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Verb of the Day Archives
The verbs listed on this page are ones previously featured on the Verb of the Day. Click on any verb below to see its full conjugation.
- 10/14/2024 - obedecer - to obey
- 10/13/2024 - sorprender - to surprise, take by surprise, startle, amaze
- 10/12/2024 - asistir - to attend
- 10/11/2024 - quedarse - to stay [behind], remain [behind]
- 10/10/2024 - perseguir - to pursue, chase, hunt down
- 10/09/2024 - tener - to have
- 10/08/2024 - incluir - to include
- 10/07/2024 - bañarse - to take a bath, bathe [oneself]
- 10/06/2024 - cruzar - to cross
- 10/05/2024 - dormir - to sleep
- 10/04/2024 - reconocer - to recognize
- 10/03/2024 - limpiar - to clean
- 10/02/2024 - clarificar - to clarify, illuminate, light [up], brighten
- 10/01/2024 - deshacer - to undo, unmake, ruin, spoil, take apart
- 09/30/2024 - llover - to rain
- 09/29/2024 - emplear - to employ, hire; to use
- 09/28/2024 - preferir - to prefer
- 09/27/2024 - advertir - to notice, observe, advise, warn
- 09/26/2024 - mandar - to order [give an order]; to send
- 09/25/2024 - triunfar - to triumph, win
- 09/24/2024 - depositar - to deposit; to place; to put away, store
- 09/23/2024 - insultar - to insult
- 09/22/2024 - estudiar - to study
- 09/21/2024 - almorzar - to lunch, eat lunch, have lunch
- 09/20/2024 - confiar - to trust, be trusting, entrust
- 09/19/2024 - rechazar - to reject; to push back, repel
- 09/18/2024 - anunciar - to announce
- 09/17/2024 - zambullirse - to dive, plunge
- 09/16/2024 - confirmar - to confirm, corrobrate, endorse
- 09/15/2024 - dedicar - to dedicate
- 09/14/2024 - interpretar - to interpret; to translate
- 09/13/2024 - insistir - to insist
- 09/12/2024 - agradar - to please, be pleasing
- 09/11/2024 - calcular - to calculate, compute, add up
- 09/10/2024 - dirigir - to direct
- 09/09/2024 - seguir - to follow, continue
- 09/08/2024 - morir - to die
- 09/07/2024 - torcer - to twist, bend, warp, wring, sprain
- 09/06/2024 - expresar - to express, voice, state
- 09/05/2024 - sobrevivir - to survive, outlive, outlast
- 09/04/2024 - desayunar - to eat breakfast, have breakfast
- 09/03/2024 - extender - to extend
- 09/02/2024 - distribuir - to distribute, hand out, send out, give out
- 09/01/2024 - tapar - to cover; to put the lid on, put the cap on, put the stopper in [a container]; to cover up, hide, conceal
- 08/31/2024 - atraer - to attract, draw, lure
- 08/30/2024 - sonreír - to smile
- 08/29/2024 - correr - to run
- 08/28/2024 - registrar - to register, record; to search
- 08/27/2024 - mirar - to watch, look at
- 08/26/2024 - tirar - to throw, hurl; to shoot, fire; to throw away; to pull [out]
- 08/25/2024 - consumir - to consume, eat, use upe
- 08/24/2024 - entrevistar - to interview
- 08/23/2024 - renovar - to renew; to renovate
- 08/22/2024 - sentarse - to sit down, seat oneself
- 08/21/2024 - participar - to participate, take part in; to share in; to inform, notify
- 08/20/2024 - caer - to fall
- 08/19/2024 - detenerse - to stop, pause, linger
- 08/18/2024 - preparar - to prepare, get [something] ready
- 08/17/2024 - temer - to fear
- 08/16/2024 - ejercer - to exercise, wield [power, influence, etc.]; to practice [a profession]; to manage, conduct [a businsess]
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