Spanish Sentences using ellos  

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ellos quieren
they want
Ellos ven a las niñas.
They see the girls
Ellos no están tristes.
They are not sad.
Ellos regresaron ayer de Europa.
They returned yesterday from Europe.
Ellos visitarán el centro turístico.
They'll visit the tourist center.
Pregunta a ellos si tienen dinero.
Ask them if they have any money.
Ellos hablan a la vez.
They speak at the same time.
Ellos han comido pescado.
They have eaten fish.
Ellos están cansados.
They are tired.
Ellos comen langosta. -langosta
They eat lobster.
Ellos se cayeron del carro.
They fell out of the car.
A ellos no les gustó nada.
They didn't like anything.
Ellos y ellas son maestros.
They are teachers.
Ellos estuvieron en el supermercado.
They were in the supermarket.
Ellos siguen trabajando.
They continue working.
Ellos fueron de compras.
They went shopping.
Ellos jugaron fútbol ayer.
They played soccer yesterday.
Ellos jugarán fútbol mañana.
They will play soccer tomorrow.
Ellos son meseros.
They are waiters.
Ellos perdían las motos.
They used to lose the motorcycles.
Ellos perdían las competencias.
They used to lose the competitions.
Ellos son guardias de seguridad.
They are security guards.
Ellos nos lo dieron.
They gave it to us.
Ellos salen
They go out
¿Caminaban ellos rápido?
Were they walking fast?
Estuve con ellos.
I was with them.
Ellos fueron secuestrados.
They were kidnapped.
Ellos ponen
They put
Ellos trajeron las cajas. Ellos las trajeron.
The brought the boxes. They brought them.
Ellos han comido helado.
They have eaten an ice cream.
¿Quiénes son ellos?
Who are they?
Ellos salieron a comprar los zapatos. Ellos salieron a comprarlos.
They went out to buy the shoes. They went out to buy them.
Ellos caminaban en el parque.
They used to walk in the park.
No podía alcanzarlos a ellos.
I couldn’t reach them.
Ellos sirven los huevos.
They serve the eggs
Ellos no los pudieron traer.
They couldn't bring them.
Ellos ríen con la enfermera.
They laugh with the nurse.
Ellos vinieron conmigo.
They came with me.
Ellos habían comido dulces.
They had eaten sweets.
Ellos escribían las tarjetas.
They wrote the cards.
Ellos leyeron el diccionario.
They read the dictionary.
Ellos no quieren contarle la historia.
They don't want to tell him/her the story.
Ellos vienen a la ciudad.
They come to the city.
Ellos iban al parque.
They used to go to the park.
Ellos ven el mapa.
They look at the map.
Ellos le enseñan la gramática.
They teach him/her the grammar.
Ellos piensan en viajar.
They think about traveling.
Ellos vuelven a la clínica.
They come back to the clinic.
Ellos cierran sólo el garaje.
They are only closing the garage (door).
Ellos terminan de beber café.
They finish drinking coffee.
Ellos son hombres felices.
They are happy men.
Ellos vienen a dormir al hotel.
They come to sleep to the hotel.
Ellos caminan como robots.
They walk like robots.
Ellos fingen que están enfermos.
They pretend to be sick .
Ellos veían correr al conejo.
They saw the rabbit running.
Ellos eligen al rey.
They choose the king
Ellos salen al teatro.
They go out to the theater.
Ellos están felices.
They are happy.
Ellos eligen los relojes.
They choose the watches
Ellos caminaban en el parque.
They were walking in the park.
¿Qué estaban leyendo ellos?
What were they reading?
Ellos corrigen la carta.
They correct the letter
Ellos comenzaron a tener miedo.
They started being scared.
Ellos se parecen a su padre.
They look like their dad.
Ellos asisten a charlas.
They attend speeches.
Ellos vienen con mamá.
They come with mom
Ellos siguen al río Bolaños.
They follow the Bolaños river .
Ellos siguen a ese pediatra.
They follow that pediatrician.
Ellos escribían las tarjetas.
They were writing the cards.
Ellos siguen al perro.
They follow the dog
Ellos miran la televisión.
They watch TV.
Ellos son amables.
They are kind.
Ellos vienen a casa.
They come home.
Ellos persiguen al ladrón.
They chase the thief
Ellos vienen por tren.
They come for (by) train.
Ellos veían volar a las aves.
They were looking at the birds flying.
Ellos viajan en avión.
They travel by plane.
Ellos no tienen la tarea.
They don't have the homework.
Ellos reciben muchos regalos.
They receive a lot of gifts.
Ellos hablan a la vez.
They talk at the same time.
Ellos hicieron bien la tarea.
They did the homework well.
Ellos envían el regalo.
They send the gift
Ellos están en España.
They are in Spain.
Ellos comieron temprano con mamá.
They ate early with mom.
Ellos dan bebidas.
They give drinks.
Ellos devuelven sus libros.
They return their books.
Ellos estuvieron cargando la carpa a mí. Ellos me la estuvieron cargando.
They were carrying the tent for me. They were carrying it for me.
Ellos comprenden al profesor.
They understand the teacher.
Ellos caen de cansancio.
They are absolutely exhausted.
Ellos traen la maquinaria.
They bring the machinery.
Ellos sirven la cena.
They serve dinner.
Porque ellos no tienen frío.
Because they are not cold.
Ellos y ellas se lavan.
They wash themselves.
Ellos estuvieron cargando la cámara a mí. Ellos estuvieron cargándomela.
They were carrying the camera to me. They were carrying it for me.
Ellos fueron muy adentro.
They went very inside (deep).
Ellos y ellas se acuestan.
They go to bed.
ellos devuelven
they return
ellos cuestan
they cost
Ellos trajeron las mochilas. Ellos las trajeron.
They brought the backpacks. They brought them.
Ellos llevaron muchas maletas.
They took many suitcases.
Viven en ellos y de ellos.
They live on them and from them.
Nosotros de ellos y ellos de nosotros.
We should help them and they should help us.
Sin ellos no podríamos funcionar.
Without them we would not be able to function.
Ellos deben decidir.
It is up to them to decide.
También ellos harán propuestas.
They too will be making proposals.
¿Quién podrá acceder a ellos?
Who can access and use it?
Pocas lágrimas por ellos.
Few tears are shed for them.
No me cuento entre ellos.
I am not one of them.
No me detendré en todos ellos.
I will not go into them all.
Conozco a muchos de ellos.
I know many of them.
He hablado con todos ellos.
I have talked to all of them.
Todos ellos son romaníes.
All of them are Roma.
No hago distinciones entre ellos.
I make no distinction between them.
No puedo atender a todos ellos.
I cannot do them all justice.
Es malo para ellos.
It is bad for them.
¿Qué pasa con ellos?
What is happening to them?
Estoy orgulloso de ellos.
I am proud of them.
No volveré sobre ellos.
I shall not go back over it.
A ellos nuestro sincero agradecimiento.
Our sincere thanks go to them.
¿Hay noticias sobre ellos?
Is there any news on these?
Somos conscientes de ellos.
We are aware of this.
Sin embargo, no a todos ellos.
It will not hit all of them.
Enumeraré algunos de ellos.
I shall list just a few.
Mencionaré tres de ellos.
Out of the many problems I will mention three.
¿Qué será de ellos?
What will become of them?
Ellos conocen la zona.
They have the local knowledge.
Me alegro por ellos.
I am pleased for these people.
Mencionaré algunos de ellos.
I will mention some of them.
No desconfío de ellos.
I do not distrust them.
Acerquémonos más a ellos.
Let us move even closer to them.
Estoy con ellos.
We must all keep our fingers firmly crossed.
También ellos representan a Europa.
That too is part of Europe's image abroad.
Eso depende de ellos.
That is up to them.
A ellos no les parece suficiente.
For them the Treaty of Amsterdam does not go far enough.
No voy a entrar en ellos.
I will not go into those.
Nos sumamos a ellos.
We are very pleased for him.
Nos debemos unir a ellos.
We need to be abreast of this.
De ellos hablaremos después.
We will discuss these later.
Ellos –y solo ellos– poseen soberanía presupuestaria a puerta cerrada.
They – they alone – have budget sovereignty behind closed doors.
Porque, sencillamente, dependemos de ellos y ellos de nosotros.
It is so, quite simply, because we depend on them and they on us.
Todos ellos tuvieron un origen aviar y todos ellos mutaron.
All of them originated amongst birds and all of them mutated.
A ellos les incumbe seguir haciendo un buen uso de ellos.
It is up to them to continue to make good use of those funds.
Ellos nos necesitan y nosotros los necesitamos a ellos.
They need us and we need them.
Uno de ellos es "sacrificada".
One of those words is "slaughtered".
Todos ellos son ya bilingües.
All of them are already bilingual.
Quisiera explicar dos de ellos.
I would like to highlight two.
¿Cuántos de ellos serán retirados?
How many would be decommissioned?
¿Qué sabían ellos de sanciones?
What did they know about sanctions?
Me gustaría enumerar cuatro de ellos.
I should like to mention four.
No autoriza ninguna discriminación entre ellos.
It does not authorise any discrimination between them.

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