Sentence Maker: draught  

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Be careful that the child is not in the draught, he might get a cold!
¡Ten cuidado de que el niño no se ponga en la corriente, no vaya a ser que se resfríe!
The use of fossil fuels on a massive scale took over from the energy for our draught animals, which was derived from plants.
El uso de combustibles fósiles a escala masiva sustituyó a la energía de nuestros animales de tiro, que se obtenía de las plantas.
Last but not least, Madam President, Commissioner, along with our friends from the US and other countries we should draught a comprehensive UN convention against terrorism.
Por último, aunque no menos importante, señora Presidenta, Comisario, deberíamos redactar junto a nuestros amigos de los Estados Unidos y otros países un convenio completo de la ONU en contra del terrorismo.
We dislodged the first brick in the wall of communism and, through the crack we had opened, the draught swept out the entire communist system.
Nosotros retiramos el primer ladrillo del muro del comunismo y, a través de esa rendija, la fuga barrió el sistema comunista en su totalidad.

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Popular Phrase: relative pronouns spanish | Spanish Alphabet Pronunciation | Conjugated Verb: ejercer - to exercise, wield [power, influence, etc.]; to practice [a profession]; to manage, conduct [a businsess] [ click for full conjugation ]