Spanish Word for bathing-suit  

English Word: bathing suit

Spanish Word: un traje de baño
The Spanish Word for bathing suit
Now you know how to say bathing suit in Spanish. :-)
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Translated sentences containing 'bathing suit'
María would come to the beach is she had a bathing suit.
María vendría a la playa si tuviera un traje de baño.
Undress and put on your bathing suit.
Desvístete y ponte el traje de baño.
Which bathing suit did you buy, the one with the stripes or the one with the flower pattern?
¿Cuál traje de baño compraste, el de rayas o el floreado?
The bathing suit is too big.
El traje de baño es muy grande.
The bathing suit is orange.
El traje de baño es anaranjado.

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