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Spanish Word: parte

English Translation: part; [dar ----,= to inform; =por todas ----s],

Translated sentences containing 'parte'
Los ingredientes activos están listados en la parte de atrás del paquete.
The active ingredients are listed on the back of the package.
De un tiempo a esta parte, los kiwis son fáciles de encontrar en cualquier frutería
Recently, kiwis are easy to find in any fruit shop
Nunca llegarás a formar parte de un equipo de primera.
You'll never be part of the first (best) group.
Veintitrés años y dígame, a parte de esta tos, ¿no ha tenido usted ningún problema de salud?
Twenty three years, and tell me, aside from this cough, have you ever had a health problem?
¿Y el dolor se le va a alguna parte o se le queda allí?
And the pain moves to another area or stays in place?
Una parte, insisto.
Let me stress that I am saying a part.
Esto por una parte.
This was the first point I wanted to make.
Por mi parte, yo no.
I, for my part, do not.
Somos parte del FMI.
We are part of the IMF.
Así no llegaremos a ninguna parte.
That will not help matters at all.
Hemos hecho nuestra parte.
We have done our part.
Eso por una parte.
That is point number one.
Es parte del proceso.
It is part of the process.
Es parte del problema.
That is part of the problem.
No aparecen por ninguna parte.
This is what is completely missing.
Obviamente, no apoyamos esta parte.
We obviously do not support this.
Me refiero sólo a esta parte.
I only mean this part.
Así no llegamos a ninguna parte.
That will not get us any further.
Por parte americana, hechos.
So on the American side, we have actions.
Por parte europea, palabras.
And on the European side, we have words.
Dice que parte de ellas se han solucionado y parte no.
He says some of them have been satisfied and others have not.
Los migrantes son parte de la solución, no parte del problema.
Migrants are part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Son, en parte, inspiración y, en parte, legislación.
It is partly a matter of inspiration, and partly one of legislation.
En parte tenía usted razón, y en parte estaba equivocado.
So you are both right and wrong.
En parte es cierto y en parte es absurdo.
That is partly true, and partly nonsense.
Una parte, IVA nacional; otra parte, IVA europeo.
One part would be national VAT, and the other European VAT.
Por nuestra parte, es así.
As far as we are concerned, they will be.
Ésta forma parte de ellas.
This was one of them.
Forma parte del acervo comunitario.
It forms part of the Community acquis.
Son, en parte, razones medioambientales.
Firstly, there is the environmental argument.
¿Forma parte del paquete o no?
Does it or does it not form part of the package?
Por nuestra parte no habría fracasado.
It is not because of us that the procedure would have failed.
Gracias por esta primera parte.
Thank you for this first part of the White Paper.
Vamos a pasar a la segunda parte.
We will move on to the second part.
Esto podemos aceptarlo en parte.
This could be partly acceptable.
Por mi parte quisiera subrayar:
I, for my part, would like to point out that:
La Comisión aprueba parcialmente las enmiendas 1 parte 3, 9 parte 1, 27 parte 3 y 48 parte 2.
The Commission can partially accept Amendments Nos 1 part 3, 9 part 1, 27 part 3 and 48 part 2.
En parte, faltan proyectos adecuados.
In some cases there is a shortage of suitable projects.
Parte 3 – cualquier acción específica.
Part 3 – any specific actions.
Esto es parte del problema.
This is part of the problem.
Ucrania forma parte de Europa.
Ukraine is a part of Europe.
Por otra parte, necesitamos seguridad.
In addition, we need security.
La inmovilidad no lleva a ninguna parte.
Standing still is not an option.
Yo le respondí: «Una pequeña parte de Turquía forma parte de Europa, gran parte de Turquía forma parte de Asia.»
I answered, ‘A small part of Turkey is in Europe, and a large part of Turkey is in Asia.’
Forma parte de la estrategia.
This is part of the strategy.
No somos ni juez ni parte.
We are neither the judge nor one of the parties.
Hemos llegado a una parte delicada.
We have now come to a tricky corner.
Buena parte de Europa envejece.
A large proportion of Europe is getting older.
Darfur forma parte de ellas.
Darfur is one of them.
Por una parte, son estructurales.
On the one hand, they are structural.
Esta es la parte buena.
That is the good side.
Ustedes no son la otra parte.
You are not the other party.
No formamos parte de la ejecutiva.
We are not part of the executive.
Por mi parte, no estoy a favor.
For my part, I am not in favour.
Abjasia forma parte de Georgia.
Abkhazia is part of Georgia.
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