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Spanish Word: haya

English Translation: beech

Translated sentences containing 'haya'
No creo que lo haya leído.
I don't believe that you have read it.
Lamento que el producto no haya cumplido con sus estándares.
I apologize that the product was not up to your standards.
Es improbable que no se haya dado cuenta.
It's unlikely that he/she has not realized it.
No hay nadie que lo haya visto.
No one has seen it.
Espero que José haya lavado el carro.
I hope that José has washed the car.
Probablemente haya retrasos.
No doubt there have been delays.
Quizá tampoco la haya.
Perhaps there is no epidemic either.
Pero que no haya malentendidos.
Let there be no misunderstandings, however.
No es que no haya.
It is not that they are not there.
Esperamos que la haya.
We hope that there is.
Posiblemente me haya precipitado.
I was rather too quick.
Lamento que haya ocurrido.
I regret that this occurred.
Espero que no haya objeciones.
I hope there are no objections.
No quiero que haya malentendidos.
I would not wish to cause any misunderstandings.
Tal me haya expresado mal.
Perhaps I did not explain myself very well.
Cuanta más transparencia haya, mejor.
The more transparency, the better.
Es preciso que haya debate.
The debate needs to take place.
Corea quizá se haya quedado.
Korea has maybe stayed with it.
Espero que no haya ninguna objeción.
I hope there are no objections to this.
No necesitamos que haya más complejidad.
We do not need more complexity.
Que haya algo de competencia.
Let us have some competition.
Es normal que haya negociaciones.
It is normal for negotiations to take place.
Me alegra que haya sido abordado.
I am glad that has been tackled.
¿Informan a Europol en La Haya?
Do they report to Europol in The Hague?
Espero que haya incluso más.
I hope there will be more of them than that.
Es positivo que haya competencia.
It is good that we should have competition.
Dudo que eso haya ocurrido.
I doubt whether this has happened.
Lamento que no haya sido aprobada.
I am sorry to see that failed.
No parece que se haya hecho.
This does not appear to have been done.
No creo que haya sido así.
I do not believe this was the case.
No he dicho que no haya más problemas.
I did not say that there are no more problems.
Cuando no haya peces, no habrá captura.
When there are no fish, there is no catch.
No me parece que haya ningún conflicto.
I do not think that there is a conflict.
No creo que lo haya habido.
I do not think there was.
Que no haya malentendidos al respecto.
Let there be no misapprehension about that.
Yo no veo que haya dificultad.
I do not think there would be any difficulty.
Quizá se me haya escapado algo.
I may have missed something.
Espero que haya quedado claro.
I hope that is clear.
Necesitamos que haya verdadera transparencia.
We need to see real transparency.
Lamentamos que no se haya incluido.
We are sad that this has not been taken up.
Propongo que haya más cooperación.
I suggest that there should be more cooperation.
Espero que haya quedado claro.
I hope that is clear.
Comprendemos que lo haya propuesto.
We appreciate that you have suggested it here.
No creo que haya muchos problemas.
And I do not think there are too many problems.
Me alegra que se haya logrado.
I am glad that it was possible to push this through.
Me sorprende que se haya sorprendido.
I am surprised that she was surprised.
Espero que haya quedado claro.
I just wanted to make that clear.
Así pues, mantenemos que, haya o haya lista europea, haya un máximo de 700.
It is important that we retain a maximum of 700, with or without the European list.
Espero que haya más debates como éste.
I hope we can have further debates like this.
Cuando haya quedado claro, lo diremos.
As soon as this becomes clear, we will announce this.
Lamentamos que no se haya aprobado nuestra posición.
We regret that our amendment was not approved.
Celebro que ésta haya ido bien.
I am glad that this one has gone smoothly.
No quiero que haya un debate a este respecto.
I do not want to have a debate on this.
Lamento que la propuesta no se haya aceptado.
I am disappointed it was not accepted.
No creo que me haya extralimitado en mis funciones.
I do not think I abused my position.
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