Sentence Maker: think  

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I always think of you.
Pienso en ti siempre.
It's not as expensive as you think.
No es tan caro como tú crees.
I think I put my wallet on the counter.
Pienso que puse mi cartera sobre la caja.
Do you think that you are going to be able to go with me?
¿Crees que tú vas a poder ir conmigo?
I think there is no other option.
Me parece que no hay otra opción.
Don't think about it anymore!
No lo pienses más!
I don't think that the boys have done the homework.
No creo que los muchachos hayan hecho la tarea.
I think you've made a mistake.
Creo que cometió un error.
I think I've seen that movie. I don't think you have seen it.
Creo que he visto ésa película. No creo que tú la hayas visto.
I think Pablo has studies to be a doctor. I don't think he has studied to be a journalist.
Creo que Pablo ha estudiado para doctor. No creo que él haya estudiado para periodista.
I think the plane has flown to Paris. I don't think it has flown over there.
Pienso que el avión ha volado a París. No creo que haya volado hacia allá.
I think you have worked a lot in this life. I don't think I have worked a lot.
Pienso que has trabajado mucho en la vida. No creo que yo haya trabajado mucho.
I think that Mary did the homework yesterday.
Yo creo que María hizo la tarea ayer.
How old do you think I am?
¿Cuántos años cree que tengo?
I think that I will order the chicken.
Creo que pediré el pollo.
Which president do you think did the most to protect the environment?
¿Cuál presidente piensa que hizo más para proteger el medio ambiente?
I think it's very interesting.
Yo pienso que es muy interesante.
I think that you are going to like the gift.
Yo creo que a ti te va a gustar el regalo.
I think they're very interesting.
Me han parecido muy interesantes.
We think that the gift is nice (pretty).
Nosotros creemos que el regalo es bonito.
I think I hear the birds on the tree. I think I hear them.
Yo creo oír a los pájaros en el árbol. Yo creo oírlos en el árbol.
We think that she is pretty.
Creemos que ella es bonita.
I think the plane left on time.
Yo creo que el avión salió a tiempo.
Do you think he is sincere?
¿Piensa usted que él sea sincero?
John is smarter than you think.
Juan es más inteligente de lo que tú piensas.
I think there is a mistake.
Creo que hay un error.
They think about traveling.
Ellos piensan en viajar.
I think he is going to do it.
Creo que lo va a hacer.
I think that I should study.
Yo pienso en que necesito estudiar.
Why do you think that?
¿Por qué piensas eso?
Didn't you think about breaking?
¿No pensabas frenar?
You think on giving food to the dog. You think on giving it to him.
Tú piensas dar comida al perro. Tú se la piensas dar.
I didn't think he would come.
No creía que viniera.
I think on fixing dad's car. I think on fixing it for him.
Yo pienso reparar el carro a papá. Yo se lo pienso reparar.
I think on washing the dishes for mom. I think on washing them for her.
Yo pienso lavar los platos a mamá. Yo se los pienso lavar.
You think on giving food to the dog. You think on giving it to him.
Tú piensas dar comida al perro. Tú piensas dársela.
I think they don't have money.
Pienso que no tienen dinero.
Do you think I should accept?
¿Crees que debería aceptar?
I am thinking of repairing dad's car. I think on repairing it for him.
Yo pienso reparar el carro a papá. Yo pienso reparárselo.
I think on washing the dishes for mom. I think on washing them for her.
Yo pienso lavar los platos a mamá. Yo pienso lavárselos.
You do not think about something.
No piensas en algo.
You think on winning the race over Simón. You think on winning it over him.
Tú crees ganar la carrera a Simón. Tú crees ganársela.
Are you thinking about something?
¿Piensas en algo?
What do you think caused the attack?
¿Qué piensa usted que fue lo que causó el ataque?
What do you think is fair?
¿Qué cree que sería justo?
How do you think management relations are?
¿Cómo cree que están las relaciones con la administración?
Do you think she will come to the party? No, I do not think she will come.
¿Piensan ustedes que vendrá ella a la fiesta? No, no pienso que vendrá ella.
You did not think about anything.
No pensaste en algo.
Did you think about anything?
¿Pensaste en algo?
I think that we can help them.
Yo creo que nosotros los podemos ayudar.
I think that John likes baseball.
Yo creo que a Juan le gusta el beisbol.
You are thinking to give a tip to the waiter. You are thinking to give it to him.
Tú piensas dar propina al mesero. Tú se la piensas dar.
I think to clean Vilma's boots. I think to clean them to her.
Yo pienso limpiar las botas a Vilma. Yo se las pienso limpiar.
Think before speaking.
Piensen antes de hablar.
What will you think about? I will think about the lesson.
¿En que pensarás? Pensaré en la lección.
Will you think about the class? No, I will not think about the class during the weekend.
¿Pensarás en la clase? No, no pensaré en la clase durante el fin de semana.
You think.
Piense usted.
When do you think you will be back?
¿Cuándo piensa regresar?
I think to wash dad's tennis shoes. I think to wash them to him.
Yo pienso lavar los tennis a papá. Yo pienso lavárselos .
I think so, but I'm not sure.
Creo que sí, pero no estoy seguro.
Do you think that he did it for her?
¿Tú crees que lo hizo por ella?
I do not think that you all have time.
No creo que tengáis tiempo.
I don't think that you know him.
No creo que lo conozcas.
I don't think that you have time.
No creo que tengas tiempo.
I don't think he's interested in that.
No creo que eso le interese.
We thought about quality not quantity.
Pensamos en calidad no en cantidad.
I understand your concern, what do you think would be fair?
Entiendo su preocupación ¿qué cree usted que sería justo?
I don't think Mr. Bustamante is in his office. Do you think he might be there now?
Yo no creo que el Sr. Bustamante esté en su despacho. ¿Usted cree que esté allí ahorita?
I think that I will get sick.
Yo creo que yo me pondré enfermo.
Do you think that you will get sick?
¿Crees que te pondrás enfermo?
I think that John will lose it.
Yo creo que Juan lo perderá.
you think, you are thinking
tú piensas
I think I have a virus.
Creo que tengo un virus.
I don't think there's reception.
Creo que no hay señal.
We think there is no other option.
Nos parece que no hay otra opción.
Do you think that you are going to be able to go with them?
¿Crees que tú vas a poder ir con ellos?
I think we must sell the car.
Opino que debemos vender el carro.
What do you think about it?
¿Qué opinas al respecto?
You think about the patient.
Tú piensas en el paciente.
I think that the boys have broken the window.
Yo creo que los muchachos han roto la ventana.
I think that Mary is bringing them.
Yo creo que María los trae.
I think that we are going to be in Madrid until Tuesday.
Yo creo que vamos a estar en Madrid hasta el martes.
I think that we can help John.
Yo creo que nosotros podemos ayudar a Juan.
I think that we can help him.
Yo creo que nosotros lo podemos ayudar.
The policeman didn't think I spoke Spanish.
El policía creyo que yo no hablaba español.
What do you think of Mr. Reyes's lectures?
¿Qué te han parecido las charlas del Sr. Reyes?
What did you think of the play?
¿Qué pensaste de la obra?
I think that she comes is coming now.
Pienso que ella viene ahora.
I think that they are going to like it.
Yo creo que a ellos les va a gustar.
The sweaters cost more than you think.
Los sueteres cuestan más de lo que tú piensas.
Yes, I think so
Pienso que sí
I paid less money than you think.
Yo pagué menos dinero de lo que tú piensas.
What do you think?
¿A ti que te parece?
Which photograph do you think is the best?
¿Cuál fotografía te parece que es la mejor de todas?
I think I have made a mistake.
Creo que me he equivocado.
I think that John knows the boy.
Yo creo que Juan conoce al muchacho.
I think you have made a mistake.
Creo que te has equivocado.
I think that John knows him.
Yo creo que Juan lo conoce.
I think that John knows the girl.
Yo creo que Juan conoce a la muchacha.
I think that John knows her.
Yo creo que Juan la conoce.
I do not think so.
Yo digo que no.
I do not think so.
Por mi parte, a mí no me lo parece.
I think they should have.
Es mi opinión.
We do not think so.
Creemos que no.
I do not think it is.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
En mi opinión, no.
I do not think that it was!
¿Sí o no? Creo que no.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
We do not think so.
Creemos que no.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
Pienso que no.
I do not think so.
Opino que no debe ser así.
I think we had to do so.
Pienso que era necesario.
I think we have to.
Creo que debemos hacerlo.
We do not think so.
No nos parece.
I do not think so.
Creo que no.
If so, they should think again.
Si es así, lo mejor que pueden hacer nuestros electores es reconsiderar su actitud.
I do not think so.
Yo creo que no.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
What do we think of this?
¿Cuál es nuestra opinión al respecto?
I do not think so.
Creo que no.
I do not think so.
En mi opinión, no.
I do not think so.
Yo creo, sin embargo, que ésta no es la solución.
We have to think again.
Debemos replantearnos nuestra posición.
I do not think it is.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
That is how I think it ought to be too.
Creo que así tiene que ser.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
We do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
Creo que no.
But I do not think that it would be.
Pero no lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so!
¡No lo creo!
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
Yo no lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
Why do they think that?
¿Por qué piensan eso?
I do not think so.
Yo no lo creo.
I do not think so.
Me parece que no.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.

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