Spanish Sentences using nunca  

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Nadie entiende nunca a estos jóvenes que prefieren escuchar música ruidosa.
No one ever understands these young men who prefer to listen to noisy music.
Vive tan lejos que no nos vemos casi nunca.
He lives so far that we hardly ever see each other.
Yo nunca sé cuándo usar el pretérito y cuándo el imperfecto.
I never know when to use the preterit and when the imperfect.
Me llevo un traje de baño para ir a nadar y nunca uso bikini.
I take a swimsuit with me to go swimming and I never wear a bikini.
Ella nunca ha cocinado "paella".
She has never cooked "paella".
Nunca me pongo corbata para ir a la escuela.
I never wear a tie to go to school.
Estoy segura de que nunca has visto algo parecido.
I'm sure you've never seen anything like it.
Nunca bebemos cerveza.
We never drink beer.
Nunca hubieras sospechado lo bonito que es.
You would never have suspected how beautiful it is.
Nunca consigo cocinar bien el pollo.
I never manage to cook chicken well.
Nunca fui a los toros.
I never went to bullfights.
Nunca desafíes a tus padres.
Never challenge your parents.
Yo nunca fumaría.
I would never smoke.
Nunca me gustaron las corridas.
I never liked the bullfights.
Nunca enciendas un cigarrillo.
Never light a cigarette.
Nunca había visto un ambiente más cálido.
I had never seen a hotter environment.
Nunca esparzas rumores falsos.
Never spread bad rumors.
Ella nunca ha fumado.
She has never smoked.
Nunca has visto algo parecido.
You have never seen something similar.
Nunca llegarás a formar parte de un equipo de primera.
You'll never be part of the first (best) group.
Nunca me salen las chuzas, siempre saco spares.
I never get strikes, I only get spares.
Nunca se me cumplen mis deseos.
My wishes never come true.
Nunca tengo tiempo para aburrirme.
I never have time to get bored.
Raquel nunca se pone vestido.
Raquel never wears a dress.
Mi mamá nunca me servía el postre si no me comía el guisado primero.
Mother would never serve me dessert if I didn't eat my stew first.
A ese no le daría dinero nunca.
I wouldn't never give him money.
Nunca olvidaré lo que ellos hicieron por mí.
I will never forget what they did for me.
Muchos maestros de arte le dijeron que nunca iba a ser un pintor profesional.
Many art teachers told him that he would never be a professional painter.
El perrito no muerde nunca.
The puppy never bites.
Vosotras nunca compráis flores.
You never buy flowers.
Vosotros nunca vais al cine.
You guys never go to the cinema.
Ellas nunca riñen con su mamá.
They never argue with their mom.
Ellos nunca piden refrescos.
They never ask for drinks.
Nosotras nunca usamos el coche.
We never use the car.
Nosotros nunca jugamos al baloncesto.
We never play basketball.
¿Sabrás cómo manejar? Sí, sabré manejar el carro pero ella nunca sabrá manejar bien.
Will you know how to drive? Yes, I will know how to drive the car but she will never know how to drive well.
Mi papá nunca come pescado.
My dad never eats fish.
Ella nunca se pinta las uñas.
She never paints her fingernails.
Ella nunca va a dormir tarde.
She never goes to sleep late.
Tú nunca montas en bici.
You never ride a bike.
Su tía nunca me ha caído bien.
I never really liked his aunt.
¡Julio nunca hubiera ganado el examen!
Julio would have never passed the exam!
Ese avión nunca llega a tiempo.
That plane never arrives on time.
¡Roberto nunca hubiese sido ladrón!
Roberto would have never been a thief!
¡Tú nunca hubieses bebido cerveza!
You would have never drunk beer!
¡Los alumnos nunca hubiesen venido tarde!
Students would have never got late!
¡El bus nunca hubiese llegado a la estación de buses!
The bus would have never got to the bus station!
¡Nunca apaguéis las llamas del amor!
Never put out the flames of love!
¡Nunca le hubiera dado mi cámara!
I would have never given him my camera.
Yo tuve un hermano a quien nunca conocí.
I had a brother whom I never met.
¡Nunca lo hubiera creído!
I would have never believed it!
Algunos idiotas nunca aprenden.
Some idiots never learn.
La señorita Gómez nunca juega con nadie después de las once menos cuarto de la noche.
Miss Gómez never plays with anybody after 10:45 p.m.
Todo el mundo pide algo desesperadamente y nadie encuentra nunca la respuesta.
Everybody is asking for something desperately and nobody ever finds the answer.
Mi despertador es muy bueno. Nunca se ha descompuesto.
My alarm clock is very good. It's never broken down.
Marta pudo romper el récord nadando más rápido que nunca.
Marta could beat the record by swimming faster than ever.
No le gusta regatear; nunca lo hace.
He doesn't like to haggle; he never does it.
Nunca lo he visto aquí.
I have never seen him here.
Este piso nunca ha sido ocupado.
This floor has never been occupied.
Yo nunca recuerdo mi número de teléfono.
I can never remember my telephone number.
Eres tan mal pensado que nunca te fías de nadie.
You are so dirty minded that you never believe anyone.
Ud. nunca había nadado en el mar hasta que fue a Nicaragua, ¿verdad?
You'd never swum in the ocean until you went to Nicaragua, had you?
Ud. nunca había nadado en el mar antes del ir a Belice, ¿verdad?
You'd never swum in the ocean before going to Belize, had you?
¡Nunca habíamos estudiado tanto!
We had never studied so much!
Nunca habíamos tomado un curso tan difícil.
We had never taken a course as difficult as this.
¡Nunca haces las cosas como yo te digo!
You never do things the way I tell you to!
Nunca hemos tenido ninguna mascota.
We've never had a pet.
Nunca nos habíamos divertido tanto como ahora.
We've never had as much fun as we're having now.
Sin duda esas son palabras que nunca saldrían de mi boca, nunca hablaría mal de Marcelo.
With no doubt those are words that would never come out of my mouth, I would never speak badly of Marcelo.
Yo nunca me acuerdo de su cumpleaños.
I never remember her birthday.
En algunas partes del desierto de Atacama en Chile nunca se ha documentado lluvia.
Rain has never been recorded in some parts of the Atacama Desert in Chile.
Nunca averiguarás la verdad.
You'll never find out the truth.
Nunca piensa en sus amigos.
He never thinks of his friends.
Nunca me he perdido un buen concierto de música clásica.
I've never missed a good classical music concert.
Si no lo haces ahora mismo no lo vas a hacer nunca.
If you don't do it right now, you'll never do it.
Nunca he tenido problemas con mi carro.
I have never had problems with my car.
Ella nunca contesta el teléfono.
She never answers the phone.
Mi papá nunca se enoja.
My dad never gets angry.
Nunca salimos para nada.
We never go out at all.
Yo nunca firmo nada sin leerlo primero.
I never sign anything without reading it first.
Ella nunca come en la casa.
She never eats at home.
Nunca sabremos la verdadera historia.
We will never know the true story.
Pedro y Carmen nunca cierran las puertas.
Pedro and Carmen never close the doors.
Nunca nos han revisado la firma a la hora de usar la tarjeta de crédito.
They've never checked the signature when we use our credit card.
Nunca salgo de vacaciones durante la Semana Santa.
I never go on vacation during Holy Week.
Nunca olviden la brújula.
Never forget the compass.
Ella nunca falta a clases.
She never misses a class.
Uno nunca sabe lo que otra persona esta pensando.
One never knows what someone else is thinking.
Él no sale nunca de su país.
He never leaves his country.
Es un experto a los bolos, nunca pierde.
He's a bowling expert, he never loses.
Él nunca se queja.
He never complains.
La población reaccionaba como si no hubiera recibido nunca influencia exterior.
The population reacted as if it had never received exterior influence.
Luis nunca hace sus tareas.
Luis never does his homework.
José nunca come langosta.
José never eats lobster.
Es mi primera vez. Nunca he estado aquí antes.
It is my first time. I have never been here before.
El juez casi nunca fracasa en sus veredictos.
The judge hardly ever fails in his verdicts.
¿Comes siempre? No, no como nunca.
Do you always eat? No, I never eat.
Aquí casi nunca llueve.
It hardly ever rains here.
Los hijos nunca sabrán o apreciarán lo que los padres hacemos por ellos.
Our children will never know or appreciate what we the parents do for them.
La lluvia nunca ha sido registrada en el desierto de Atacama en Chile.
Rain has never been recorded in the Atacama Desert in Chile.
«Nunca mais»: nunca más.
'Nunca mais' - never again.
No habrá nunca por nuestra parte deslealtades, nunca.
There will never ever be disloyalty from our side.
Nunca lo he hecho y nunca lo haré.
I never have been and I never will be.
Nunca he dicho eso.
I have never said that.
Es ahora o nunca.
It is now or never.
¡Nunca este ataque desencaminado!
It certainly does not deserve this misguided attack.
Nunca traicionemos su recuerdo.
May we never betray his memory.
Nunca debemos olvidarlo.
We must never forget that.
Nunca nos parecerá suficiente.
We will never consider it to be enough.
Nunca lo he pensado.
I have never believed that.
Pero nunca es así.
That is never the case.
No deberíamos olvidarlo nunca.
We ought never to forget.
¡Esto no ocurrirá nunca!
These things will never happen!
No olvidemos nunca esta lección.
Let us never forget that lesson.
Nunca los he ocultado.
I have never hidden these views.
Nunca puede haber excusas.
There can never be an excuse.
Nunca supe por qué.
I did not find out why.
Nunca es suficiente.
There can never be too much of that.
No debemos olvidarla nunca.
We must never forget it.
Nunca más regularizaciones masivas.
There must be no more mass regularisations.
Nunca lo he olvidado.
I have never forgotten it.
Nunca olvidaremos su solidaridad.
We will never forget your solidarity.
Y nunca debería serlo.
Nor should it ever become one.
No lo he visto nunca.
I have never seen that.
No dejemos nunca de expresarlo.
Let us constantly express that.
No olvidemos esto nunca.
Let us never forget that.
Nunca lo diríamos.
We would never say that.
Nunca es demasiado tarde.
It is never too late.
Es ahora o nunca.
It is now or never.
¡Esperemos que nunca suceda!
Let us hope that it never will!
Nunca olvidaré mi experiencia.
I will never forget what I experienced.
Nunca fue realmente efectivo.
It never did have any teeth.
Es ahora o nunca.
It can either make it or break it.
Nunca las olvidaremos.
They will forever remain in our memories.
Muchos nunca podrán regresar.
Many will never be able to return.
Nunca puede estar justificado.
It can never be justified.
Esto nunca debe olvidarse.
This should never be forgotten.
Nunca lo habría supuesto.
I was never under that assumption!
Nunca olvidaré esa noche.
I will never forget that evening.
Nunca más debe ocurrir.
It must never happen again.
Francamente, nunca estarán contentos.
Frankly, they never will be satisfied.
Nunca lo van a lograr.
They will never do it!
¡Ahora o nunca!
It is now or never!
Eso nunca podremos hacerlo.
We will never be able to do that.
Desgraciadamente, no se aplicó nunca.
Unfortunately, it was never implemented.
No, nunca habría aceptado.
I would never have agreed to this.
Nunca es preventiva.
It never takes preventive action.
Nunca debemos olvidar eso.
We must never forget that.
No debemos olvidarlo nunca.
Let us never forget this!
Esto no había ocurrido nunca.
This has not happened before.

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