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Spanish Word: iba

English Translation: past descr. of [ir]

Translated sentences containing 'iba'
Tu ibas para allá y yo iba para acá.
You were going there and I was coming here.
Él iba a jugar todos los días.
He used to go to play every day.
Iba a recogerlo.
I was going to get it.
Estaba claro de antemano que no iba a pagar.
It was clear in advance that he wasn't going to pay.
Yo creía que Juan iba a ayudarme a limpiar la casa.
I thought Juan was going to help me clean the house.
Ya iba siendo hora.
This is not a day too soon.
   – Justamente iba a anunciarlo ahora.
   I was actually just about to make an announcement to that effect.
¿Quién iba al volante?
Who was at the wheel?
Hoy se iba a pronunciar.
The House was going to express its view today.
Ya iba siendo hora.
It is about time too.
Hasta ahora todo iba bien.
We have been OK up to now.
Iba a trabajar como funcionario internacional.
He was going to work as an international civil servant.
Muchos periodistas pensaron que todo iba bien.
Things were looking up, according to many journalists.
Casi iba a decir: hay muchos irlandeses.
I almost said there are a lot of Irish among us.
Los hombres se preguntaban qué iba a suceder.
The men wondered what was to happen now.
Mi pregunta iba precisamente dirigida a este punto.
My question addressed precisely this point.
Usted dijo que iba a armonizar las sanciones.
You said you were going to harmonise sanctions.
Iba a pie por delante del hotel.
He was on foot outside the hotel.
¿Qué se suponía que iba a desarrollar?
What was it meant to develop?
¿Por qué iba a ser diferente esta vez?
Why should it be different this time?
Iba a hacer todo lo posible para detenerlo.
He was going to do everything to stop it.
Señor Comisario, esto iba por usted.
Commissioner, that was addressed to you.
Era lo que pensaba que iba a decir.
This is what I thought you would say.
Eso es exactamente lo que iba a proponer.
That is exactly what I was about to propose.
¿Qué camino iba a elegir la Alemania reunificada?
What path would reunited Germany choose?
Pronto comprendimos que no iba a resultar tan fácil.
It was not long before we realised that it would not be so easy.
Antes se iba directamente a la legislación.
First of all, we used to go straight to legislation.
Iba acompañado por representantes de la Comisión.
He was accompanied by the Commission.
Algunos pensaban que la propuesta iba demasiado lejos, mientras que otros pensaban que no iba suficientemente lejos.
Some thought the proposal was going too far, while others felt it did not go anything like far enough.
Usted ha respondido como sabía que iba a responder.
Indeed you responded in kind, as I knew you would do.
Era evidente que el Consejo no iba a aceptar tal propuesta.
It was clear that the Council would not accept such a proposal.
Todos sabíamos que iba a ser difícil y larga.
We all knew they would be difficult and lengthy.
No pudimos hablar con él, dado que iba armado.
We were not allowed to talk to him, apparently because he was armed.
Me respondió que, naturalmente, se iba a ocupar inmediatamente de ello.
You replied that yes, of course, you would see to it immediately.
La Sra. Peijs se preguntaba cuándo iba a actuar la Comisión.
Mrs Peijs wondered when the Commission would spring into action.
Doscientos diputados abandonaron el Pleno cuando iba a hablar.
Two hundred Members walked out when he was due to speak.
¿Cómo se les iba a exigir a ellos y a los demás no?
How could they be required of them and not of everybody else?
Pero ahora el Sr. Sterckx iba vestido de ciclista.
Now, Mr Sterckx was dressed as a cyclist.
Se suponía que el euro iba a abaratarlo todo.
The euro was supposed to make everything cheaper.
Le han preguntado qué iba a hacer sobre el etiquetado.
You were asked what you were going to do about labelling.
Pero todavía no hemos recibido la carta que iba a enviar.
Unfortunately, we have still not received the letter which he was going to send.
A medida que transcurría mi perplejidad iba en aumento.
I have been increasingly puzzled as it has gone on.
   – Señor Presidente, quiero exponer la cuestión que iba a plantear antes.
   Mr President, I should like to make the point I was going to make earlier.
La situación de «talla única» siempre iba a constituir un problema.
The one-size-fits-all situation was always going to be a problem.
Esto plantea la pregunta de si iba en serio.
This begs the question of whether it was meant in earnest.
Creo que estaba claro que Hamás iba a ganar.
I think it was on the cards that Hamas would win.
¿En verdad iba a imponerse todo esto uniformemente en toda Europa?
Was all this really to be imposed uniformly right across Europe?
Nadie dijo que ésta iba a ser una tarea fácil.
No one said this was going to be an easy undertaking.
Él ha dicho que el Reino Unido no iba a entregarle.
He said the UK would not hand him over.
Iba a mencionarlo en la explicación de voto de mi agencia.
I was going to mention that in my Agency explanation of vote.
Por desgracia, no preví lo denso que iba a ser el tráfico.
Unfortunately, I was unable to foresee in time how busy the roads were going to be.
Yo pregunto: ¿y por qué no se iba a atrever?
I ask: Why should not it?
Usted ha señalado que iba a consultar al Parlamento.
You said you would consult Parliament.
Durante un tiempo pareció que no se iba a realizar.
It seemed for a while that it might not happen.
¡Creía que este iba a ser un gran momento de orgullo!
I thought this was going to be a big, proud moment!
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