Sentence Maker: skim  

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Here they don’t have skim milk, just whole milk.
Aquí no tienen leche desnatada, sólo entera.
The average consumer will only skim through it.
El consumidor medio solo lo mira por encima.
I will skim over other points, because these have already been dealt with by others.
No me explayaré en el resto de los puntos porque ya ha habido otras personas que lo han hecho.
It was done in France not for reasons of security, but to skim off the market.
En Francia no se ha hecho por motivos de seguridad sino de acaparamiento del mercado.
Of course, Europe is not holding a people against its will, but we cannot simply skim over the plagues which are hitting our agriculture.
Obviamente, Europa no retiene a un pueblo contra su voluntad, pero ello no significa que podamos hacer caso omiso de las plagas que azotan nuestra agricultura.
Those who merely skim over the forms and sign them without thinking and without close examination can be unpleasantly surprised how dearly it will cost them.
Aquellas personas que simplemente leen por encima los formularios y los firman sin pensar y sin examinarlos atentamente, pueden llevarse sorpresas desagradables que les costarán caro.

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