Practice - Immediate Future  

Mañana hay un partido de fútbol en el estadio.
Tomorrow there is a soccer game at the stadium.
¿ Crees que hay un partido de fútbol mañana?
Do you know if there is a soccer game tomorrow?
Yo creo que hay un partido de fútbol mañana.
I believe that there is a soccer game tomorrow.
Va a haber un partido de fútbol mañana.
There is going to be a soccer game tomorrow.
Juan dice que va a haber un partido de fútbol mañana.
John says that there is going to be a soccer game tomorrow.
Los muchachos van a ir al partido de fútbol.
The boys are going to go to the soccer game.
Yo quiero ir al partido de fútbol con los muchachos.
I want to go to the soccer game with the boys.
Yo quiero ir al partido de fútbol con ellos.
I want to go to the soccer game with them.
¿ Vas a ir al partido de fútbol con nosotros?
Are you going to go to the soccer game with us?
¿ Sabes si tú puedes ir al partido de fútbol con nosotros?
Do you know if you can go to the soccer game with us?
¿ Sabes si tú vas a poder ir al partido de fútbol con nosotros?
Do you know if you are going to be able to go to the soccer game with us?
Yo no sé si los muchachos van a poder ir al partido de fútbol con nosotros.
I don't know if the boys are going to be able to go to the soccer game with us.
¿ Quieres ir al partido de fútbol conmigo?
Do you want to go to the soccer game with me?
Los muchachos dicen que ellos quieren ir al partido de fútbol contigo.
The boys say that they want to go to the soccer game with you.
Ellos dicen que ellos quieren ir con nosotros.
They say that they want to go with us.
¿ Crees que tú vas a poder ir conmigo?
Do you think that you are going to be able to go with me?
¿ Crees que tú vas a poder ir con nosotros?
Do you think that you are going to be able to go with us?
¿ Crees que tú vas a poder ir con los muchachos?
Do you think that you are going to be able to go with the boys?
¿ Crees que tú vas a poder ir con ellos?
Do you think that you are going to be able to go with them?
Yo tengo que comprar los boletos.
I have to buy the tickets.
Yo voy a tener que comprar los boletos mañana porque yo tengo que trabajar hoy.
I am going to have to buy the tickets tomorrow because I have to work today.
¿ Puedes ir al estadio para comprar los boletos?
Can you go to the stadium to buy the tickets?
¿ Los puedes comprar?
Can you buy them?
¿ Los vas a poder comprar?
Are you going to be able to buy them?
¿ Sabes si tú vas a poder ir al estadio para comprar los boletos?
Do you know if you are going to be able to go to the stadium to buy the tickets?.
Yo no sé si María va a poder ir al estadio hoy porque ella tiene que trabajar hasta las cinco.
I don't know if Mary is going to be able to go to the stadium today because she has to work until five o'clock.
Yo voy a tener que trabajar hasta las cinco.
I am going to have to work until five o'clock.
¿ Hasta qué hora vas a tener que trabajar?
Until what time are you going to have to work?
¿ Sabes hasta qué hora tú vas a tener que trabajar?
Do you know until what time you are going to have to work?
Yo creo que Juan tiene que trabajar hasta las cinco.
I think that John has to work until five o'clock.
El no va a poder ir al estadio hoy para comprar los boletos.
He is not going to be able to go to the stadium today to buy the tickets.
¿ Sabes si él tiene el dinero para comprar los boletos?
Do you know if he has the money to buy the tickets?
Yo no sé si Juan tiene el dinero para comprar los boletos.
I don't know if John has the money to buy the tickets.
Nosotros le tenemos que dar el dinero para comprar los boletos.
We have to give him the money to buy the tickets.
El dice que él no puede comprar los boletos porque él no tiene el dinero.
He says that he can't buy the tickets because he doesn't have the money.
El no puede comprar los boletos si él no tiene el dinero.
He can't buy the tickets if he doesn't have the money.
Nosotros le tenemos que dar el dinero.
We have to give him the money.
Nosotros se lo tenemos que dar.
We have to give it to him.
El no puede comprar los boletos.
He can't buy the tickets.
El no los puede comprar.
He can't buy them.
Nosotros le vamos a dar el dinero mañana.
We are going to give him the money tomorrow.
Nosotros se lo vamos a dar mañana.
We are going to give it to him tomorrow.
El nos va a dar los boletos mañana.
He is going to give us the tickets tomorrow.
El nos los va a dar mañana.
He is going to give them to us tomorrow.
Yo creo que Juan les va a dar los boletos mañana.
I think that John is going to give the tickets to them (boys) tomorrow.
Yo creo que Juan se los va a dar mañana.
I think that John is going to give them (tickets) to them (boys) tomorrow.
Yo le doy el dinero para comprar los boletos.
I'm giving him the money to buy the tickets.
¿ Le puedes dar el dinero?
Can you give him the money?
¿ Se lo puedes dar?
Can you give it to him?
¿ Sabes si tú se los vas a poder dar?
Do you know if you are going to be able to give it to him?.
Pronunciation guide to the Spanish alphabet

Popular Phrase: present subjunctive | Vocabulary | Conjugated Verb: clarificar - to clarify, illuminate, light [up], brighten [ click for full conjugation ]