Spanish Sentences using major dicho  

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Eso es a major producer of banana .
The European Union is indeed a major producer of bananas.
Ahora resulta evidente que John Major está intentando ganar tiempo.
Now it is very clear that John Major is playing for time.
Me refiero a un paso en falso de John Major.
By that I mean a John Major faux pas .
Refiriéndome al texto inglés, que dice "operator shall be required to perform a major part", el término "major part" debe sustituirse por "a substantial part".
Referring to the English text, which reads, 'operator shall be required to perform a major part', the term 'major part' is to be replaced by 'a substantial part'.
El Primer Ministro Major dirá, como las chicas de mala vida, que sin dinero duele.
Prime Minister Major is behaving like a flirtatious woman; asking all and giving nothing.
Acordémonos: John Major estaba satisfecho, porque había obtenido lo que quería.
Do you remember? John Major was pleased because he got everything he had wanted.
Por ello es en efecto inconcebible que John Major quiera negarles ese mensaje a sus ciudadanos.
So it is indeed inconceivable that John Major should wish to keep that message from his people.
El otro día la OCDE, que no es una organización medioambiental, manifestó que: All major global ecological indicators are negative.
The other day, the OECD, which is not, of course, an environmental organisation, pronounced that 'All major global ecological indicators are negative'.
Le deseo a usted, un Primer Ministro laborista, el mismo éxito que el conservador, John Major, tuvo en 1992.
I wish you, a Labour Prime Minister, the same success that the Conservative, John Major, had in 1992.
Por esas razones, la definición de flexibilidad que al principio de esta semana dio John Major suscita mis sospechas.
For these reasons, I am wary of John Major's definition of flexibility earlier this week.
Desde hace años, el Consejo Europeo, es decir, también John Major, hace declaraciones solemnes dos veces al año.
For years now the European Council, so John Major too, has been issuing solemn statements twice a year.
Recientemente, John Major ha querido dar una lección a nuestra vieja Europa, mostrándole la superioridad del modelo social de su país.
Recently, John Major thought he could teach a lesson to this old Europe of ours by pointing out the superiority of his own country's social model.
No lo han hecho, ya que fue el Sr. Major el que tomo esta iniciativa en la primavera pasada.
They failed to do so, because it was Mr Major who took that initiative last spring.
Cuando John Major hablaba de naciones-Estado y de subsidiaridad, quería decir que ésta terminaba en Dover.
When John Major talked about the nation states and subsidiarity, he meant that it stopped at Dover.
Ayer Major lo bloqueó todo. Hoy Blair, junto a Francia, Alemania y los demás Estados de la Unión, llama a Prodi.
Yesterday Major blocked everything, but today Blair together with France, Germany and the other Member States are all calling for Prodi.
Aunque es evidente que todos deseamos que el proyecto vaya bien, ha desconcertado claramente a muchos pesimistas, incluido el antiguo Primer Ministro John Major.
Although clearly we all wish the project well, it has frankly confounded many pessimists including our former Prime Minister John Major.
Buen resultado para el Sr. Major, se aísla él mismo y muestra con su actitud todo el interés que reviste la votación por mayoría.
A fine result for Mr Major. He isolates himself and shows by his attitude the vital importance of majority voting.
Incomprensible porque, tanto durante la Cumbre de Dublín como en Florencia, John Major dio el visto bueno a la creación de un observatorio.
Incomprehensible because John Major was in favour of an Observatory both at the Dublin summit and the one in Florence.
Me pregunto si Major, en el marco de su campaña electoral nacional, no pretende quizás apelar a los sentimientos más bajos de la población británica.
I wonder whether Major, in the context of his general election campaign, is not perhaps appealing to the basest instincts of the British people.
La responsabilidad recae en primer lugar, y de manera aplastante, en los gobiernos conservadores del Reino Unido, de la Sra. Tatcher y del Sr. Major.
Responsibility must first be laid overwhelmingly at the door of the Conservative British Governments of Mrs Thatcher and Mr Major.
Estoy de acuerdo con su intervención, pero él dice que ni Estados Unidos ni la Unión Europea son productores principales de plátano (major producers of banana ).
I do support his point of view, but according to him, neither the United States nor the European Union are major producers of bananas.
La triste conclusión que él extrajo tras la sesión fue: "So it seems that I have to return to Africa without the cure for our four ongoing major crises" (Me da la impresión de que tengo que regresar a África sin el remedio para nuestras cuatro principales crisis en marcha).
The unfortunate conclusion he drew following the meeting was, 'So it seems that I have to return to Africa without the cure for our four ongoing major crises' .
Al igual que sus antecesores, John Major y Margaret Thatcher, usted llegó al poder con el firme propósito de acabar con el legado de ambivalencia británica con respecto a la UE.
Like your predecessors, John Major and Margaret Thatcher, you came to power determined to set aside the legacy of British ambivalence towards the EU.
No existe major ejemplo que el reciente tratamiento irrepestuoso y lamentable al Presidente Klaus, un dirigente de estado, en una reunión celebrada en Praga, por parte de algunos Miembros de esta Cámara.
There is no better example than the recent disgraceful and disrespectful treatment of President Klaus, a head of state, at a meeting in Prague by Members here.
Queda dicho.
That is just by the by.
Por eso he dicho lo que he dicho antes.
That is why I said what I said before.
Nunca he dicho eso.
I have never said that.
Ya lo he dicho.
As I, in fact, said.
He dicho que no sancionamos.
As I have said, it is not a case of our imposing sanctions.
Dicho sea de paso.
But that is by the by.
Esto merece ser dicho.
This should be pointed out.
He dicho hablar pero no codecidir.
Please note that I said 'discuss' , not 'codecision' .
Se ha dicho aquí.
This has already been discussed here in Parliament.
Siempre lo hemos dicho.
We have consistently pointed this out.
Ya lo he dicho públicamente.
I have said it in public.
¿Dónde esta dicho estudio?
What has become of that study?
Dicho éxito no era obvio.
Such success was not self-evident.
Creo que he dicho suficiente.
I think I have said enough on the matter.
Hoy renuevo dicho compromiso.
I renew that commitment today.
No podría apoyar dicho enfoque.
I would be unable to lend my support to such an approach.
Como he dicho, seré breve.
As I said, I will keep it brief.
Apoyo plenamente dicho argumento.
I fully support this argument.
¿Les proporcionamos dicho barcos?
Did we supply those ships?
Como he dicho, no podemos permitirlo.
As I have said, we cannot allow that to happen.
Como he dicho, no somos benefactores.
As I said, we are not do-gooders.
Nadie ha dicho eso.
No one has said this.
¿Quién ha dicho eso?
Who said that it would?
Reitero lo que he dicho.
I repeat what I said.
Sencillamente han dicho "basta".
They have simply said 'We have had enough!'.
Mantengo lo que he dicho.
I stand by what I have said.

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