Spanish Sentences using Fiesta  

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Yo voy a invitar a María a ir a la fiesta conmigo.
I am going to invite Mary to go to the party with me.
¿Vas a invitar a Yolanda a ir a la fiesta contigo?
Are you going to invite Yolanda to go to the party with you?
¿Quieres invitar a Yolanda a ir a la fiesta contigo?
Do you want to invite Yolanda to go to the party with you?
Yo invité a María a ir a la fiesta.
I invited Mary to go to the party.
Yo no sé si Juan va a ir a la fiesta.
I don't know if Juan is going to go to the party.
Nos agrada que tú hayas estado en la fiesta.
We like that you have been to the party.
Ellos han hablado de su fiesta de cumpleaños.
They have talked about their birthday party.
Yo iba a invitar a María a ir a la fiesta, pero ella no puede ir.
I was going to invite Mary to go to the party but she can't go.
Yo esperaba que ella fuera a la fiesta conmigo.
I was hoping that she would go to the party with me.
Yo esperaba que ella pudiera ir a la fiesta conmigo el viernes.
I was hoping that she could go to the party with me on Friday.
¿Sabes si Yolanda puede ir a la fiesta con Juan?
Do you know if Yolanda can go to the party with Juan?.
Juan espera que Yolanda pueda ir a la fiesta con él.
John is hoping that Yolanda can go to the party with him.
La familia asistió a la fiesta en casa de la abuela porque era su cumpleaños.
The family attended the party at grandma's house because it was her birthday.
Yo esperaba que María pudiera ir a la fiesta la semana pasada.
I was hoping that Mary could go to the party last week.
Yo no sé si María va a poder ir a la fiesta esta semana.
I don't know if María is going to be able to go to the party this week.
Yo espero que ella pueda ir a la fiesta conmigo el viernes.
I hope that she can go to the party with me on Friday.
Lucía no conoce a nadie en la fiesta tampoco.
Lucía doesn't know anybody at the party either.
Tú te estás divirtiendo en la fiesta.
You are having fun in the party.
Nosotros venimos a la fiesta.
We come to the party.
Nos encontramos con Ana en la fiesta.
We ran into Ana at the party.
Ellos están consiguiendo una orquesta para la fiesta.
They are getting a music band for the party.
Sara y Luisa están hablando de la fiesta.
Sara and Luisa are talking about the party.
La fiesta fue chévere, fue cheverísima.
The party was cool, really cool.
Invité a Pedro a mi fiesta y él se trajo a todos sus amigos.
I invited Pedro to my party and he brought all his friends along.
La fiesta salió tal como queríamos.
The party turned out just as we wanted.
No podemos echarlos de la fiesta.
We couldn't kick them out of the party.
El Centro tendrá fiesta para niños.
The center will have a party for children.
¿Asistió Marta la fiesta? No, no asistió porque estuvo enferma.
Did Marta attend the party? No, she did not attend because she was sick.
Estuve de fiesta hasta la madrugada.
I was partying until dawn.
Él aparece en la fiesta.
He appears in the party
Tú te estás divirtiendo en la fiesta.
You are having fun in the party.
¿Asistirá Enrique la fiesta contigo? No, no asistirá conmigo.
Will Enrique attend the party with you? No, he will not attend with me.
Tú corres a la fiesta
You run to the party
Los profesores supieron que el niño quería fiesta.
The teachers knew the child wanted a celebration.
¿Los invitaste a tu fiesta?
Did you invite them to your party?
Ellos están consiguiendo una orquesta para la fiesta.
They are getting a band for the party.
Nosotros conducimos a la fiesta.
We drive to the party
Mi padre no me dejará ir a la fiesta, es muy tozudo.
My father won't let me go to the party, he is very stubborn.
Cuando usted pueda, prepararemos la fiesta.
When you can, we will prepare the party.
Supuse que habríais hablado con él para ir a la fiesta.
I thought you would have spoken with him to go to the party.
Supongo que querrás ir a la fiesta.
I supposed you will want to go to the party.
¿Querrán que hagamos una fiesta?
Would they want for us to have a party?
Manuel trajo a su madre a la fiesta.
Manuel brought his mother to the party.
¿Fue Jorge a la fiesta? Sí él fue.
Did Jorge go to the party? Yes, he went.
Nadie va a la fiesta.
No one goes to the party.
¿Con quiénes vas a la fiesta de cumpleaños?
With whom are you going to the birthday party?
Bienvenido a la fiesta de Año Nuevo.
Welcome to the New Years party.
Nosotros venimos a la fiesta.
We come to the party.
No viene nadie a la fiesta.
No one comes to the party.
¿Si voy a la fiesta? ¡por supuesto!
If I am going to the party? Of course!
Yo habré dormido después de la fiesta.
I will have slept after the party.
Mónica, vendrás a mi fiesta la semana próxima?
Monica, will you come to my party next week?
La fiesta comienza a las 8:00
The party begins at eight.
Nosotros habremos visto a María en otra fiesta.
We will have seen María in another party.
Ella no pudo mantener la fiesta en secreto.
She couldn't keep the party a secret.
Juan habría ido a la fiesta si María lo hubiera invitado.
John would have gone to the party if Mary had invited him.
Tu fiesta fue divertida.
Your party was fun.
Es una fiesta maravillosa.
It is a wonderful party.
Nos vemos en la fiesta.
See you at the party.
Tú te opusiste a que los muchachos hicieran otra fiesta en tu casa.
You were opposed to the boys having another party at your house.
Van a tener una gran fiesta para celebrar la ocasión.
They're going to have a big party to celebrate the event.
Era natural que te opusieras a que los muchachos hicieran otra fiesta en tu casa.
It was natural for you to oppose to the boys having another party at your house.
Esta noche voy a dar una fiesta para celebrar el compromiso.
Tonight I'm going to throw a party to celebrate the engagement.
¿Ya sabría Antonio que ibamos a hacerle una fiesta de despedida?
Do you suppose Antonio already knew that we were going to give him a farewell party?
Tuvimos mucho que hacer y no pudimos ir a la fiesta.
We had lots to do and couldn’t go to the party.
No, no sabía nada todavía. La fiesta fue una sorpresa para él.
No, he didn't know anything yet. The party was a surprise for him.
También queremos darles las gracias por invitarnos a la fiesta.
Also, we want to thank them for the invitation to their party.
Nosotros hicimos una fiesta de cumpleaños.
We made a birthday party.
Mamá no trajo flores ni globos para la fiesta.
Mom didn't bring flowers or ballons to the party.
Los miembros del Club Español dan una fiesta.
The members of the Spanish Club are giving a party.
Nosotros vamos a la fiesta.
We are going to the party.
¿Tú das una fiesta el viernes?
Are you throwing a party on Friday?
¿Ud. va a la fiesta?
Are you going to the party?
Nosotros caminaremos a la fiesta.
We will walk to the party.
Si estuviéramos en Madrid, estaríamos de fiesta.
If we were in Madrid, we would be partying.
¿Uds. van a la fiesta?
Are you all going to the party?
Mi hermana está en una fiesta.
My sister is at a party.
Nosotros haremos los gastos de la fiesta.
We will pay the expenses of the party.
¿Vendréis a la fiesta el viernes?
Are you all coming to the party on Friday?
Ellos harán la comida para la fiesta.
They will make food for the party.
Nosotros damos una fiesta.
We throw a party
Ellos habrían bailado si hubiesen ido a la fiesta.
They would have danced if they had gone to the party.
Nosotros podemos ir a la fiesta.
We can go to the party.
Yo espero que nosotros podamos ir a la fiesta.
I hope that we can go to the party.
Creo que se colaron en la fiesta.
I think they crashed the party.
Yo creo que Juan va a invitar a Yolanda a ir a la fiesta.
I think that John is going to invite Yolanda to go to the party.
¿Me acompañaras a la fiesta?
Will you come with me to the party?
¿Invitaste a Yolanda a ir a la fiesta?
Did you invite Yolanda to go to the party?
¿Vas a ir a la fiesta?
Are you going to go to the party?
Tengo que arreglarme para la fiesta.
I have to get ready for the party.
Juan quiere que Yolanda vaya a la fiesta con él.
John wants Yolanda to go to the party with him.
Juan la invitó a ir a la fiesta.
John invited her to go to the party.
Ellos fueron a bailar a la fiesta.
They went to dance a the party.
Juan quiere que Yolanda vaya a la fiesta con él el viernes.
John wants Yolanda to go to the party with him on Friday.
Yo fui a una fiesta la semana pasada.
I went to a party last week.
¿Fuiste a la fiesta la semana pasada?
Did you go to the party last week?
Yo creo que Juan fue a la fiesta la semana pasada.
I believe that John went to the party last week.
Yo creía que María iba a ir a la fiesta la semana pasada.
I thought that Mary was going to go to the party last week.
La fiesta es a las ocho de la noche.
The party is at eight o'clock in the evening.
El interrumpe la fiesta
He interrupts the party

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