Spanish Sentences using hayan  

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Los abogados esperan que hayan convocado al jurado.
The lawyers hope that the jury has been summoned.
Espero que ustedes hayan hecho la tarea.
I hope that you all have done the homework.
Espero que ellos hayan estudiado la lección.
I hope they have studied the lesson.
El sábado se les pagará a las que hayan trabajado tiempo extra esta semana.
The ones who are working overtime this week will be paid Saturday.
Me agrada que ustedes se hayan divertido en el cine.
I'm glad that you all have had fun in the movies.
No creo que los muchachos hayan hecho la tarea.
I don't think that the boys have done the homework.
Es posible que ya hayan llegado.
It's possible that they've already arrived.
Esperaremos que ellos hayan cocinado el almuerzo.
We hope that they have cooked the lunch.
Cuando los hayan corregido, ellos darán las calificaciones.
After they have graded them, they will give out the grades.
Cuando ellos hayan comido, pueden jugar al ajedrez.
When they have eaten, they can play chess.
Cuando ellas hayan llegado a la escuela, pueden ir a la biblioteca.
When they have got to the school, they can go to the library.
Pienso que los alumnos ya habrán traído las golosinas. No creo que las hayan traído todavía.
I think the students will have brought the candy. I don't think they have brought them yet.
Pienso que nosotros ya habremos ganado el trofeo. No creo que ustedes lo hayan ganado aún.
I think we will have won the trophy. I don't believe you have won it yet.
Ojalá que las inundaciones no hayan estropeado las vías del tren.
Hopefully the floods haven't affected the train tracks.
Yo espero que los muchachos no la hayan roto.
I hope that the boys haven't broken it.
Yo no creo que los muchachos hayan ido a la playa hoy.
I don't think that the boys have gone to the beach today.
Dudo que hayan hablado con el rey.
I doubt that they have talked to the king.
Esperamos que hayan construido el puente.
We hope that they have built the bridge.
Cuando hayan visto la película, hablaremos sobre ella.
When you all have seen the movie, we will talk about it.
¡Ojalá hayan atrapado al criminal!
I hope they have caught the criminal!
Esperamos que se hayan divertido.
We hope you (pl) had fun.
No creo que se hayan enfadado.
I don’t think they had gotten mad at each other.
Cenaremos después de que se hayan ido las visitas.
We'll have supper after our visitors have left.
Temo que ellos la hayan enojado demasiado.
I am afraid that they had gotten her too angry.
Tan pronto como les hayan revisado su equipaje, pasen a la oficina de migración.
As soon as they have looked over your baggage, go to the immigration office.
Espero que los muchachos le hayan dicho a Juan que vamos a ir a la playa a las tres.
I hope that the boys have told John that we are going to go to the beach at three o'clock.
Yo espero que ustedes la hayan podido ayudar. / Yo espero que ustedes hayan podido ayudarla.
I hope that you all have been able to help her.
Es posible que hayan encendido las luces del estadio.
It's possible that they've turned on the stadium’s lights.
Les será concedido el permiso del que hayan hablado.
The permit that they have spoken about will be granted.
Me ha parecido absurdo que los obreros se hayan opuesto al aumento de sueldo.
I think it's been absurd that the workers opposed the raise.
Nos alegra mucho que ustedes hayan podido quedarse otra semana más.
We're very glad that you were able to stay for another week.
¿Crees que lo hayan enterrado ya?
Do you think they have buried it yet?
Yo espero que se lo hayan dado.
I hope that they have given it to her.
Aunque ellos hayan fumado antes, ahora no fuman.
Though they had smoked before, they don’t smoke now.
Aunque hayan desaparecido, la policía las encontrará.
Even if they have disappeared, the police will find them.
Yo espero que las muchachas hayan comprado los boletos.
I hope that the girls have bought the tickets.
Yo espero que los muchachos hayan dicho la verdad.
I hope that the boys have told the truth.
¡Ojalá que hayan cabido todas!
I hope there was room for everything!
Los testigos no aseguran que hayan visto a la mujer.
The witnesses are not sure they have seen the woman.
Espero que no se hayan acabado las entradas de cine.
I hope that the movie tickets have not sold out.
Yo espero que ellos te hayan dado el dinero para comprar los boletos.
I hope that they have given you the money to buy the tickets.
Crees posible que hayan exagerado con este asunto?
Do you believe it is possible that they have exaggerated this story?
Me alegra que lo hayan conseguido.
I rejoice that they are.
Es probable que hayan muerto.
It is likely that they have died.
Tal vez no lo hayan leído.
Perhaps they have not read it.
Es positivo que hayan desaparecido las categorías.
It is good that categories have been removed.
Es curioso que hayan tardado tanto.
Remarkably, they have not done so before now.
Espero que hayan tenido cierta utilidad.
I hope that they have been of some use.
No creo que se hayan aportado nuevos factores.
I do not think that any new factors have been brought forward.
Es bueno que las armas hayan callado.
It is good that the guns have fallen silent.
¡No me extraña que los noruegos hayan dicho que no!
No wonder the Norwegians said no!
Lamentamos que nuestras propuestas hayan sido rechazadas.
We regret that our proposals have been rejected.
No creo que las eurorregiones hayan fallado.
I do not believe that the Euroregions have failed.
Deberíamos adoptar nuestra decisión cuando hayan concluido.
Only then should we make our decision.
Lamento que estas enmiendas no se hayan aprobado.
I regret these amendments were not adopted.
No es extraño que los irlandeses hayan votado "no".
No wonder the Irish voted 'no'.
Lamentamos que se hayan rechazado nuestras propuestas.
We regret that our proposals were rejected.
Quizá no todos ustedes se hayan percatado.
Perhaps not all of you have taken note of it yet.
Puede que algunos nunca hayan existido.
It may be that some of them have never existed.
Lamento que ustedes no hayan podido asistir.
I am sorry that you cannot attend this workshop.
Es sorprendente que no se hayan realizado antes.
It is surprising that they have not been carried out before.
Lamento que dichas enmiendas no se hayan aprobado.
I regret that these amendments were not adopted.
Es terrible que se hayan producido muertos.
People were killed, and that is terrible.
No es que no hayan concurrido otras empresas.
It is not that there was no competition from other companies.
No es normal que ustedes no hayan intervenido.
You should have intervened then.
Es significativo que todavía no se hayan solucionado.
The fact that they have not yet been resolved says a great deal.
Confío en que hayan quedado solucionados satisfactoriamente.
I trust these have been successfully resolved.
Es inconcebible que lo hayan hecho.
It is unimaginable that they have managed this!
Ojalá lo hayan entendido también ustedes ahora.
Hopefully you have now also taken it on board.
Solo pueden ser sancionados quienes hayan actuado deliberadamente y quienes hayan cometido una falta inexcusable.
Penalties can only be imposed on those who have acted deliberately or have made an inexcusable error.
Me gustaría agradecerles que hayan estudiado nuestras recomendaciones y las hayan tenido en cuenta.
I would like to thank them for studying our recommendations and taking them into account.
Quizá dominen otro idioma europeo, quizá hayan encontrado una nueva cultura y hayan establecido nuevos contactos.
They will perhaps be more fluent in another European language, they will have encountered a new culture and created new contacts.
En esta Comisión no necesitamos políticos que hayan fracasado o hayan sido apartados de la política nacional.
We do not need a Commission made up of failed politicians or those who have been put on the shelf in their own countries.
Es terrible que cientos de personas hayan muerto, que otras hayan perdido a sus seres queridos y que muchas más hayan resultado heridas.
It is regrettable that hundreds have died, others lost their loved ones, and many more were injured.
Sin embargo, lo importante es que se hayan iniciado.
What is important, however, is that they have begun.
Me complace que las autoridades francesas hayan adoptado medidas.
I am satisfied that the French authorities have taken action.
Nos alegramos de que, entretanto, las cosas hayan cambiado.
We are pleased to note that this has meanwhile been rectified.
No los olvidaremos hasta que hayan sido cerrados digna y correctamente.
We shall not forget them until they have been resolved in a proper and dignified manner.
Tan solo existen cuatro países que lo hayan ratificado.
Only four countries have ratified it.
Me alegra que se hayan respetado en su mayoría.
I am pleased that they have been, in the most part, respected.
Lamento que todos no hayan decidido hacer lo mismo.
Not everyone, I am sorry to say, has taken the same decision.
Lamentamos que hayan rehusado dar el «sí» por respuesta.
We are sorry that they have declined to take 'yes' for an answer.
Me deja perplejo pensar que en dos décadas no hayan aprendido nada.
It is quite astonishing that in two decades you have not learnt any better.
Es importante también para todos quienes hayan seguido este debate.
This is also important for everyone who has followed this debate.
Es positivo que se hayan reducido nuevamente las ayudas estatales.
It is good that there has again been a decline in state aid.
Me parece muy sensato que los debates hayan abordado este asunto.
I think it very sensible that discussions have touched on this.
Puede ser que ya hayan ejercido ciertas influencias entre bambalinas.
It may be that some influence has already been brought to bear behind the scenes here.
No creo que los obispos hayan sido manipulados por Sadam Husein.
I do not think the bishops have been manipulated by Saddam Hussein.
Lo habremos implantado para cuando los griegos lo hayan hecho».
We will have introduced it by the time the Greeks do.'
Celebro que, desde entonces, otros hayan adoptado una postura similar.
I am delighted that since then, others have taken up a similar theme.
Qué importa que no se hayan encontrado armas de destrucción masiva.
So what if no weapons of mass destruction were found.
Posiblemente no se hayan dado algunos que deberían haberse dado.
Perhaps the steps were not taken which should have been taken.

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