Discussing Work  

Mis padres están jubilados desde hace varios años.
My parents have been retired for a few years.
Ellos dedicaron sus vidas a oficios muy interesantes.
They dedicated their lived to very interesting occupations.
Trabajaban arduamente. Su trabajo era duro pero agradable.
They worked arduously. Their work was hard but pleasant.
Me enseñaron los secretos de sus trabajos y ahora yo puedo hacer lo que ellos hacía para vivir.
They showed me the secrets of their jobs, and now I can do what they did to make a living.
Mis padres eran dueños de un negocio pequeño. Eran microempresarios.
My parents were owners of a small business. They were small-business managers.

Popular Phrase: leer conjugate | Ser vs Estar | Conjugated Verb: dictar - to dictate [ click for full conjugation ]