Spanish Sentences using comido  

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Ana habría comido fresas si no estuviera enferma.
Ana would have eaten strawberries if she weren't sick.
Ellos han comido pescado.
They have eaten fish.
Yo he comido pastel de zanahoria.
I have eaten carrot cake.
César ha comido hamburguesa.
César has eaten a hamburger.
Tú has comido un pastel por tu cumpleaños.
You have eaten a cake for your birthday.
Tú has comido en la orilla de la playa.
You have eaten at the beach's shore.
Cuando ellos hayan comido, pueden jugar al ajedrez.
When they have eaten, they can play chess.
Yo he comido caldo de mariscos el domingo.
I have eaten seafood on Sunday.
Nosotros hemos comido sin lavarnos las manos.
We have eaten without washing our hands.
Ella ha comido demasiado, y por eso está enferma.
She has eaten too much, that is why she is sick.
Felipe ha comido manzanas, mangos y duraznos.
Felipe has eaten apples, mangos and peaches.
Fernando y Luis han comido chiles rellenos y arroz.
Fernando and Luis have eaten chiles rellenos and rice.
Carlos y yo hemos comido pizza toda la semana.
Carlos and I have eaten pizza all week.
Yo hubiese comido más pastel.
I would have eaten more cake.
Ella ha comido una sopa deliciosa con verduras.
She has eaten a delicious soup with vegetables.
Tú has comido antes de tiempo por salir de viaje.
You have eaten before time because of your trip.
¡He comido demasiado¡ Me siento muy pesado...
I've eaten too much! I feel very heavy.
Ellos han comido caviar en la cena de negocios.
They have eaten caviar in the business dinner.
Yo he comido en ese restaurante y es mala la comida.
I have eaten in that restaurant and the food is bad.
César no ha comido más que chocolates durante el día.
César has eaten only chocolates during the day.
Tú has comido langosta y ensalada.
You have eaten lobster and salad.
Ellos han comido helado.
They have eaten an ice cream.
Luis ha comido pastel.
Luis has eaten some cake.
Carlos ha comido manzana.
Carlos has eaten an apple.
Ella ha comido camarones.
She has eaten some shrimps.
Nosotros hemos comido pan con jamón y queso.
We have eaten bread with ham and cheese.
Sonia ha comido pan.
Sonia has eaten bread.
Luis y yo habíamos comido langosta por dos semanas.
Luis and I had eaten lobster for two weeks.
Tú habías comido hamburguesas por dos años.
You had eaten hamburgers for two years.
Ellos habían comido dulces.
They had eaten sweets.
Ellos hubieron comido con la reina.
They had eaten with the Queen.
Rafael había comido carne y papas.
Rafael had eaten meat and potatoes.
Yo había comido pastel de zanahoria.
I had eaten carrot cake.
Sara había comido pescado.
Sara had eaten fish.
Ellas habían comido helado de coco.
They had eaten coconut ice cream.
Roberto había comido frijoles.
Roberto had eaten beans.
Nosotros habíamos comido chile.
We had eaten hot pepper.
Él había comido huevos y salchichas.
He had eaten eggs and sausages.
Tú habías comido sandía y melón.
You had eaten watermelon and melon.
Yo había comido ensalada de lechuga y tomate.
I had eaten a lettuce and tomato salad.
Bueno, ¿y que ha comido hoy?
Okay, what have you eaten today?
No, siempre hemos comido salsa de tomate.
No, we have always eaten tomato sauce.
Yo he comido en este restaurante.
I have eaten in this restaurant.
¿Has comido en este restaurante?
Have you eaten in this restaurant?
Yo había comido un pastel con cerezas.
I had eaten a cherry cake.
Cuando lleguemos habrán comido todos los chorizos.
When we get there, they will have eaten all the sausages.
¿Ha comido algo fuera de lo común?
Have you eaten anything unusual?
Yo habré comido después de trabajar.
I will have eaten after working.
Yo no sabía si Juan había comido.
I didn't know if John had eaten.
Tú has comido carne y papas.
You have eaten meat and potatoes.
Yo no sabía si los muchachos habían comido.
I didn't know if the boys had eaten.
Yo he comido uvas.
I have eaten grapes.
Nosotros hemos comido frutas.
We haven eaten some fruits.
Ella ha comido chile.
She has eaten hot pepper.
Felipe ha comido pastel.
Felipe has eaten some cake.
Fernando y Luis han comido ensalada.
Fernando and Luis have eaten some salad.
Carlos y yo hemos comido pizza.
Carlos and I have eaten pizza.
Ellos habrán comido a las 8:00 p.m. en el restaurante.
They will have eaten in the restaurant at 8:00 p.m.
Ella ha comido manzanas.
She has eaten some apples.
Tú has comido pan y queso.
You have eaten bread and cheese.
¿Has comido en el restaurante La Fuente?
Have you eaten in the restaurant, La Fuente?
No, no he comido allí.
No, I have not eaten there.
¡Cómo no va a estar enfermo Antonio, habiendo comido como comió!
Why wouldn't Antonio get sick, having eaten the way he did!
¿Han comido los niños?
Have the children eaten?
Los niños han comido muy bien.
The children have eaten very well.
María ha comido en este restaurante.
Mary has eaten in this restaurant.
Ella ha comido.
She has eaten.
Nosotros hemos comido en este restaurante.
We have eaten in this restaurant.
Las muchachas han comido en este restaurante.
The girls have eaten in this restaurant.
¿Los invitados han comido?
Have the guests eaten?
Él habrá comido pollo en la noche.
He will have eaten chicken in the evening.
Yo no sé si Juan ha comido.
I don't know if John has eaten.
Yo no sé si los muchachos han comido.
I don't know if the boys have eaten.
Ya hemos comido.
We have already eaten.
Yo no he comido todavía.
I haven't eaten yet.
¿ Has comido?
Have you eaten?
Juan dice que él ha comido.
John says that he has eaten.
Nosotros no hemos comido todavía.
We haven't eaten yet.
¿ Sabes si los muchachos han comido?
Do you know if the boys have eaten?
La vaca se ha vuelto loca porque ha comido política.
Cows have gone mad because they have been given a dose of politics.
Y estos nunca se enterarán de lo que ha comido.
The consumer will never discover what he has eaten.
Ya nos hemos comido otro trozo del pastel.
We now have a second bite at the cherry.
La vaca no se ha vuelto loca porque ha comido hierba o porque hubiera fumado hierba.
Cows did not go mad because they ate grass, or even smoked it.
Como dicen, al hambriento le resulta difícil comprender al que ha comido bien.
As they say, it is difficult for the hungry man to understand a man who has eaten well.
¿Es cierto que un niño ya ha muerto en Extremo Oriente por haber comido carne infectada?
Is it correct that a child has already died – admittedly in the Far East – from eating infected meat?
Nunca antes en la historia se había comido tanta carne como ahora.
Never before in the history of the world have we eaten as much meat as we do today.
Todo el mundo, en algún momento de su vida, ha comido algo que estaba "estropeado".
Everyone has at some time in their lives eaten something that was 'off'.
Hemos comido juntos justo antes de esta sesión para debatir este tema en profundidad.
We had a lunch just before the sitting to discuss this in depth.
¿Me he comido alguna? ¿Quién está coordinando todo esto en el plano de la Comisión?
Who is coordinating all this at Commission level?
No solo se ha comido el pollo, sino que también la ha contaminado, lo cual es mucho más grave.
Not only has it eaten the chicken but, what is far worse, it has contaminated it.
Estamos decididos a luchar contra la corrupción, que se ha comido el tejido nacional y social de nuestro país.
We are determined to fight corruption, which has eaten away the fabric of our nationhood and society.
En comparación con la introducción del verdadero euro, la travesía río arriba del eurobarco es pan comido.
Compared with the introduction of the euro itself, this cruise upstream by the 'Euroboat' is a piece of cake.
Temo que la limpieza del medio ambiente resulte pan comido en comparación con la tarea de convencer al PI para que haga sus deberes medioambientales.
I fear that cleaning up the environment may prove to be a doddle compared to the task of persuading the UKIP to clean up its act.
La vaca se ha vuelto loca porque ha comido política agrícola común, tal como la Comisión de Bruselas la impone desde hace casi treinta años.
Cows have gone mad because they have had to swallow the common agricultural policy that the European Commission has forced down their throats for nigh on thirty years.
Recientemente 15 personas fallecieron en un Estado miembro por intoxicación alimentaria como resultado de haber comido alimentos contaminados provenientes de un pequeño establecimiento de venta al por mayor.
Recently 15 people died in one Member State from food poisoning as a result of eating contaminated food from one small wholesale establishment.
Para un danés, es interesante oír que el chocolate que yo he comido desde hace casi cuarenta y cinco años no tiene buen sabor o es de mala calidad.
As a Dane, I find it interesting to hear that the chocolate I have been eating for nearly 45 years does not taste nice and is not good quality.
He comido hoy con el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Suiza y me ha comunicado que su país quiere participar en esta misión porque comparten con nosotros la preocupación por el problema que supone la piratería.
I had lunch today with the Swiss Foreign Minister and they want to participate in this operation because they share our concerns on piracy.

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