Adverbs of Degree, Manner, Time, and Place  

Types of Adverbs

Quick Explanation:
Adverbs are words that modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb. They express degree, manner, time, place, etc. The most commonly used are time, place and manner. Examples:

Siempre hacíamos excursiones en bicicleta. - We would always go for bike rides.
Algunos idiotas nunca aprenden. - Some idiots never learn.
Póngalo allá. - Put it over there.
El tocador está cerva de la ventana. - The dressing table is near the window.
Ramón se pierde rápidamente. - Ramón gets lost quickly.
Yo hablaba lentamente. - I spoke slowly.

Long Explanation:
There are also other adverbs of manner that do not necesarily finish with "mente", such as: bien, mal, despacio, deprisa, tal como, etc.

Esa niña camina deprisa.
That girl walks fast.
Apenas come el bebé.
The baby hardly eats.
Me parece bien.
It seems fine to me.

Let's review other types of adverbs.

adverbs of quantity
Algo, nada, apenas, bastante, casi, cuanto, demasiado, más, menos, mucho, poco, todo, sólo, mitad, tan, tanto, etc.

Elena terminó casi todo el trabajo.
Elena finished almost all the work.
Mi cita fue poco agradable.
My date was not very pleasant.
Mi tío es tan alto como mi papá.
My uncle is as tall as my dad.

adverbs of order
Primero, antes, después, sucesivamente, etc.

Amanda comió primero que todos.
Amanda ate before everybody.
Todos se acercaron sucesivamente.
Everybody approached and so forth.
Los niños prescolares se alinearon uno después de otro.
The pre-school children lined up one after another.

affirmative, negative and doubt adverbs
sí, verdaderamente, ciertamente, cierto, también, no, nunca, jamás, tampoco, ni, quizá, acaso, etc.

Jorge no vendrá al ensayo.
Jorge will not come to the rehearsal.
Belinda sí trajo su guitarra.
Belinda did bring her guitar.
Jennifer también tiene tos.
Jennifer also has a cough.

There are also some adverbial phrases commonly used:

en cuclillas (squatting)
sin comparación (without compare)
al fin (finally)
a la francesa (French style)
a menudo (often)
con moderación (in moderation)
a la carrera (in a hurry)
a la moda (in style)

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