Irregular Spanish Verbs - (i) changes to (í)  

Irregular Verbs - guiar, enviar, situar

The verbs guiar (to guide) and enviar (to send) are irregular. The (i) changes to (í) in the present tense (with the exception of nostoros). The congugation of the verbs guiar and enviar is shown in the table below. guiar enviar

guiar enviar
yo guío envío
guías envías
Ud./él/ella guía envía
nosotros (as) guiamos enviamos
vosotros (as) guiáis enviáis
Uds./ellos/ellas guían envían
The verb situar (to locate) is irregular. The (u) changes to (ú) in the present tense (with the exception of nostoros). The table below shows how to conjugate the verb situar. situar

yo sitúo (I locate)
sitúas (you locate)
Ud./él/ella sitúa (you locate)
nosotros (as) situamos (we locate)
vosotros (as) situáis (you locate)
Uds./ellos/ellas sitúan (they locate)
Note: yo = I, tú = you (informal), usted (Ud.) = you (formal),
él = he, ella = she, nosotros = we (males), nosotras = we
(females), vosotros = you guys (informal, males), vosotras = 
you guys (informal, females),  ellos = they (males), ellas = 
they (females), ustedes (Uds.) = you all (formal)
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