Spanish Sentences using visto  

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Ellas habrían reído si hubieran visto al payaso.
They would have laughed if they had seen the clown.
No hay nadie que lo haya visto.
No one has seen it.
Yo estaba seguro de que nadie me había visto.
I was sure that nobody had seen me.
Estamos seguros de haber visto a Guillermo en misa el domingo.
We're sure we saw Guillermo at Mass on Sunday.
Yo estaba seguro de que no había sido visto por nadie.
I was sure that I hadn't been seen by anybody.
Por muchas que hayas visto, debes ir a ver ésta.
However many you've seen, you must go and see this one (film).
Estoy segura de que nunca has visto algo parecido.
I'm sure you've never seen anything like it.
Habéis cambiado de opinión tras haber visto una corrida.
You changed your mind after seeing a bullfight.
He visto tres corridas mientras estabas en Canarias.
I have seen three bullfights while you were in the Canaries.
Durante estas dos semanas, no he visto a Juan.
During these two weeks, I have not seen Juan.
Creo que he visto ésa película. No creo que tú la hayas visto.
I think I've seen that movie. I don't think you have seen it.
¿Has visto qué manzanas más bonitas?
Have you seen how pretty the apples are?
Nunca había visto un ambiente más cálido.
I had never seen a hotter environment.
Nunca has visto algo parecido.
You have never seen something similar.
No he visto a nadie
I haven't seen anybody
Yo preferí la comedia.
I preferred the comedy.
¿Ha visto usted lo primoroso del bordado ?
Have you seen the delicacy of the embroidery?
¿Has visto la iglesia?
Have you seen the church?
Sí, la he visto. La vi el año pasado.
Yes, I have seen it. I saw it last year.
¿Usted los habría saludado o habría seguido su camino como si no los hubiera visto?
Would you have greeted them, or would you have continued on your way as if you hadn't seen them?
Déjese ser visto, así puedes mantener el orden.
Let yourself be seen, that way you can keep the order.
Le contestó que no lo había visto.
He answered that he hadn't seen it.
Había mucha gente en la carretera porque alguien decía haber visto un oso en el río.
There were many people on the road because someone said that they had seen a bear in the river.
Yo me visto.
I get dressed.
Estas son las mujeres a quienes he visto en la playa hoy por la mañana.
These are the women whom I have seen at the beach this morning.
Cuando hayan visto la película, hablaremos sobre ella.
When you all have seen the movie, we will talk about it.
¿Has visto al hombre que está sentado en la mesa de Amélie?
Have you seen the man who is sitting at Amélie's table?
Ni que decir tiene que lo he visto todo.
It goes without saying that I've seen everything.
Lo ha visto todo.
He has seen it all.
No hemos visto esa exposición todavía.
We haven't seen that exhibit yet.
¿Has visto pasar a una joven?
Have you seen a young girl pass?
Decíais haberlo visto todo.
You all said you had seen everything.
Ése fue el copo de nieve más grande que habíamos visto.
That was the largest snowflake we had ever seen.
Tendríais que haber visto una exposición antes, para poder comparar.
You would have to have seen an exhibition before, so you could compare.
¿Has visto esta película?
Have you seen this movie?
No, yo no la he visto.
No, I haven't seen it.
Habiendo visto lo precioso que son los niños, queríamos tener varios.
Having seen how beautiful children are, we wanted to have some.
Nunca lo he visto aquí.
I have never seen him here.
¡Cuidado! ¿Es que no has visto la señal de tráfico?
Be careful! Haven't you seen the traffic sign?
He visto a Manolo.
I have seen Manolo.
He visto el perro de Manolo.
I have seen Manolo's dog.
Si me hubiera visto me habría matado.
If he had seen me, he would have killed me.
Hemos visto 589 manzanas.
We have seen 589 apples.
Tú fuiste visto en el parque.
You were seen in the park.
¡Nadie había visto jamás un vestido que tuviese tantas perlas y piedras preciosas!
No one had ever seen a dress that had so many pearls and gems!
Si no me hubieras hablado de esa moneda de oro, nunca habría visto una de esas en mi vida.
If you had not spoken about that golden coin, I would have never seen one of those.
Tú fuiste visto en la reserva natural.
You were seen in the natural reserve.
¿Cuánto has visto?
How much have you seen?
El que no ha visto Granada, no ha visto nada.
The one who hasn't seen Granada, hasn't seen anything.
Nosotros habremos visto a María en otra fiesta.
We will have seen María in another party.
Nosotros habremos visto a María en la playa de vacaciones.
We will have seen Maria on the beach.
Nunca he visto a nadie tan alto.
I have never seen anyone so tall.
Para entonces, ya habremos visto al Sr. González y nos habrá dicho si acepta nuestro proyecto o no.
By that time, we will have already seen Mr. González and he will have told us if he accepts our plan or not.
Estoy buscando el cajero automático. ¿Lo has visto?
I'm looking for the automatic teller. Have you seen it?
¿Has visto a Luis? - Sí, he ido al cine con él.
Have you seen Luis? Yes, I have gone to the movies with him.
La hemos visto.
We have seen it.
Juan lo ha visto tantas veces como tú.
Juan has seen it as many times as you.
¿Nunca has visto actuar a Cantinflas?
Haven't you ever seen Cantinflas act?
¿Has visto a Maite? Sí, está dentro.
Have you seen Maite? Yes, she's inside.
Los testigos no aseguran que hayan visto a la mujer.
The witnesses are not sure they have seen the woman.
Yo visto un traje azul.
I wear a blue outfit.
¿Has visto aquello que está allí ?
Have you seen that one that is over there?
¿La ha visto algún otro médico?
Have you been seen by any other doctor?
¿Cuándo se ha visto una cosa semejante?
Have you ever seen such a thing?
Ella ya había visto esa película.
She had already seen that movie.
El público lo había visto antes.
The public had seen him before.
Ya he visto esa pelicula.
I've already seen that movie.
¿Has visto algún cartel anunciando el concierto?
Have you seen a sign announcing the concert?
He visto solamente un coche.
I only saw one car.
A lo largo de estos años, su vida se ha visto afectada por el éxito.
Over these years, his life has been impacted by fame.
Déjese ser visto, así puede mantener el orden.
Allow yourself to be seen, so you can preserve order.
Yo no lo he visto. Señor, ¿Sabe usted si hay un taller cerca de aquí donde arreglen llantas?
I haven't seen it. Sir, do you know if there is a workshop near here where they fix tires.
¿Ha visto algún cambio de color?
Have you seen any change in color?
Como yo ya había visto la obra, no fui con los muchachos al teatro.
Since I'd already seen the play, I didn't go to the theater with the boys.
En el sur, he visto mares llenos de color.
In the south, I've seen colourful seas.
¿Cuándo se ha visto una cosa semejante?
Have you ever seen such a thing?
Si hubiesen (or hubieran) venido, los habríamos visto.
If they had come, we would have seen them.
Yo me visto.
I dress myself.
Estaba tan seguro como si ya hubiese visto la tierra desde una nave espacial moderna.
He was as positive about it as if he had seen the earth from a present day space ship.
Se ha visto recompensado por un incremento salarial.
He's been rewarded with a salary bump.
¿Ha visto usted el abrigo de Sarah (Sara)?
Have you seen Sarah's coat?
¿Vió / Ha visto usted el accidente?
Did you see the accident?
He visto al jefe hablando con la secretaria.
I saw the boss talking to his secretary.
No he visto al jefe por aquí.
I haven't seen the boss around here.
Yo me visto más rápidamente que tú.
I get dressed faster than you.
¿Cuándo se ha visto una cosa semejante?
Have you ever seen such a thing?
No lo he visto.
I have not seen it.
He visto bastantes.
I have seen quite a few of them.
He visto la primera, no he visto la segunda.
I saw the first one, but I did not see the second.
Sufrimientos hemos visto muchísimos.
We have seen an enormous amount of suffering.
He visto las imágenes.
I have seen the pictures.
Yo he visto las instalaciones.
I have seen these installations.
Ya lo hemos visto.
We have seen that already.
No lo he visto nunca.
I have never seen that.
No he visto todas las cifras.
I have not seen all the figures.
Todavía no la hemos visto.
We have not yet seen it.
Lo he visto en África.
I have seen it in Africa.
Lo he visto en Irlanda.
I have seen it in Ireland.
No lo he visto todavía.
I have not seen that yet.
No la he visto; no la he oído.
I have not seen it; I have not heard it.
Hemos visto los resultados.
We have seen the results.
No he visto ninguna otra recomendación.
I have not seen any other recommendations.
Yo no he visto ninguna.
I have not seen any such thing.
Yo no los he visto.
I have not seen them.
Los hemos visto hoy.
They must be prepared to be sent packing: and, as we have heard today, there are people ready and willing to do just that.
Hemos visto diversos estudios.
We have seen various studies.
¡Eso yo he visto hacerlo!
I have seen this happen!
Por lo visto inútilmente.
In vain it would seem!
He visto Ucrania y he visto muchos lemas electorales favorables a Europa.
I saw Ukraine, and I saw many pro-European electoral slogans.
Visto así, es bastante sencillo.
From this perspective, it is quite straightforward.
Lo hemos visto en Europa.
We have already seen this in Europe.
Todavía no hemos visto ese documento.
We have yet to see this document.
¿Sabe qué he visto, Señor Presidente?
What did I see Mr President?
No se ha visto ese riesgo.
This has not turned out to be the case.
He visto juguetes que contienen cadmio.
I have seen toys that contain cadmium.
Ya han visto la luz.
They have already been born.
He visto esto en muchas ocasiones.
I have seen this happen so many times.
Lo he visto en muchos lugares.
I have seen it in many places.
Hoy he visto a un disidente sirio.
Today, I saw a Syrian dissident.
Durante esta intervención me he visto interrumpido.
I have been distracted during the course of this address.
Todavía no he visto nada de eso.
I have not seen anything of this kind so far.
Ya hemos visto los resultados.
We have seen the results of this.
¿Las han visto? ¿No les preocupa?
Is this of no concern to the Council?
Pero, por lo visto, me he confundido.
No, that is clearly not the case.
Lo hemos visto hoy aquí.
We have seen it here today.
Hemos visto cómo perdíamos votación tras votación.
We have seen vote after vote lost.
Pero, ¿qué hemos visto desde entonces?
But what have we seen since then?
Por lo visto, las costumbres difieren bastante.
Habits, apparently, are also divided.
Por lo visto eso no es suficiente.
But this apparently is not enough.
He visto cómo ha funcionado esta semana.
I had a brief look to see how the system worked this week.
No he visto ningún signo de la misma.
I have seen no sign of this.
He visto los efectos de las armas químicas.
I have seen the results of the chemical weapons.
He visto cómo esta tarde perdíamos mucho tiempo.
I saw a lot of time wasted this afternoon.
Hemos visto los efectos de la EEB.
We have seen the effects of BSE.
. (EN) Si, he visto el artículo que menciona.
Yes, I did see the article to which the honourable Member refers.
Hemos visto cosas de este tipo.
We have seen it happen.

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