Spanish Sentences using pudimos  

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Llovía, por eso no pudimos salir.
It was raining, therefore we couldn't go out.
El paró de trabajar en la fábrica a las cinco, así que pudimos hablar con él.
He stopped working at the factory at 5:00 o’clock so we were able to talk to him.
María quería que nosotros trajéramos los boletos, pero no pudimos.
Mary wanted us to bring the tickets but we couldn't.
Nosotros no los pudimos traer.
We were not able to bring them.
No pudimos encontrar los sobres de correo aéreo.
We couldn't find the airmail envelopes.
No pudimos verle la cara.
We couldn't see her face.
No pudimos hablar inglés pero ahora sí podemos.
We could not speak English but now we can.
Nosotros no pudimos ayudar a María.
We weren't able to help Mary.
No pudimos mover el piano.
We were not able to move the piano.
Del viaje trajimos lo más que pudimos.
From the trip we brought as much as we could.
No pudimos dormir porque el bebé estaba llorando.
We couldn't sleep because the baby was crying.
María quería que nosotros trajéramos las maletas, pero no pudimos.
Mary wanted us to bring the suitcases but we couldn't.
Tuvimos mucho que hacer y no pudimos ir a la fiesta.
We had lots to do and couldn’t go to the party.
Llueve, por eso no pudimos salir.
It's raining, therefore we couldn't go out.
No pudimos encontrar los sobres que nos hacen falta.
We couldn't find the envelopes (that/which) we need.
No, no pudimos ahora sí podemos hablarlo un poco y podemos entender mucho.
No, we couldn’t but now we can speak it a little and we can understand a lot.
Pudimos presentar nuestros compromisos.
We were able to present our commitments.
Felizmente, pudimos atajarlas.
I am very glad to say we were able to rebuff those attempts.
Sólo pudimos avanzar poco a poco.
We only advanced bit by bit.
Ya pudimos leer algo a este respecto.
Indeed there has been quite a lot written on the subject.
Pudimos devolverles 3,2 millardos de euros.
We were able to reimburse the sum of 3.2 billion to them.
Por una vez pudimos respirar tranquilamente.
We were able to catch our breath in peace for a while.
Sin embargo, no pudimos hacer nada más.
However, we could go no further.
Ayer, todos pudimos comprobar ese fracaso.
Yesterday, we all took note of that failure.
Con nuestra propia fuerza no pudimos conseguir nada.
By our own strength we could achieve nothing.
Pudimos aprobar unánimemente un texto distinto.
We could unanimously adopt a different text.
Finalmente pudimos encontrar un equilibrio entre ambas.
We were able to find a balance.
Con todo, también eso pudimos resolverlo.
However, we resolved this, too.
Hubo un pequeño problema, pero pudimos solventarlo.
There was a little bit of a problem there, but we got it ironed out.
Unas semanas más tarde hicimos todo lo que pudimos.
A few weeks later, we did the best that we could.
No pudimos conseguir que se contemplara en el Tratado de Amsterdam.
We did not manage to have this included in the Treaty of Amsterdam.
Pudimos experimentarlo en carne propia, pues nuestro Grupo fue tiroteado.
We experienced this at first hand because our group came under fire.
No pudimos hablar con él, dado que iba armado.
We were not allowed to talk to him, apparently because he was armed.
Gracias a esta ayuda pudimos recuperarnos de la crisis.
Thanks to such support, we were able to recover from the crisis.
Por lo tanto, pudimos incluir el «octa» en esta Directiva.
We were therefore able to include 'octa' in this directive.
En la Europa de la posguerra no pudimos hacerlo todo solos.
In post-war Europe we could not do it on our own.
Hicimos todo lo que pudimos en aquel momento.
We turned the meeting to as best account as we could achieve at the time.
Al final no pudimos conseguir todo lo que queríamos.
In the end, we could not achieve everything we wanted.
En esa ocasión pudimos transmitirle nuestras principales críticas.
We outlined all our main criticisms to him.
Y sin embargo, no pudimos dejar de admirar a esta cultura milenaria.
Nevertheless, we cannot fail to admire this age-old culture.
Pudimos verlo en las sentencias Laval, Rüffert y otras.
We saw this in the judgments on Laval, Rüffert and others.
¿Pudimos debatir este tema de manera abierta y transparente?
Were we able to debate these in an open and transparent manner?
No entiendo cómo pudimos tener alguna vez este artículo tan extraño.
I do not understand why we have ever had this bizarre rule.
No pudimos modificar este documento por motivos de procedimiento.
We were not able to amend this document for procedural reasons.
Por ello no pudimos lograr un compromiso sobre esta cuestión.
We were thus unable to reach a compromise on this issue.
¿Pudimos influir quizás en la fijación del orden del día?
Have we been able to influence the agenda?
En 1994 no pudimos controlar el 14 % de todos los gastos.
Whereas 14 % of all expenditure was involved in 1994, the figure is now only 2.3 %.
Las declaraciones que pudimos escuchar no van en esta dirección.
The statements we have listened to did not imply that.
Respecto a la comitología, pudimos encontrar una solución perfectamente aceptable.
On the subject of the commitology, we have managed to find a very acceptable solution.
En la votación no pudimos estar a favor del informe.
We were unable to support the report in the vote.
En la votación no pudimos estar a favor del informe.
We were unable to support the report in the vote.
En la votación no pudimos estar a favor del informe.
We would like to thank the rapporteur for his accomplished work on the report.
En la votación no pudimos estar a favor del informe.
We did not support the report.
Pero en Kyoto no pudimos llegar hasta nuestra meta final.
But Kyoto did not take us all the way to our goal.
No pudimos hacerlo pues acordamos un presupuesto para un año.
We could not do this because we were deciding on a budget for one year.
En febrero pudimos comprobar que no se ha hecho nada.
We ascertained in February that this had not happened.
Pudimos manifestar nuestras expectativas y, una vez más, pudimos marcar las pautas sobre un tema que es de vital importancia para todos los ciudadanos.
We were able to express our expectations. And we were once again able to lead the way on an issue that is crucial to all citizens.
Entonces, no pudimos eliminar la situación de incertidumbre de los trabajadores fronterizos.
We were unable to halt the Russian roulette for frontier workers at the time.
No viene al caso determinar qué ocurrió, qué cambió, qué pudimos favorecer con nuestra postura.
This is not the time to assess what has happened and what has changed and what we perhaps encouraged with our attitude.
Asimismo, pudimos ver que muchos ministros estaban visiblemente preocupados por el plebiscito en Irlanda.
At the same time, we could see clear concern among them following the referendum in Ireland.
Pudimos constatar que las propuestas Mitchell siguen siendo aceptadas por ambas partes.
It was made clear to us that the Mitchell proposals are still accepted by both sides.
Sin embargo, tomamos la iniciativa desde el comienzo mismo y pudimos plasmarlo en un acuerdo internacional.
However, we took the initiative from the very beginning and we were able to carry it through to an international agreement.
Desgraciadamente no pudimos sacar adelante este punto de vista en la Conferencia de Presidentes -lo lamentamos.
Unfortunately, we were unable to get anywhere with that point of view last week in the Conference of Presidents, and that is something we regret.
No pudimos salir de Bruselas, tuvimos que regresar y partir desde Charleroi al día siguiente.
We could not get out of Brussels at all; we had to go back, and in the end departed from Charleroi the next day.
Según pudimos comprobar, se tardaba una eternidad en comunicar los errores.
It is now de facto better, but that, of course, also means that more irregularities are being reported.
Allí pudimos discutir el cambio climático con representantes del Congreso norteamericano.
We were given the opportunity of discussing the climate issue with both Congress and the House of Representatives.

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