Sentence Maker: injured  

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I injured my toes.
Me lastimé los dedos del pie.
The injured people were in such a serious condition that we had to take them to the hospital.
Los heridos estaban en estado tan grave que tuvimos que trasladarlos al hospital.
I have injured both shoulders.
Me he lastimado ambos hombros.
I injured my hands.
Me lastimé las manos.
I injured both legs.
Me lastimé ambas piernas.
I injured both knees.
Me lastimé ambas rodillas.
Injured people were moved to the unit of burnts in the central hospital.
Los heridos fueron trasladados a la unidad de quemados del hospital central.
Who is the injured person?
¿Quién es la persona herida?
He was so seriously injured that he had to have surgery.
Estaba tan gravemente herido que se le tuvo que operar.
At leat 18 people were injured in the accident.
Por lo menos 18 personas resultaron heridas en el accidente.
Was he injured before?
¿Estuvo herido antes?
The injured man remains in critical condition.
El herido sigue grave.
Where is the injured person?
¿En dónde está la persona herida?
Is he badly injured? (masculine)
¿Está gravemente herido?
The young, injured man remains in critical condition.
El joven herido sigue grave.
I have injured both knees.
Me he lastimado ambas rodillas.
Ten people were injured in the attack.
En el atentado resultaron heridas 10 personas.
There were many injured during the protest.
Hubo muchos heridos durante la manifestación.
Are you injured? (masculine)
¿Está herido?
Are you seriously injured? (m)
¿Está gravemente herido?
Many people are injured.
Mucha gente está herida.
My husband is injured.
Mi esposo está herido.
I am looking how the paramedic attends the injured person.
Yo estoy viendo como el paramédico asiste al herido.
They are looking at the fainted injured person.
Ellos están viendo al herido desmayado.
I ask for a stretcher for the injured
Yo pido una camilla para el herido.
One dead worker and another injured while they were working on the building.
Un trabajador muerto y otro herido mientras trabajaban en el edificio.
This man is injured.
Este hombre está herido
The man comes very injured
El hombre viene muy herido
Was he / she injured before having the seizure?
¿Estaba herido antes de tener la convulsión?
Luis continues very injured.
Luis continúa muy herido.
Don't move, you're injured.
No te muevas, estás herido.
The male nurse brings the injured in the ambulance
El enfermero trae al herido en la ambulancia.
He sees the injured
Él ve al herido.
Many of them were injured.
Se causó lesiones a muchos de ellos.
Fortunately no one was injured.
Por suerte nadie resultó herido.
It would be as if there had only been one injured person.
Sería como si solo hubiera habido un herido.
The priest is injured but has survived the attack.
Este está herido, pero ha sobrevivido al ataque.
In addition, several people were injured.
Además resultaron heridas varias personas.
Another nine were badly injured.
Otros nueve sufrieron heridas graves.
A further 300 000 people are injured.
Otras 300 000 personas resultan lesionadas.
Animals are injured, animals are dehydrated.
Los animales están heridos, están deshidratados.
The injured person is responsible for proving it!
¡Yo como dañado, tengo que aportar la prueba!
My assistant's handbag was grabbed and her hand injured.
A mi asistente le robaron la cartera y tiene lesionada una mano.
It is possible that the President herself was injured in this latest attack.
Es posible que la propia Presidenta fuera herida durante el mencionado asalto al poder.
How many reporters, woman and children were injured?
¿Cuántos niños heridos? ¿A cuántas asciende el número de mujeres heridas?
For me, however, it is a question of injured people and their families.
Pero, para mí, se trata de las personas lesionadas y sus familias.
At least 17 people were injured, most of them civilians.
Resultaron heridas 17 personas como mínimo, la mayoría de ellas civiles.
We wish all those who have been injured a rapid return to health.
Deseamos a todos los heridos que pronto recuperen la salud.
Nineteen people were killed and hundreds injured.
El acto causó la muerte de diecinueve personas y centenares de heridos.
One of the visitors tried to stop him and was injured.
Uno de los visitantes le hizo frente y resultó herido.
People may also have been seriously injured.
También las personas han sufrido graves daños.
It was a hidden defect and the people who have been injured have to prove this themselves.
Se trata de un daño oculto y las personas perjudicadas tienen que demostrar que han sido dañadas.
Four people lost their lives and many were seriously injured.
Cuatro personas perdieron la vida y muchas otras resultaron heridas de gravedad.
The dignity of all those living in poverty is injured and, to us, that is unacceptable.
Todos los que viven en la pobreza están afectados en su dignidad y para nosotros esto es inaceptable.
Hundreds of injured detainees had to receive hospital treatment.
Cientos de heridos precisaron asistencia hospitalaria.
How many civilians were injured, and how many military personnel?
¿Cuántos son los heridos militares? ¿Cuántos los informadores?
Tens of people have been murdered; scores of people have been injured.
Han muerto decenas de personas; muchas personas han resultado heridas.
They have murdered an innocent man and severely injured his colleague.
Han asesinado a un hombre inocente y han herido gravemente a su compañero.
And where problems arise, who will pay compensation to injured parties?
Cuando surjan problemas, ¿quién indemnizará a las partes perjudicadas?
This earthquake has killed and seriously injured more than 200 000 people.
Este terremoto ha matado y herido gravemente a más de 200 000 personas.
Compensation for the injured parties is a further issue that needs addressing.
La compensación de las partes afectadas es otro asunto que debe ser atendido.
Two French policemen have been seriously injured today.
Dos policías franceses han resultado gravemente heridos hoy.
Hundreds of people have been injured, some of them severely, while hundreds have been imprisoned.
Cientos de personas han sido heridas, algunas de ellas gravemente, mientras otras muchas han sido encarceladas.
That crash left six people dead and a dozen injured.
Ese accidente ocasionó seis muertos y diez heridos.
That includes misguided and injured people who have succumbed to homosexual inclinations.
Eso incluye a las personas equivocadas y heridas que han sucumbido a inclinaciones homosexuales.
There are reports of at least five deaths, and hundreds more have been injured.
Se informa de al menos cinco víctimas mortales, y cientos de personas han resultado heridas.
Many have died, hundreds have been injured and thousands evacuated.
Ha habido muchos muertos, cientos de heridos y millares de evacuados.
Every single day, one person dies or is injured.
Cada día muere o es herida alguna persona.
Fortunately, no one was injured but there was significant material damage.
Afortunadamente, no hubo desgracias personales, pero sí grandes daños materiales.
The downside of technology, however, is that the injured party is the originators.
Las desventajas de la tecnología, no obstante, recaen enteramente sobre los titulares de los derechos de autor.
Several people were injured in the three blasts, one of them seriously.
Varias personas resultaron heridas en las tres explosiones, una de ellas de gravedad.
Three people have been injured and the UN has decided to shut down all its operations.
Tres personas han resultado heridas y la ONU ha decidido suspender todas sus operaciones.
The directive grants injured parties the right to compensation.
La Directiva garantiza a las partes perjudicadas el derecho a compensación.
Large numbers of people are injured or permanently disabled.
Muchísimas personas quedan heridas o inválidas de por vida.
Of course not, because you have one chance in six of being killed or injured.
Por supuesto que no, porque en ese juego se tiene una posibilidad sobre seis de morir o de salir herido.
Our sympathy goes to all of those who have been killed, injured or tortured in attacks of this kind.
Expresamos nuestras condolencias por todos aquellos que han sido asesinados, heridos o torturados en ataques de este tipo.
I extend my condolences to the families of the victims and express my solidarity with the injured.
Vaya mi pésame a las familias de las víctimas y mi solidaridad a los heridos.
In the most recent clashes civilians and soldiers on both sides were injured and killed.
En los últimos enfrentamientos, civiles y soldados de ambos bandos resultaron heridos o fueron asesinados.
Twenty nine people were killed, many hundreds were injured.
Un total de 29 personas fueron asesinadas, otras cientos de personas resultaron heridas.
At least seven people were killed. Many were injured.
Al menos siete personas perdieron la vida y muchos otros están heridos.
Thirdly, the injured parties are entitled to rapid financial compensation.
Tercero: los perjudicados tienen derecho a indemnizaciones económicas rápidamente.
I am not going to elaborate on the injured party's concern that the matter should be resolved.
No voy a alegar el interés del ofendido de que esto se aclare.
It is, of course, also the case now that there are workers who have been injured.
También en el caso que nos ocupa hay trabajadores perjudicados.

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