Spanish Sentences using como  

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Yo no como pepinos.
I don't eat cucumbers.
Algunas veces como pescado.
Sometimes I eat fish.
Puede tener una hora por día como máximo.
You can have one hour per day maximum.
La bailarina bailaba como un ángel.
The ballerina was dancing like an angel.
Él es tan listo como tú.
He is as smart as you are.
Ella vuela como las águilas.
She flies like the eagles
Tú vuelas como un pájaro.
You fly like a bird.
Tú te saliste como si tuvieras mucha prisa.
You left as if you were in a big hurry.
como un cuatro a cinco
about a four to five
tantas veces como sea posible
as often as possible
No sé como lo aguantas.
I don't know how you put up with him.
Sí, como no, te la prestaré.
Yes, of course, I will lend it to you.
Los abuelos están jugando como niños.
The grandparents are playing like children.
¿Sabe usted como leer un gráfico de barras?
Do you know how to read a bar chart?
Zoila tiene fiebre, como que está enferma.
Zoila has flu, as if she were sick.
Utilícelo como garantía.
Use it as a guarantee.
¿Tiene su cabra dientes como éstos?
Does your goat have teeth like these?
La fiesta salió tal como queríamos.
The party turned out just as we wanted.
Juan escribe tantas cartas como yo.
Juan writes as many letters as I do.
Ella está tan enferma como él.
She is as sick as him.
Como ya era muy tarde, tomamos un taxi.
Since it was already very late, we took a taxi.
Paco es tan alto como tú.
Paco is as tall as you.
Ellos tienen tantas plumas como nosotros.
They have as many pens as we have.
Él tiene tantos libros como el profesor.
He has as many books as the teacher.
Tú tienes tantas bolsas como esa muchacha.
You have as many bags as that girl.
Nosotros tenemos tantos coches como ellos.
We have as many cars as they have.
Ese niño huele como un zorro.
That boy smells like a male fox.
Juanita es tan graciosa como tú.
Juanita is as funny as you are.
Teresa es tan generosa como Raúl.
Teresa is as generous as Raúl.
Oigan como llora ese niño.
Hear how the child cries. (you all - formal)
Como no encontrábamos la calle, llegamos tarde a la reunión.
Since we couldn't find the street, we got to the meeting late.
Como no encontramos la calle, no fuimos a la reunión.
Since we didn't find the street, we didn't go to the meeting.
Trabajé durante 2 años como camarero.
I worked for two years as a waiter.
¿Me ves tan panzón como Sancho Panza?
Do I look to you as pot-bellied as Don Quixote's sidekick? (m)
Yo como papas con mantequilla.
I eat potatoes with butter.
No como nada con carne.
I don't eat anything with meat.
Yo siempre como en la casa.
I always eat at the house.
Su tocadiscos no es tan bueno como el tuyo.
His record player is not as good as yours.
Su salón es tan grande como el nuestro.
Your (his) living room is as big as ours.
Habla tan rápido como un tren.
He speaks as fast as a train.
Ellos caminan como robots.
They walk like robots.
¿Me ves tan panzón como Sancho Panza?
Do I look to you as potbellied as Don Quixote's sidekick?
¡Nunca haces las cosas como yo te digo!
You never do things the way I tell you to!
Es como cuchillo.
It's like a knife.
El joven condujo como un loco.
The young man drove like a madman.
Yo tomé tanta limonada como tú.
I drank as much lemonade as you did.
Es tan bueno como lo esperaba.
It is as good as I expected.
¿Me hará algo? Sí, cómo no, haré cualquiera que me pides.
Will you do something for me? Yes, of course, I will do anything you ask.
No es tan fácil como usted cree.
It is not as easy as you believe.
No sé como callar al perro de mi vecino.
I don't know how to quiet my neighbor's dog.
El hotel es como una torre.
The hotel is like a tower.
Tiene tanto dinero como puede desear.
He has as much money as he can desire.
Nunca nos habíamos divertido tanto como ahora.
We've never had as much fun as we're having now.
No creía que tenía tantas casas como usted.
I did not believe he had as many houses as you.
Van a festejar como si fuera 1999.
They are going to party like it's 1999.
Hablaba de música como si fuera un músico.
He was speaking about music as if he were a musician.
Yo tampoco como carne.
Neither do I eat meat.
En cambio, como mi pelo es muy lacio, puedo cortarme tanto como quiera.
However, since my hair is very smooth, I can cut it as much as I like.
Quisiera poder volar como un pájaro.
I would like to be able to fly like a bird.
¿Le preguntarán ustedes a él como conjugar el verbo?
Will you ask him how to conjugate the verb?
Ella está tan enferma como él.
She is as sick as he.
Tanto Yolanda como yo tomamos el café sin azúcar.
Both Yolanda and I drink our coffee without sugar.
Como de costumbre, tendrás mucho equipaje.
As usual, you will have a lot of luggage.
Así es como lo hago.
That is how I do it.
Es nuestro papel como padres civilizar a nuestros hijos.
It is our role as parents to civilize our children.
De ningún modo como cebolla.
I don't eat onion at all.
¿Comes siempre? No, no como nunca.
Do you always eat? No, I never eat.
Algunas veces como pescado.
Sometimes I eat fish.
tan bien como
as well as
Han de haber sido como las nueve.
It must have been about nine.
Pedro baila tan bien como su hermano.
Peter dances as well as his brother.
Pedro no baila tan bien como su hermano.
Peter doesn't dance as well as his brother.
Cristina trabaja tanto como Jorge.
Cristina works as much as Jorge.
Ana lee tantos libros como su amiga.
Ann reads as many books as her friend.
¿Cuántas manzanas comió? El comió tantas como Juan.
How many apples did he eat? He ate as many as John.
No hace tanto como yo.
He doesn't do as much as I do.
¿Sabríais decirme cómo arreglarlo?
Would you all know to tell me how to fix it?
Pablo es tan alto como Juan.
Pablo is as tall as Juan.
tal como la muestra
as it is shown
Perdóneme, llegaré tan pronto como yo pueda.
Pardon me, I will arrive as soon as I can.
Cuida tu cuerpo, como él haría contigo.
Take care of your body as your body would do with you.
Como tú pediste carne, yo también.
Since you asked for meat, so did I.
El queso también se sirve como aperitivo o entrada.
Cheese is also served as an appetizer or entrée.
Pedro es tan amable como Juan.
Pedro is as nice as Juan.
María habla tan despacio como su hermana.
María speaks as slow as her sister.
El autocar tarda tanto como el tren.
The bus takes as long as the train.
Le voy a enseñar como limpiar sus lentes de contacto.
I will instruct you on how to clean your contact lenses.
Marta tiene tantos amigos como ustedes.
Marta has as many friends as you.
Tú tienes tanta paciencia como Eugenio.
You have as much patience as Eugenio.
Marilú habla tanto como su papá.
Marilú talks as much as her father.
Mis hermanos se enamoran tanto como tú.
My brothers fall in love as much as you do.
Juan lo ha visto tantas veces como tú.
Juan has seen it as many times as you.
Yo no como lechuga.
I do not eat lettuce.
Como acepte, tendrá problemas.
If he accepts, he will be in trouble.
Debe estar tal como la muestra.
It must be just like the sample
Juan tiene tanto dinero como María.
Juan has as much money as María.
Vivamos como sociedad.
We live as a society.
¿Como te ayudó? Me ayudó explicándome como formar una oración en inglés.
How did he help you? He helped me by explaining how to form a sentence in English.
Nosotros queremos solucionar el problema tanto como usted.
We want to fix the problem just as much as you do.
No importa como nos sintamos, seguiremos adelante.
It doesn't matter how we feel, we will move forward.
¿Se vería como liberación o como ocupación?
Would it be seen as a liberation or as an occupation?
Podemos verlas como problemas o como oportunidades.
We can see them either as problems or as opportunities.
¿Como tribunal supremo o como tribunal constitucional?
As a supreme court, a constitutional court?
Yo no hablo como abogado, sino como político.
I am not speaking as a lawyer, but as a politician.
Como ejemplo, me refiero a Gaza.
I would quote Gaza as an example.
No los utilizo como excusa.
I do not use those as an excuse.
La queremos como usted.
We support this as much as you do.
Debemos aceptarlo como realidad.
This is a reality which we must accept.
Como si legitimara algo.
As if it legitimised anything!
Es como hablarle a Siberia.
We may as well be talking to Siberia.
Tan repugnante como eso.
That is how repugnant it is.
Bien, sea como fuere...
Oh well, be that as it may ?
Como debe ser.
This is the way it should be, too.
Estamos bien como estamos.
We are exactly on the right lines as we are.
Como tal debemos establecerlo.
We must establish it as such.
Tratémoslos como tales.
Let us treat them that way.
No logro verlo como tal.
I cannot see it as such.
Quedé como una estúpida.
It made me look stupid.
Como siempre he defendido:
As I have always advocated:
Verá como se reconcilian.
You will see, you will be reconciled.
Como políticos, ¿podemos tolerarla?
As politicians, can we tolerate this situation?
Luego , como siempre.
But then the cuts will come, as always.
Como saben, les necesitamos.
We need you, you know.
Como he dicho, seré breve.
As I said, I will keep it brief.
Las cosas como son.
That is something that needed to be spelled out.
Lo digo como proeuropeo.
I am saying this as a pro-European.
Así es como progresamos.
That is how we make progress.
Como franceses, lo sabemos.
As Frenchmen we know this.
Tomemos a Belarús como ejemplo.
Let us take Belarus as an example.
Como he dicho, no podemos permitirlo.
As I have said, we cannot allow that to happen.
Europa como socio mundial
Europe as a world partner
Actualmente aparece como positivo.
It currently appears as positive.
Como he dicho, no somos benefactores.
As I said, we are not do-gooders.
Sorprendentemente, piensan como nosotros.
Surprisingly, they have similar thoughts to us.
Concluiré como comencé.
I shall end as I began.
Cabe dudarlo, como sabemos.
It is perhaps doubtful, as we know.
Debemos actuar como Europa.
We must act as Europe.
Pude utilizarlo como amenaza.
I was able to use it as a threat.
Como homosexual, me comprometo a lograrlo.
As a gay man, I am committed to that.
Polonia me servirá como ejemplo.
I will give Poland as an example.
No, como bien hemos observado.
No, as we have clearly seen.
Debería servir como ejemplo.
It is exemplary. It must serve as an example.
Digo esto como ejemplo.
This is just one example.
Así es como progresaremos.
That is how we will make progress.
Como europeos, nos rechazarán.
As Europeans, they will dismiss us.
Como digo, realmente me preocupa.
As I say, I really am concerned.
Como ponente, seré breve.
As rapporteur, I will be brief.
Es buena como remiendo.
It is good in patches.
Tomemos Irán como ejemplo.
Let us take Iran as an example.
Hablo como europeo.
I am speaking as a European.

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