Ratings and Comments for Centro Bilingue Amerindia
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Student ratings for Centro Bilingue Amerindia
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from gwilliams:

Evaluation from nicktighe:

This is an excellent school in the heart of xela. The staff are great and always happy to help. Speaking English here is not really allowed, so you really get thrown in at the deep end, which I thought was great. My teacher Jorge, was cool, really on the same level, so it made the instruction really relaxing. The family I stayed in regularly had students staying and I felt welcome, attending parties and functions as if I was one of the family. I made some really good friendships through this school, so I would recommend it highly.
Evaluation from kelcsmitty:

I came to CBA on the advice of a friend who had studied at several schools in Xela. I too had studied at a different school previously and was much happier with my time at CBA. It was just plain awesome! Its university-trained instructors teach classes in Spanish as well as Mayan languages in a family environment. School profits go to various development projects. Over the years the school has started a few sucessful devlopment projects and is currently working on one in a rural community near the coast called Morelia. CBA's director and family live at the school and they are extremely welcoming to students. The instructors plan various optional activities during the afternoons such as dance and cooking lessons, visits to see how chocolate is processed locally, discussions on various cultural and historical topics. They are also helpful in finding volunteer oportunities for students to pursue and can place you into a variety of welcoming homestay families. The space is bright and comfortable. And the attention is personal! If you don't click with your specific instructor, they are more than happy to fit you with another. They always tailor the activities to the students at the school that week. ThereĀ“s free internet and coffee everyday... and my ping-pong skills improved almost as much as my spanish skills. I really felt like I made friends with some of the instructors as well as the family who runs the school.
Popular Phrase: llevar conjugation | Spanish Adverbs | Conjugated Verb: coger - to catch, grasp, take hold of [ click for full conjugation ]
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in this city. The situation is ideal.