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Spanish Word: minutos

English Translation: minutes

Translated sentences containing 'minutos'
Nos vemos en veinte minutos.
See you in twenty minutes.
¿Cuántos minutos tienes de cuidar la maleta?
How many minutes have you been looking after the lugagge?
El autobús llega en treinta minutos.
The bus arrives in thirty minutes.
Nos vemos en veinte minutos.
See you in twenty minutes.
Lo habré terminado en diez minutos.
I will have finished it in ten minutes.
He hablado dos minutos.
I spoke for two minutes.
He agotado mis cinco minutos.
My five minutes are up.
Tomará cinco minutos.
It will take five minutes.
Esto se ha aplazado cinco minutos cada cinco minutos.
This has moved by five minutes every five minutes.
Disponemos solamente de 40 minutos.
We only have 40 minutes.
¿No convendría reflexionar algunos minutos más?
Should we not think more carefully about this?
Señorías, no necesito los tres minutos.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have no need of three minutes.
Poco más de veinte minutos.
A little more than twenty minutes.
Aún disponemos de 10 minutos.
We still have 10 minutes left.
No voy a necesitar ni tres minutos.
I do not need three minutes.
Hemos de esperar diez minutos.
We must wait for ten minutes.
El ponente tiene cinco minutos.
The rapporteur has five minutes.
Aún nos quedan dos minutos.
We still have two minutes left.
Continuaremos dentro de tres minutos.
We will start in three minutes.
Ya hemos esperado cinco minutos.
We have already been waiting for five minutes.
Se hará en pocos minutos.
This will be done in a few minutes.
Tienen cuatro minutos para intervenir.
You have a speaking time of four minutes.
He concedido 20 minutos a cada Comisario.
I gave each Commissioner 20 minutes each.
Tiene usted, efectivamente, cuatro minutos.
You are quite right that you have four minutes.
Se me han concedido dos minutos.
I have got two minutes here.
Hemos terminado diez minutos antes.
, Vice-President of the Commission. (ES) We have finished ten minutes early.
Tenemos tres minutos para hacerlo.
We shall have three minutes for it.
He esperado diez minutos a la distribución.
I waited for 10 minutes where the documents were being distributed.
Cada Comisario contesta durante 20 minutos.
Each Commissioner answers for 20 minutes.
Por consiguiente, puedo tomarme veinte minutos.
Therefore, I can take 20 minutes.
Ya he hablado seis minutos. Muchas gracias.
I have now spoken for six minutes.
(Se interrumpe la sesión durante cinco minutos)
(The sitting was adjourned for five minutes)
Pasé diez minutos horribles, señor Presidente.
I had a dreadful ten minutes, Mr President.
Él quiere un referéndum cada cinco minutos.
He wants a referendum every five minutes.
Se interrumpe la sesión dos minutos.
The sitting will be suspended for two minutes.
Señor Presidente, dos minutos, seis puntos.
Mr President, two minutes, six points.
Eso supone una cada 26 minutos.
That is one every 26 minutes.
En principio, tenía usted cinco minutos.
That is quite extraordinary for the Council.
Podría hacerlo, pero tardaría diez minutos.
I could do so, but it would take about ten minutes.
Dispongo de cinco minutos para hablar.
I have been allocated five minutes in which to speak.
No tengo intención de agotar mis cinco minutos.
I do not intend to use my full five minutes.
No puedo garantizar que termine en cinco minutos.
I cannot guarantee that I will be finished in five minutes.
Ahora leeré mi discurso de tres minutos.
Now I shall read my three-minute speech!
   – Señor Presidente, tres minutos dan para mucho.
   – Mr President, three minutes is a wonderfully long time.
Sinceramente, pensé que tenía cinco minutos.
I honestly thought that I had five minutes.
La votación tendrá lugar en unos minutos.
The vote will take place in a few minutes.
Ha estado hablando casi dos minutos.
You have been speaking for nearly two minutes.
En cuatro minutos, no voy a comentarlas todas.
I am not going to comment on all of them in four minutes.
Ahora las reduce a menos de 15 minutos.
Now you cut it down to less than 15 minutes.
Hace dos minutos que ocupo la presidencia.
I only took the Chair two minutes ago.
Tres minutos, si son tan amables.
Three minutes, if you would be so kind.
Nos quedan cinco minutos del tiempo asignado.
We have five minutes left of allotted time.
Señor Presidente, no voy a agotar mis dos minutos.
Mr President, I dare say I shall not use up my two minutes.
(Se suspende la sesión durante unos minutos)
(The sitting was adjourned for a few minutes)
Se me han concedido 15 minutos para planteara.
Fifteen minutes were given to it.
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