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Spanish Word: embargo

English Translation: [sin ----], nevertheless

Translated sentences containing 'embargo'
No debió hacerlo, sin embargo lo hizo.
He should not have done it, however he did it.
A ella le encanta ver la televisión, sin embargo, no la ve por las noches.
She loves to watch TV, however, she does not watch it at night.
Nadie estaba de acuerdo con la nueva ley, sin embargo, ellos decidieron seguir adelante.
Nobody agreed with the new law; however, they decided to go ahead.
Soy italiano, sin embargo, vivo en España.
I'm Italian; however, I live in Spain.
Sepan, sin embargo, que la zona costera ofrece más posibilidades que las tierras del interior.
You should know, however, that the coastal areas offer more opportunities than the inland areas.
Sin embargo, no sabemos cómo.
How matters will turn out, however, we do not know.
Sin embargo, esto me preocupa.
In this regard, I nonetheless feel a certain unease.
Sin embargo, conviene matizarla.
But a more nuanced definition is required.
Sin embargo, no es cierto.
However, that is not the case.
Sin embargo, ello no basta.
But more is required than that.
Sin embargo, no es así.
However, these conditions do not prevail.
No debemos, sin embargo, confiarnos.
However, we must not rest on our laurels.
Sin embargo, no funciona así.
But this is not how things work, evidently.
Sin embargo, no es suficiente.
However, it is not enough.
Sin embargo, no estamos consiguiéndolo.
However, we are not succeeding.
Sin embargo, habrá excepciones.
However, there will be exceptions.
Sin embargo, no es suficiente.
That is just not enough, however.
Sin embargo, no ganaron.
Nevertheless, they did not win.
Sin embargo, no debemos engañarnos.
We should not fool ourselves, though.
Sin embargo, no me hago ilusiones.
I do not harbour any illusions, though.
Sin embargo, quisiera...
However, I would like to give you ...
Sin embargo, seamos claros.
Let us be clear, however.
Sin embargo, no nos engañemos.
Let us not fool ourselves, however.
Sin embargo, no lo hacen.
However, they fail to do so.
Sin embargo, no lo son.
They are not that, however.
Sin embargo, no nos equivoquemos.
Let us make no mistake, however.
Sin embargo, no a todos ellos.
It will not hit all of them.
Sin embargo, no sucede así.
However, this is not the case.
Sin embargo, no engañan a nadie.
They fool no one, however.
Sin embargo, no lo veo.
I do not see this, however.
Sin embargo, no es suficiente.
However, this is not enough.
Sin embargo, no es suficiente.
However, this is not enough.
Sin embargo, no apoyo su...
However, to support his ....
Sin embargo, seamos realistas.
However, let us be realistic.
Sin embargo, rebosa ideología.
It is, however, full of ideology.
Sin embargo, eso no bastará.
That will not be enough, however.
Sin embargo, esto no basta.
Nevertheless, this is not enough.
Sin embargo, no es suficiente.
It is not enough, however.
Sin embargo, no es suficiente.
That is not enough, however.
Sin embargo, seamos claros.
However, let us be clear.
Sin embargo, no fue fácil.
It was not easy, however.
Sin embargo, eso no basta.
However, that is not enough.
Sin embargo, no debemos engañarnos.
But we should not deceive ourselves.
Sin embargo, no será sencillo.
But this is not going to be so easy.
Sin embargo, es solucionable.
It can, however, be resolved.
Sin embargo, no puedo apoyarlo.
But I still cannot support it.
Sin embargo, esto no basta.
But it will not be enough on its own.
Sin embargo, no es así.
But that is not the case.
Sin embargo, no será fácil.
However, it will not be easy.
Sin embargo, no es suficiente.
But it is not enough.
Sin embargo, estamos preocupados.
However, we are still concerned.
Sin embargo, aún no basta.
But that is far from enough.
Sin embargo, hay urgencia.
Yet the situation is urgent.
Deseamos un embargo militar, un embargo de armas contra Gadafi.
We want a military embargo, an arms embargo against Colonel Gaddafi.
Sin embargo, queremos todavía más.
We want more than that, however.
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More Spanish -> English Translations
  embriagado,embriagada - drunk, intoxicated
  eminentemente - chiefly
  emperador - emperor
  empero - however
  empiece - pres. subj. of [empezar]
  empieza - pres. of [empezar]
  empresa - undertaking
  en - in, on, at, for, into
  encantado,encantada - delighted
  encantador,encantadora - charming, bewitching
  encrucijada - crossroads
  encuentra - pres. of [encontrar]
  endiablado,endiablada - devilish, accursed
  enemigo,enemiga - hostile
  enemigo - enemy
  enero - January
  énfasis - emphasis
  enfermo,enferma - sick, ill
  engreír - to make conceited, make proud
  enigma - puzzle, riddle

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