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English Translation: Italy

Translated sentences containing 'Italia'
Ella visitará Italia.
She will visit Italy.
Es argentino pero, de momento, está en Italia.
He is Argentinian but he is in Italy at the moment.
España e Italia pidieron una semana para reflexionar.
Spain and Italy asked for a week to reflect.
Nosotros viviremos en Italia seis meses.
We'll live in Italy six months.
Mis abuelos maternales son de Italia y no hablan nada de inglés.
My maternal grandparents are from Italy and they don't speak any English.
Italia tampoco lo conseguirá.
Italy will not succeed either.
Italia no cumplió los plazos.
Italy did not meet the deadline.
La única excepción es Italia.
The sole exception is Italy.
¿Se enfrentará Italia a su déficit?
Will Italy deal with its deficit?
Esto lo dijo en Italia.
He said that in Italy.
Tenemos plena confianza en Italia.
We have every confidence in Italy.
Me preocupa mucho mi país, Italia.
I am very concerned for my country, Italy.
Es un verdadero insulto a Italia.
It is a real insult to Italy.
Fíjense en Italia, en Lampedusa.
Look at Italy, look at Lampedusa.
Se refieren a las diferentes zonas de Italia.
They relate to the different areas of Italy.
Esto vale, en particular, para Italia.
This is particularly true in the case of Italy.
Italia, mi país, es un país mediterráneo.
My country, Italy, is a Mediterranean country.
¿Acaso estamos en Italia, señor Presidente?
Are we perhaps in Italy, Mr President?
Está incluida en ambos grupos Italia.
Italy is included in both groups.
Se ha mencionado ya hoy aquí a Italia.
Italy has already been mentioned today.
Se ha expulsado al Embajador de Italia.
The Italian ambassador has been expelled.
También Italia contará próximamente con este servicio.
This service will soon be up and running in Italy too.
Ustedes, Italia, son un ejemplo claro.
You, Italy, are a clear example.
Eso es lo que sucede en Italia.
It is like that in Italy.
Italia nos ha apoyado en el pasado.
We have had support in the past with Italy.
Romano Prodi es nuestro hombre en Italia».
Romano Prodi is our man there’.
Italia y Luxemburgo las han vedado temporalmente.
Italy and Luxembourg have temporarily banned it.
Italia otorga una importancia fundamental a esto.
This is something that Italy considers fundamentally important.
Tenemos el ejemplo de Italia muy reciente.
The example of Italy is fresh in our minds.
Italia es famosa por su generosidad.
Italy is known for its generosity.
Antes, Italia exportaba moda; ahora, exporta racismo.
Once Italy exported fashion; nowadays it exports racism.
La competitividad de Italia está hecha añicos.
Italy's competitiveness is shot to pieces.
Me preocupan mucho los últimos sucesos en Italia.
I am very concerned about the recent events in Italy.
Libertad de información en Italia (debate)
Freedom of information in Italy (debate)
Las preocupaciones de Italia también son nuestras.
Italy's concerns are also our own.
¿Saben lo que decimos en Italia?
Do you know what we say in Italy?
En Italia se están introduciendo nuevos equipos.
New equipment is being introduced in Italy.
Voté a favor de la iniciativa referida a Italia.
I voted in favour of the initiative on Italy.
La entrada libia afecta a Malta y a Italia.
The Libyan gate mainly affects Malta and Italy.
Sé cuántas víctimas hubo en Italia.
I know how many victims there were in Italy.
De hecho, hemos ofrecido asistencia a Italia.
We have, in fact, offered assistance to Italy.
Italia es un niño problemático a este respecto.
Italy is a problem child in this regard.
Bien, señor Presidente, usted procede de Italia.
Well, Mr President, you come from Italy.
Asunto: Profesores de lengua extranjera en Italia
Subject: Foreign lecturers in Italy
Especiales problemas tendrían Italia y Grecia.
Italy and Greece would have particular problems.
Ha sucedido también en Italia, mi país.
It has even happened in my country, in Italy.
Por este motivo voy a nombrar también a Italia.
That is why I also want to mention Italy.
Francia e Italia se quedaron solas.
France and Italy were left out in the cold.
Ya lo hemos vivido en Italia.
Of course there are private broadcasters who are political animals.
Italia es un Estado de derecho.
Italy is a state under the rule of law.
En Italia no debía ni quería permanecer.
He was not supposed to remain in Italy and neither did he wish to.
Consideremos, por ejemplo, los casos de Austria e Italia.
Let us take Austria and Italy, for example.
Aun así, el trabajo sumergido abunda mucho más en Italia.
In spite of that, there is very much more undeclared work in Italy.
En Italia existen las Brigadas Rojas, en España existe ETA.
Italy has the Red Brigades and Spain has ETA.
También se está contemplando iniciar procedimientos de infracción contra Italia.
The opening of infringement proceedings against Italy is also being considered.
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