Spanish Verbs - mirar, buscar, parecer  

John, you have to look at the things in this room of the museum.
Juan, tienes que mirar las cosas en esta sala del museo.
I haven't looked at these things yet.
No he mirado estas cosas todavía.
I have to look for a book that I need in the library.
Tengo que buscar un libro que necesito en la biblioteca.
I looked for the book last night but I didn't find it.
Busqué el libro anoche pero no lo encontré.
Have you looked at this book?
¿ Has mirado este libro?
Have you looked for the book that you need?
¿ Has buscado el libro que necesitas?
It looks like it is going to rain.
Parece que va a llover.
This book looks (seems) interesting.
Este libro parece interesante.
This film looks interesting.
Esta película parece interesante.
John looks tired.
Juan parece cansado.
Mary looks tired.
María parece cansada.
I hope that this movie looks interesting to you.
Espero que esta película te parezca interesante.
I thought that this movie was going to look interesting to John.
Creía que esta película le iba a parecer interesante a Juan.
I was hoping that this movie would look interesting to you.
Esperaba que esta película te pareciera interesante.
Mary said that this movie looked interesting to her.
María dijo que esta película le pareció interesante.
This movie looked interesting to me.
Esta película me pareció interesante.
Where did you look for the book that you need?
¿ Dónde buscaste el libro que necesitas?
Did you find it?
¿ Lo encontraste?
Mary looks like her sister.
María se parece a su hermana.
You look like your brother.
Tú te pareces a tu hermano.
Mary says that I look like my father.
María dice que me parezco a mi padre.
Mary's sister looks like her mother.
La hermana de María se parece a su madre.
John looks sick.
Juan parece enfermo.
The doctor said that John looked sick.
El doctor dijo que Juan parecía enfermo.
I thought that John looked sick.
Yo creía que Juan parecía enfermo.
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