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Spanish Word: familia

English Translation: family

Translated sentences containing 'familia'
Nos reunimos toda la familia en Nochebuena.
Our family gets together on Christmas Eve.
La familia asistió a la fiesta en casa de la abuela porque era su cumpleaños.
The family attended the party at grandma's house because it was her birthday.
¿Para usted o su familia?
For you or your family?
Cada verano mi familia se reúne en la casa de mi abuelo.
My family used to get together every year at my grandpa's house.
Varios amigos míos vinieron a visitar a mi familia la semana pasada.
Several friends of mine came to visit my family last week.
Somos una gran familia.
We are one big family.
Debemos promover la familia.
We need to promote the family.
¿Qué es la familia natural?
What is the nuclear family?
La familia no lo reconoció, etc.
The family did not recognise him and so on.
Ahora somos una sola familia.
We are now one family.
La familia debe permanecer unida.
The family must stay together.
Es necesario prestigiar la familia.
We really must favour family life.
Era una verdadera «familia extensa».
That was an extended family.
¿Dónde está la protección de la familia?
And what about the protection of the family?
¿Pero cómo se define la familia?
But how is the family to be defined?
La familia tradicional ya no es la habitual.
The traditional family is no longer the norm.
Estamos en estrecho contacto con la familia.
We are in close touch with the family.
Yo voy a estar con mi familia.
I plan to be with my family.
¿Cómo definimos la familia hoy en día?
How, today, do we define the family?
El primero, ineludiblemente, es la familia.
The first, inevitably, is the family.
El primero de ellos es la familia.
The first of these is the family.
Acompañamos a su familia en el sentimiento.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time.
Estoy en estrecho contacto con su familia.
I am in close contact with his family.
Asunto: Protección de políticas favorables a la familia
Subject: Measures to promote family-friendly policies
Hay 27 miembros en esta familia.
There are 27 members in this family.
Me gustaría expresar el pésame a su familia.
I would like to convey my condolences to his family.
Esto es inaceptable para mi familia política.
This, as far as my political family is concerned, is unacceptable.
Gilad y su familia necesitan nuestra ayuda.
Gilad and his family need our help.
La pobreza es un atentado a la familia.
Poverty is an assault on the family.
La familia es algo valioso. Es cierto.
The family is a valuable thing, it is true, but it is not everything.
Muchos Estados protegen especialmente a la familia.
Many states grant special protection to the family.
Belarús forma parte de la familia europea.
Belarus is part of the European family.
Expresamos nuestras más sinceras condolencias a su familia.
We extend our deepest sympathy to his family.
Protección de la familia y del niño
Protection of families and children
Su familia y ella viven como refugiados.
She and her family live as refugees.
Se menciona a "la familia" y no a "la familia en sus diversas formas" .
In other words, it says 'family' , not 'family in its various forms' .
Cuando una familia no es una familia y un niño adoptado es ¿exactamente qué?
So when is a family not a family, and an adopted child is - well, what exactly?
La familia al-Kurd ha sido expulsada para favorecer a una familia judía recientemente emigrada a Israel.
The al-Kurd family has been expelled for the benefit of a Jewish family which only recently emigrated to Israel.
Señorías, todos formamos una familia europea y, como en toda familia, hay diferencias de opinión.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are one European family and, as in any family, there are differences of opinion.
Ya sea su propia familia o una familia adoptiva con una madre y un padre afectuosos.
Either their own family or a replacement family, with a loving mother and father.
Con una mayor injerencia de Europa en la familia, la familia podría llegar a verse perjudicada.
More European interference in the family could mean that families would suffer.
Y si están con la familia, su familia ya va a entrar dentro del sistema.
And if they are with their family, that family will enter the system.
Para cualquier niño que necesite una familia, lo ideal es que sea su propia familia y, si no es posible, una familia de su propia comunidad.
For any child that needs a family, the preference is for its own family and if that is not available then a family in its own community.
La familia forma parte integral del concepto europeo de sociedad.
Families are firmly connected with the European notion of society.
Una política así exigiría reconocer toda su importancia a la familia.
That kind of policy would mean giving the family its due place.
Es inexcusable que se haya quitado esta referencia a la familia.
It is inexcusable that this reference to the family has been removed.
Nadie abandona su tierra, su cultura, su familia por gusto.
Nobody wants to abandon their land, their culture or their family.
Todos ellos expresaron su compromiso con unirse a la familia europea.
All of them expressed their commitment to joining the European family.
El núcleo de la familia, sí pero no toda la parentela.
Let us admit the immediate family by all means, but not the entire extended family.
He formulado preguntas concretas sobre el concepto de familia.
I asked specific questions about the concept of family.
Los ciudadanos no se sienten parte de la familia europea.
Citizens do not feel part of the European family.
Mi familia política está enteramente a favor de este objetivo.
My political family is entirely in favour of this objective.
Esto permitirá evitar diferencias de trato en una misma familia.
This will prevent differing treatment within a single family.
Practicar el deporte es como pertenecer a una gran familia.
Participating in sport is like being a member of a big family. Consequently, women should never be excluded and their interests should never be sidelined.
Dentro de unos meses, nuestra familia tendrá 10 nuevos miembros.
In a few months, our family will have 10 new members.
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More Spanish -> English Translations
  famoso,famosa - famous
  fanfarria - fanfare
  fantasía - fancy, imagination
  farsa - farce
  fatal - fatal
  fatigado,fatigada - tired, worn out
  favor - favor; [a ---- de], in favor of, in...
  faz - face
  - faith; [a ---- mía], upon my word
  febrero - February
  fecundísimo,fecundísima - very fertile
  fecundo,fecunda - fertile
  fecha - date
  federal - federal
  Federico - Frederick
  Felipe - Philip
  feliz - happy
  felizmente - happily, without mishap
  feo,fea - ugly
  feria - fair

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