Spanish Sentences using estaban  

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Los heridos estaban en estado tan grave que tuvimos que trasladarlos al hospital.
The injured people were in such a serious condition that we had to take them to the hospital.
¿Podían ver bien?
Were you all able to see well?
Los asistentes estaban arrepintiéndose de haber ido a la conferencia.
The audience was regretting attending the lecture.
Estaban diciendo que el presidente murió en un accidente.
They were saying that the president died in an accident.
Estaban promoviendo la energía verde.
They were promoting green energy.
Los niños estaban corriendo y gritando.
The children were running and screaming.
Los estudiantes estaban durmiéndose en la clase.
The students were falling asleep in the class.
Ellas estaban invirtiendo bastantes horas en ese proyecto.
They were investing lots of hours on that project.
Los jóvenes estaban bebiendo mucho.
The young men were drinking too much.
Los niños estaban en el parque cuando empezó a llover.
The children were in the park when it started to rain.
¿Y las chicas? ¿Las que estaban hablando con Luis?
And the girls? Those who were speaking with Luis?
Estaban jugando al fútbol cuando empezó a llover.
They were playing soccer when it started to rain.
Había muchísimo trabajo en el taller y Carlos y Pablo estaban saliendo muy tarde todos los días.
There was a lot of work at the shop and Carlos and Pablo were leaving late every day.
Me han dicho que "Ropa Deportiva" estaba en el primer piso.
They have told me that "Sports Clothing" was on the first floor.
Tus libros estaban en la mesa cuando yo salí del cuarto.
Your books were on the table when I left the room.
Las iglesias estaban, a veces, ornadas con exceso.
The churches were, sometimes, excessively decorated.
Ellos estaban diciendo la verdad.
We were telling the truth.
Estaban muy enojados.
They were very angry.
Juanita y Martínez estaban hablando por teléfono.
Juanita and Martínez were talking on the phone.
Ellos mintieron cuando dijeron que sus perros estaban enfermos.
They lied when they said that their dogs were sick.
Ellos estaban escribiendo cartas de amor.
They were writing love letters.
Los alumnos estaban escuchando a la profesora.
The students were listening to the teacher.
Estaban a punto de salir cuando ella llegó.
They were about to leave when she came.
Los obreros estaban construyendo un edificio grande.
The workers were constructing a big building.
Ellos estaban lavando el carro a papá. Ellos le estaban lavando el carro.
They were washing the car for dad. They were washing the car for him.
Uds. estaban viviendo en Cleveland.
You all were living in Cleveland.
Los trabajadores estaban compartiendo su dinero con los pobres.
The workers were sharing their money with the poor.
Ellos estaban trayendo muchas cosas.
They were bringing a lot of things.
¿Qué estaban leyendo ellos?
What were they reading?
Estaban leyendo una revista.
They were reading a magazine.
Ellos estaban abriendo los regalos cuando llegamos.
They were opening the presents when we arrived.
Leía los letreros que estaban encima de las ventanillas.
I read the signs that were over the windows.
¿Estaban enfermos la semana pasada, verdad? Sí, estuvieron enfermos pero ahora están bien.
They were sick last week, right? Yes, they were sick but now they are well.
Los niños estaban aún despiertos y oyeron la conversación.
The children were still awake and they heard the conversation.
Las rosas estaban desprendiendo un aroma divino.
The roses were giving off a divine aroma.
Mis vecinos estaban siempre discutiendo.
My neighbors were always arguing.
En el barco estaban 1,340 personas cuando se hundió.
1,340 people were in the ship when it sank.
¿Estaban Uds. pasando las vacaiones con su padres?
Were you spending your vacation with your parents?
Ellos estaban lavando el carro a papá. Ellos le estaban lavando el carro.
They were washing dad's car. They were washing the car for him.
Los alpinistas estaban caminando por senderos peligrosos.
The mountain climbers were walking through treacherous trails.
Estaban balanceándose en el columpio con mucha alegría.
They were swinging on the swing with much joy.
Estaban comprando las revistas cuando los vimos.
They were buying the magazines when we saw them.
Estaban depositando el boleto de la rifa cuando los vi.
They were depositing the raffle ticket when I saw them.
Los cazadores estaban cazando ciervos.
The hunters were hunting deer.
Los centros de mesa estaban compuestos por orquídeas blancas y rosas.
The tables' centerpieces are composed of white and pink orchids.
Los estudiantes estaban conjugando los verbos defectivos muy bien.
The students were conjugating the defective verbs very well.
Unos estaban contentos, otros preferían más teoría.
Some were happy, others preferred more theory.
Estaban en la sala de espera cuando llegaron las azafatas.
They were at the waiting room when the flight attendants arrived.
Mis padres estaban muy contentos en Quito.
My parents were very happy in Quito.
Ellos estaban adivinando las respuestas de los problemas de física.
They were guessing the answers to the physics problems.
Los invitados estaban tan aburridos que se fueron temprano.
The guests were so bored that they left early.
Podían haberme avisado que estaban pintando.
They could have told me that they were painting.
Los libros estaban sobre la mesa.
The books were on the table.
Las primas de mi esposo estaban en el aeropuerto cuando fui a recogerlo.
My husband's cousins were in the airport when I went to pick him up.
Los padres estaban avergonzados de la conducta del hijo.
The parents were embarrassed of their son’s behavior.
Los padres estaban buscando a la niña perdida.
The parents were looking for their lost girl.
¿Se estaban rebelando, los prisioneros?
Were the prisoners rebelling?
Los cuartos de baño estaban sucios.
The bathrooms were not clean.
Las admiradoras estaban bloqueando al famoso cantante y no lo dejaron salir.
The fans were blocking the famous singer from leaving.
Las elecciones pasadas estaban amañadas.
The last elections were fixed.
Los libros estaban en la biblioteca.
The books were in the library.
Las muchachas estaban brincando en la cama.
The girls were jumping on the bed.
Mientras ellas estaban de vacaciones, sus abuelos les llamaban casi a diario.
While they were on vacation their grandparents called them almost daily.
Estaban sentados alrededor de la chimenea.
They were sitting around the fire.
Los niños estaban tristes porque la marea deshizo su castillo de arena.
The children were upset because the tide washed away their sandcastle.
No sabía que me estaban espiando.
I was not aware of being spied on.
¡No estaban entre los vándalos!
They were not among the hooligans!
¿Estaban preparados o no?
Were they ready prepared or not?
¡Qué equivocados estaban!
How much they got that wrong!
¿Y qué estaban criticando?
So who do they criticise?
No está claro si estaban mintiendo o si estaban confusos.
It is not clear whether they were lying or whether they were confused.
Los inversores estaban a la expectativa.
Investors were in expectant mood.
¡Los salarios siguen donde estaban!
Wages are staying where they were!
¿Dónde estaban los observadores internacionales?
Where were the international observers?
Los doctores estaban bastante perplejos.
So the doctors were a little bit surprised.
Evidentemente, todavía no estaban en servicio.
Naturally, none of them was yet in operation.
Así pues, ¿a quién estaban criticando?
Well, everyone is against that.
Malta, Chipre y Turquía no estaban previstos aquí.
Malta, Cyprus and Turkey were not provided for at this stage.
Sin embargo, numerosas ambigüedades siguen como estaban.
Many ambiguities still remain, however.
Acuérdense de cómo estaban las cosas.
The challenge in Kosovo after the war was enormous.
No obstante, además de agradecidas, también estaban esperanzadas.
However, they were not only grateful, they were also hopeful.
Las autoridades solo estaban enteradas en parte.
Authorities were only aware up to a point.
Los gobiernos aún no estaban preparados para ello.
Governments were not quite ready for this.
Antes, las cosas no estaban tan mal.
Things used not to be as bad as that.
¿Estaban ahí cuando se celebraron esas audiencias?
Were they here when the hearings took place?
Estaban sometidos a la ley de otro.
They were subjected to the law of someone else.
Sí, ¡y ustedes estaban en contra!
Yes, and you were against it!
De hecho estaban votando con los pies.
They were in fact voting with their feet.
Todos ellos estaban informados, señor Posselt.
- They had all been informed, Mr Posselt.
Sin embargo, las tiendas estaban vacías.
However, the shops were empty.
Con mayor precisión, que estaban cambiando.
More accurately, that they were changing.
Estas regiones estaban habitadas por ucranianos.
These regions were inhabited by Ukrainians.
Estaban sobre la mesa y fueron rechazadas.
They were on the table and were rejected.
Lo hicimos con quienes estaban presentes.
We did so this time with those Members who were in the Chamber.
Señores diputados, los pepinos españoles no estaban contaminados.
Ladies and gentlemen, Spanish cucumbers were not contaminated.
Las posturas al principio estaban muy encontradas.
At the start, the positions taken up were greatly opposed to one other.
Dijo que se estaban elaborando unas directivas.
Guidelines were being drawn up.
Algunas de las preguntas no estaban a la altura.
Some of the questions were less than forensic.
Ahí estaban, y están, efectivamente, las ayudas.
There is no doubt that a helping hand was and continues to be provided.
Estaban informados y eran reflexivos y adultos.
They were well informed, thoughtful, adult in their attitude.
Había los que estaban con nosotros y los que estaban en contra nuestra.
There were those who were with us and those who were against us.
Estos fondos no estaban supervisados y con frecuencia estaban compuestos de activos de dudoso valor.
These were not supervised and often consisted of assets of doubtful value.
Los vicepresidentes españoles del Parlamento Europeo estaban representados.
The Spanish Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament were represented.
Gracias, Señor Lannoye, estas precisiones estaban totalmente claras.
Thank you, Mr Lannoye. This is totally clear.
Creo que todos los Grupos políticos también estaban de acuerdo.
I believe I am right in saying that all the political groups were also in favour of this.
Incluso cuando no estaban de acuerdo conmigo, han estado dispuestos a escucharme.
Even when people disagreed with me they were prepared to give me a hearing.
Usted dijo que todas las opciones estaban abiertas.
You said that all alternatives are open?
Mientras estaban esquiando tuvieron un accidente: cayeron por un barranco.
Whilst they were out skiing they had an accident: they fell down a deep ravine.
Sin embargo, hay muchos indicios para sugerir que estaban presentes.
There is much, however, to suggest that they were present.
Sus vidas estaban perversamente reguladas hasta el último detalle.
Their lives were malignly regulated down to the smallest detail.
Ahí estaban Mar Egeo, Amoco Cádiz o tantos otros.
We had the Aegean Sea, the Amoco Cadiz and many others.
Estaban sometidos no a la ,sino a la que no era la suya.
They were subjected not to the but to the that was not their own.
Las cosas estaban yendo bien, entonces, ¿por qué estropearlas?
Things were going well, so why spoil them?
¿Y dónde estaban los recursos de la Comisión?
And where were the Commission’s resources?
Entre bastidores se estaban dedicando recursos mínimos a este respecto.
Minimal resources were being devoted to this behind the scenes.

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