierra?
Who will teach the people how to work the land?
El objetivo es proteger a la gente.
The aim is to protect people.
La gente confía mucho en estas organizaciones.
People have a lot of confidence in these organisations.
La gente está saboreando su libertad.
The people are relishing their freedom.
La gente teme todo lo nuevo.
People are afraid of anything that is new.
Los que han muerto son gente humilde.
It was those at the bottom of the heap who died.
Esto es lo que la gente necesita.
This is what these people need.
Es lo que dice la gente.
This is the people talking.
A mi, al igual que a mucha gente, me encanta.
I, like many people, am very fond of it.
¿De qué hablaba la gente allí?
What were people talking about there?
Debemos alimentar la confianza de la gente.
We need to nurture people’s confidence.
Es justo hacer notar esto a la gente.
It is right to draw this to the attention of people.
La gente se está marchando del campo.
People are moving away from the countryside.
La gente reacciona cómo y dónde puede.
People react how and where they can.
Vaya acusación contra su propia gente.
What an indictment of his own people.
La gente no está hablando del Tratado Constitucional.
The people are not talking about the Constitutional Treaty.
Envían gente para estudiar el mercado.
They send people over to do market research.
Mucha gente se pregunta por qué.
Many people are asking why this should be.
Si la gente tiene coches, los conducirá.
If people own cars, they will drive them.
Esto es burlarse de la gente.
It is a mockery of the people.
Proporciona el alimento que la gente quiere.
It provides the food that person wants.
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