Spanish Word for smuggler  

English Word: smuggler

Spanish Word: contrabandista
The Spanish Word for smuggler
Now you know how to say smuggler in Spanish. :-)
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Translated sentences containing 'smuggler'
There will be a smuggler crossing the border at midnight.
HabrĂ¡ un contrabandista cruzando la frontera a la medianoche.
The smuggler will bring drugs through the border.
El contrabandista pasarĂ¡ drogas por la frontera.

A European Anti-Fraud Office press release in August told of the conviction of a major cigarette smuggler in the US.
En un comunicado de prensa de la Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude publicado en agosto se informa de la condena de un importante contrabandista de cigarrillos en los Estados Unidos.
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