Spanish Sentences using eran  

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Eran las cinco.
It was five o'clock.
Cuando Miriam Y Lucky eran solteras, bailaban muy bien y conocian a muchos muchachos.
When Miriam and Lucky were single, they were very good dancers and they knew a lot of boys.
Todos sus primos se llevaban muy bien cuando eran niños.
All of their cousins got along really well when they were children.
Una sala cuyos asientos eran muy cómodos.
A lounge whose seats were very comfortable.
Eran partidarios del acuerdo.
They supported the agreement.
¿Qué horas eran cuando salieron de clase?
What time was it when you got out of class?
Le dijeron que eran inocentes.
They said that they were innocent.
Eran las nueve cuando la clase empezó.
It was 9 when the class started.
Ellos eran los cocineros del hotel.
They used to be the cooks at the hotel.
Cuando eran niños no pudieron entenderlo pero ahora sí pueden.
When they were young children they could not understand it but now they can.
Ya se me había olvidado qué tan fuertes eran estos cigarros.
I had already forgotten how strong these cigarettes are.
¿Eran felices?
Were they happy?
Ellas eran obesas.
They were obese.
Mis padres se casaron cuando eran muy jóvenes.
My parents got married when they were very young.
Los sobrinos, que eran muy listos, asesinaron al tío.
The nephews, who were very smart, killed the uncle.
Los incas cuya organización social les impresionaba a los españoles, eran muy avanzados.
Incaics, whose social organization was impressive for the Spaniards, were a very advanced civilization.
Ellos eran los cocineros del hotel.
They were the hotel's cooks.
Ellas eran recepcionistas.
They were receptionists.
Eran unas oposiciones tan difíciles.
They were some very difficult opposition.
Los mayas, quienes eran muy avanzados, habían descubierto el concepto del cero.
Mayans, who were a very advanced civilization, had discovered the number 0.
Las primeras mujeres que se defendían eran socialdemócratas.
The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic.
Las botellas de agua eran recibidas por las ciclistas.
The bottles of water were received by the bikers.
Las flores eran blancas y amarillas.
The flowers were white and yellow.
Los que creía que eran mis amigos resultaron ser mis verdugos.
The guys that I thought my friends ended up being my enemies.
Cuando salimos del consultorio ya era tarde. Eran como las nueve y media.
When we left the doctor's office, it was already late. It was about nine thirty.
No, ellos eran lentos para caminar.
No, they were slow at walking.
Sí, porque ellos eran guiados por él.
Yes, because they were guided by him.
Cuando ellos eran más jóvenes, ellos ganaron muchos premios.
When they were younger, they won many awards.
Eran las siete de la noche.
It was 7pm.
Ellos eran inseparables, eran una sóla alma.
They were inseparable, they were one soul.
Los incendios eran muy comunes en esa época.
Fires were very common in that era.
Mis padres eran dueños de un negocio pequeño. Eran microempresarios.
My parents were owners of a small business. They were small-business managers.
Eran las once de la noche.
It was 11:00 in the evening.
¿Las manifestaciones eran en el centro?
Were the demonstrations downtown?
Eran las nueve de la mañana.
It was nine in the morning.
Eran las cinco de la tarde.
It was five in the afternoon.
Eran las cuatro cuando llegamos.
It was four o’clock when we arrived.
Eran probablemente las tres cuando se fueron.
It was probably three o’clock when they left.
Los aviones eran muy grandes.
The airplanes were very large.
Eran las once.
It was eleven o'clock.
No eran simplemente víctimas, eran mujeres en acción.
These were women issuing a call to action and not only victims.
No eran cifras inventadas.
These were not invented figures, plucked out of the air.
Creía que eran súbditos.
I thought they were subjects.
Eran personas muy humildes.
They were very humble people.
Eran los clásicos paramilitares.
They were typical paramilitary operators.
No eran repúblicas bananeras.
They were not banana republics.
No eran inmigrantes cualesquiera: ¡eran somalíes, señor Presidente en ejercicio!
These were not just any immigrants: they were Somalis, Mr President-in-Office!
Estas excepciones eran totalmente inoportunas.
Such exceptions were completely inappropriate.
¿Cuáles eran entonces los fundamentos?
What were they based on back then?
Ésos eran mis comentarios iniciales.
Those were my initial comments.
Los consumidores eran tratados injustamente.
Consumers simply got a bad deal.
O al menos eran aceptables.
At least they were acceptable.
No eran fáciles, se lo aseguro.
They were not easy, I can assure you.
Creemos que eran demasiado elevados.
We believed they were too high.
Las condiciones eran las siguientes.
The conditions were as follows.
Eran razones un poco particulares.
They were rather exceptional reasons.
Estas enmiendas eran las siguientes:
These amendments were as follows:
¿Eran cifras caídas del cielo?
Were figures just plucked from the air?
Estos apartados eran principalmente repeticiones.
These paragraphs were mainly repetitions. The final result is also OK.
Son -o, posiblemente, eran- liberales.
They are, or possibly were, Liberals.
Políticamente, los procedimientos no eran transparentes.
Politically, therefore, the procedures were not transparent.
Éstas no eran sino observaciones preliminares.
Let me just say that at the outset.
Ambas cosas eran o son inaceptables.
This is just as unacceptable as the previous situation was.
El otro aspecto eran las primas extraordinarias.
The other point was extraordinary bonuses.
Obviamente, esas reticencias no eran las mías.
Of course, I did not feel this reticence.
(NL) Antiguamente, las pequeñas empresas eran omnipresentes.
(NL) Small enterprises used to be a very common phenomenon.
Eran tres los presos desde 1989.
Three men were imprisoned in 1989.
Algunas de ellas eran absolutamente ubuescas.
Some of those amendments were absolutely ludicrous.
Algunos informes eran incompletos o ilegibles.
Some reports were incomplete or illegible.
Las tarifas bancarias transfronterizas eran astronómicas.
Cross-border banking fees were astronomical.
Estas eran un par de cuestiones.
These were a couple of issues.
Mis abuelos eran checos y húngaros.
I myself am descended from Czech and Hungarian grandparents.
La segunda eran las reformas institucionales necesarias.
The second was necessary institutional reforms.
Sin embargo, esas Directivas anteriores eran insuficientes.
However, those earlier directives were inadequate.
Así que las razones eran otras.
So there were other reasons.
   . – Las palabras que he utilizado eran muy concretas.
   . – The words I used were very specific.
Antes eran financiados para que abrieran asentamientos.
Previously they were funded so that they could create settlements.
Los elementos en cuestión eran los siguientes:
The elements in question were as follows:
Eran obras realizadas por maestros italianos.
The works were produced by Italian masters.
Antes, todos estos animales eran brutalmente sacrificados.
Earlier, all these animals were most brutally slaughtered.
Sabíamos que no eran huéspedes deseados en Europa.
We knew that the Roma were not desirable guests in Europe.
Las propuestas rechazadas eran las siguientes:
The rejected proposals were as follows:
Tres cosas eran importantes para nosotros.
Three things were important to us.
Estas iniciativas se apreciaron, pero eran inapropiadas.
These initiatives were appreciated but inadequate.
Eran demasiado listos y maquinadores para eso.
They were much cleverer, much more scheming than that.
No eran muchos los que esperaban este resultado.
There were not many people who would have predicted this outcome.
Los mensajes eran claros y concretos.
The messages were focused and clear.
¡Y sin embargo las señales eran evidentes!
Yet the strong signals were there!
Al menos estos anticipos eran regulares.
At least these advances were regular.
Estas reformas eran necesarias, es preciso continuarlas.
These reforms were necessary, they have to continue.

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