Spanish Sentences using IBA  

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María creía que yo la iba a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
Mary thought that I was going to be able to help her clean the house.
María, yo creía que yo te iba a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
Mary, I thought that I was going to be able to help you clean the house.
Yo iba a invitar a María a ir a la fiesta, pero ella no puede ir.
I was going to invite Mary to go to the party but she can't go.
Antes de recibirme, me iba al club a las siete todos los dias.
Before I graduated, I used to go to the club at seven o'clock every day.
Todas las mañanas, mi abuelita se iba a la iglesia y oía misa.
Every morning, my grandmother used to go to Mass.
Tu ibas para allá y yo iba para acá.
You were going there and I was coming here.
Las chicas le explicaron que ella iba a dormirse en esa cama.
The girls esplain to her that she was going to sleep in that bed.
El doctor Vélez iba a salir después de comer, pero no pudo.
Dr. Vélez was going to leave after eating, but he couldn't.
Él iba a jugar todos los días.
He used to go to play every day.
El rey Mohamed sexto prometió que iba a ayudar a las víctimas de la guerra.
King Mohamed VI promised he was going to help the war victims.
Yo creía que Juan iba a romper la ventana.
I thought that John was going to break the window.
Iba a recogerlo.
I was going to get it.
Muchos maestros de arte le dijeron que nunca iba a ser un pintor profesional.
Many art teachers told him that he would never be a professional painter.
Me dijo que iba a hacer sus tareas por la tarde.
He told me that he was going to do his homework in the afternoon.
Estaba claro de antemano que no iba a pagar.
It was clear in advance that he wasn't going to pay.
Yo creía que Juan iba a ayudarme a limpiar la casa.
I thought Juan was going to help me clean the house.
Yo creía que Juan iba a ayudarme.
I thought Juan was going to help me.
Al principio creisteis que os iba a atropellar.
At first, you thought that I was going to knock you all over.
Presumía que se iba a la escuela.
He presumed that he was going to school.
Mientras subía, iba leyendo la carta.
While he was coming up, he was reading the letter.
Él iba a la calle.
He used to go to the street.
Yo iba con mi mamá.
I used to go with my mom.
Él me dijo que le iba a mandar unas flores a ella.
He told me he was going to send her some flowers.
Ella iba sobre el caballo.
She used to go on the horse.
Iba a mandarte una tarjeta postal de Roma, pero no te la mandé porque no tenía tu dirección.
I was going to send you a post card from Rome, but I didn't send you one because I didn't have your address.
Luis iba en el tren.
Luis used to go by train.
María iba con su perro al parque.
Maria used to go to the park with her dog.
Iba a preparar más limonada, pero no preparé más porque ya no hay azúcar.
I was going to make more lemonade, but I didn't make anymore because there isn't any more sugar.
Él iba al restaurante con sus amigos.
He used to go to the restaurant with his friends.
Iba a leer esa novela la semana que viene, pero no voy a leerla porque tengo que estudiar mucho.
I was going to read that novel next week, but I'm not going to read it because I have to study a lot.
Iba a jugar beisbol el sábado, pero voy a tener un examen.
I was going to play baseball next Saturday but I'm going to have an exam.
Le iba a poner, pero no le falta.
I was going to, but it didn't need any.
Iba a prestárselo, pero me arrepentí.
I was going to lend it to him, but I changed my mind.
Iba a tomar el tercer curso, pero tengo que repetir el segundo.
I was going to take the third course, but I have to repeat the second course.
Yo creía que ella la iba a tomar.
I thought that she was going to take it.
El doctor dijo que la medicina iba a aliviar el dolor de cabeza.
The doctor said that the medicine was going to relieve the headache.
¿Por qué no nos dijiste que María no iba a poder ir a la playa con nosotros?
Why didn't you tell us that Mary wasn't going to be able to go to the beach with us?
Yo creía que Juan me iba a ayudar.
I thought that John was going to help me.
María creía que yo la iba a ayudar.
Mary thought that I was going to help her.
María, yo creía que yo te iba a poder ayudar.
Mary, I thought that I was going to be able to help you.
María creía que yo iba a poder ayudarla a limpiar la casa.
María thought I was going to be able to help her clean the house.
Iba de casa en casa buscándola.
He was looking for her from house to house.
María, yo creía que yo iba a poder ayudarte a limpiar la casa.
María, I thought I was going to be able to help you clean the house.
¡Enhorabuena! Sabíamos que tu negocio iba a tener éxito.
Congratulations! We knew your business was going to be a success.
Iba a hacerles un asado.
I was going to make them a barbeque.
María creía que yo iba a ayudarla a limpiar la casa.
María thought I was going to help her clean the house.
Al lugar de los hechos llegaron varios policías pero ninguno iba armado.
Several policemen arrived to the scene of the crime but none was armed.
María, yo creía que yo iba a poder ayudarte.
María, I thought I was going to help you.
María creía que yo iba a poder ayudarla.
María thought I was going to be able to help her.
Yo creía que Juan iba a aprender las palabras.
I thought that John was going to learn the words.
Iba a la peluquería. Y tú ¿adónde ibas?
I was going to the salon. And you, where were you going?
¿Alguno de ustedes recuerda que Inés haya dicho que iba a hacer una fiesta?
Do any of you remember whether Inés has said she was going to have a party?
Ella dijo que quería hacer una fiesta, pero no recuerdo que haya dicho que iba a hacer una.
She said she wanted to have a party, but I don't remember her saying she was going to have one.
Yo creía que Juan me iba a ayudar a limpiar la casa.
I thought that Juan was going to help me clean the house.
Yo iba a la playa.
I used to go to the beach.
Sí, porque él iba adelante.
Yes, because he was going ahead.
María creía que yo la iba a ayudar a limpiar la casa.
María thought that I was going to help her clean the house.
Yo creía que María le iba a dar las cosas que él necesitaba.
I thought that Mary was going to give him the things that he needed.
Creía que María iba a sentirse enferma después de comer la carne.
I thought that Mary was going to feel sick after eating the meat.
Yo iba allí muy a menudo.
I just to go there frequently.
En la tarde Angela le iba a dar los que ella hubiera averiguado.
In the afternoon, Angela was going to give him whatever information she might have gotten.
Le dije que había tenido sueños donde el iba a ganar la presidencia.
I told you that I had dreamed of winning the presidency.
Yo iba a caminar en la mañana.
I was going to walk in the morning.
Yo creía que María iba a ir a la fiesta la semana pasada.
I thought that Mary was going to go to the party last week.
Él iba a platicar con sus amigos.
He was going to chat with his friends.
¿El iba rápido?
Was he going fast?
Yo iba a ser maestro.
I was going to be a teacher.
Yo creía que iba a hacer frío hoy.
I thought that it was going to be cold today.
Yo creía que a María le iba a gustar la música.
I thought that Mary was going to like the music.
Yo creía que María iba a hacer la tarea anoche.
I thought that Mary was going to do the homework last night.
Yo creía que María iba a poder hacer la tarea antes de la clase.
I thought that Mary was going to be able to do the homework before the class.
Yo creía que Juan me iba a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
I thought that John was going to help me wash the clothes.
Yo le dije a María que los iba a traer.
I told Mary that I was going to bring them.
María creía que yo la iba a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mary thought that I was going to help her wash the clothes.
María creía que yo la iba a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mary thought that I was going to be able to help her wash the clothes.
María, yo creía que yo te iba a poder ayudar a lavar la ropa.
Mary, I thought that I was going to be able to help you wash the clothes.
Iba yo muy distraído cruzando la calle y por poco me atropella un coche.
I wasn't paying attention when I crossed the street and I almost got hit by a car.
Yo no sabía si Juan los iba a poder traer.
I didn't know if John was going to be able to bring them.
Yo creía que Juan iba a ir a la tienda hoy.
I thought that John was going to go to the store today.
Yo tuve un hermano iba por los montes mientras yo dormía.
I had a brother that used to walk in the forest while I slept.
Le dije a María que yo iba a decirle hoy a qué hora iríamos a la playa.
I told Mary that I was going to tell her today what time we would go to the beach.
Ana iba de compras todo el tiempo.
Ana used to go shopping all the time.
Yo no sabía si María iba a poder venir a la clase temprano hoy.
I didn't know if Mary was going to be able to come to the class early today.
Parecía que iba a llover.
It seemed that it was going to rain.
Creía que ella iba a poder acostarse más temprano.
I thought that she was going to go to bed earlier.
Yo creía que Juan se lo iba a entregar.
I thought that John was going to deliver it to him.
Yo iba al cine a menudo.
I used to go to the movies often (a menudo).
Yo creía que Juan me iba a ayudar a llevar las maletas.
I thought that John was going to help me carry the suitcases.
Yo creía que Juan le iba a entregar el cheque.
I thought that John was going to deliver the check to him.
Juan dijo que él le iba a poder entregar el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco.
John said that he was going to be able to deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock.
Yo le dije a ella que iba a ir al cine con mis amigos hoy.
I told her that I was going to go to the movies with my friends today.
Yo no sabía si Juan le iba a poder entregar el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco.
I didn't know if John was going to be able to deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock.
Iba a saludar a ese joven porque creía que era tu hermano.
I was going to say hello to that young man because I thought he was your brother.
María creía que yo la iba a ayudar a llevar las maletas.
Mary thought that I was going to help her carry the suitcases.
Yo creía que Juan le iba a poder entregar el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco.
I thought that John was going to be able to deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock.
María creía que yo la iba a poder ayudar a llevar las maletas.
Mary thought that I was going to be able to help her carry the suitcases.
Los muchachos creían que yo se lo iba a dar.
The boys thought that I was going to give it to them.
María, yo creía que yo te iba a poder ayudar a llevar las maletas.
Mary, I thought that I was going to be able to help you carry the suitcases.
Le dije a María que yo le iba a decir hoy a qué hora iríamos a la playa.
I told Mary that I was going to tell her today what time we would go to the beach.
Juan me prometió que él le iba a entregar el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco.
John promised me that he was going to deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock.

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