Spanish Ordinal Numbers and Fractions  

Ordinal Numbers

Spanish Ordinal Numbers and Fractions
1st Primero[1] 40th Cuadragésimo
2nd Segundo 50th Quincuagésimo
3rd Tercero 60th Sexagésimo
4th Cuarto 70th Septuagésimo
5th Quinto 80th Octogésimo
6th Sexto 90th Nonagésimo
7th Séptimo (Sétimo) 100th Centésimo
8th Octavo 200th Ducentésimo
9th Noveno (Nono) 300th Tricentésimo
10th Décimo 400th Cuadrigentésimo
11th Onceavo 500th Quingentésimo
12th Décimo segundo, duodécimo, Doceavo 600th Sexcentésimo
13th Décimo tercero, décimo tercio, Treceavo 700th Septingentésimo
14th Décimo cuarto, catorceavo 800th Octingentésimo
15th Décimo quinto, quinceavo 900th Novingentésimo
16th Décimo sexto, dieciseisavo, etc. 1000th Milésimo
20th Vigésimo 1000000th Millonésimo
30th Trigésimo Last Postrero, ultimo
Footnote 1: Ordinal adjectives agree in gender and number with the
noun they accompany or for which they stand. Final "o" changes into "a"
for the feminine, and the plural is formed by adding "s."
"Primero," "tercero," and "Postrero" drop the O before a masculine
noun singular,[2] as:
  • El primer pedido: The first order.
  • El tercer lote: The third lot.
  • El postrer envío: The last shipment.


  • La primera entrega (fem.): The first delivery.
Footnote 2: Eight words in all present this peculiarity, viz., uno,
alguno, ninguno, bueno, malo, primero, tercero, postrero (these last
two not always).
After "vigésimo" ordinal numbers are generally substituted by cardinal
numbers, as:
  • La página veintidós: Page 22nd.

Dates are expressed by cardinal numbers instead of ordinal, as:

  • Madrid, 20 (de) Agosto (de) 1911: Madrid, 20th of August, 1911.

EXCEPTION: El primero, as:

  • El 1° (primero) de Septiembre (1st September).

Numbers following names of kings, etc., are ordinal up to the tenth;
then generally cardinal, as:

  • Felipe II. (segundo): Philip II.
  • Alfonso XIII. (trece): Alphonso XIII.

Fractional numbers up to 1/10th are the same as ordinal numbers,

  • (Un) medio: one half.
  • Un tercio (not tercero): one-third.

From 1/11th upwards, fractions are formed from cardinal numbers adding
to them the termination avo, as:

  • Un dieciseisavo[3]: 1/16.

"Un" need not be used before the fractions 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4, preceded by
an integer, as:

  • Uno y cuarto: One and a quarter.
  • Cuatro y tercio: Four and a third.
  • La mitad: The half.
  • La tercera parte: The 3rd part.
  • La cuarta parte: The 4th part.
  • La duodécima parte: The 12th part.
Footnote 3: If the cardinal number ends in a vowel, this is elided, as
veinte--un veintavo (1/20th). If it ends in "ce" the "c" is changed into
"z" as, doce--un dozavo (1/12th).]
Collective Numbers.
Un par: A pair. Una treintena: A set of 30.[4]
Una decena (half a score).[4] Una centena: A set of 100.[4]
Una docena (a dozen).[4] Un centenar: A set of 100.[4]
Una veintena: A score.[4] Un ciento: A set of 100.[4]
Un millar: A set of 1,000.[4]
Footnote 4: Also the number approximately, as: Una treintena de
libros: (about 30 books).]

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